
His perfect wife

Marine can cook and clean she can speak six different languages and play six different instruments. she's perfect. she's prime and proper, obedient and well-mannered. she's pretty too she's perfect just one small detail... She's a witch. the next godmother. Amin Luther was living his best life. He is the country's beloved Superstar, the heart-throb actor, the founder of a flourishing Entertainment agency. He can get any woman he wants. What happens when mother blackmail son into marrying a seemingly perfect wife?. His perfect wife.

burntkuki · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter Three

It has been three weeks since Amin married his wife and everything has been going great.

His business was doing good; the agency just sign two promising young talents, he secured a role as the main character in a sure-to-be blockbuster movie. As far as his marriage and wife goes, when she's not busy trying to seduce him, she's off in a corner cleaning and dusting and cooking, overall management of the house something that the maids were more than capable of doing. He didn't have the heart to fire the maids -he's chicken hearted like that. so he let it be, he wasn't going to allow his wife to continue to pose as a maid for much longer anyways.

Marine also had a habit of playing soothing -more like depressing music whenever he's at home. he have seen her play three different instruments so far and he had to admit that it was quite impressive.

So far, his marital life have been calm but he had a feeling that it was just a calm before the storm.

Normally Marine would give him subtle 'fuck me' signals but over the past couple of days, she had become more aggressive. One time he met her in there shared bedroom, seductively sprawled on the bed in nothing but a strawberry lingerie. it was a sight for sour eyes but it also made him feel sad inside. Instead of participating in the strawberry themed feast, he left for a spare room. He hadn't touched her not once since the boobs fondling incident and for good reasons. They could barely have a decent conversation with one another and he was absolutely sure that the only reason Marine wants to have sex with him so badly was to have a baby. he would love to become a father in the near future but his current situation was not conducive for a child and if that child especially turns out to be a girl, Marine would give her the same upbringing as herself and there is no way he would let his princess turn into a robot.

Something had to change.

Just like he presumed, there was a storm, an unexpected and strange kind of storm.

It was his first day of the new movie shoot and Amin was happy. Happy with the character he was acting as, happy with the storyline, happy with professionalism of the producers, director and overall cast. starting a new project normally makes him happy. He even tried to ignore Marine's quirkiness, he didn't stop her from trying to serve him food like he normally does, he even let her massage his head.

He suddenly began to feel all hot and bothered. his mind could only focus on the soft warm hands on his head which began to shift from his head to his neck to his shoulders. he watched her gulp down what remained of his juice before straddling him.

'the j-juice? juice?' he was too busy taking off his shirt to think straightforward thoughts.

Someway somehow they ended up in their shared bedroom eagerly making out like haven't kissed anyone before. the more accurate truth is that Marine haven't kissed anyone before so her response was sloppy but that only fueled his craze. her naked body against his drove him crazy, insane, mad. when he finally entered her, he couldn't stop. even in his haywire state of mind, he enjoyed watching Marin's trembling state. it was a rare and truly beautiful sight to see. her breasts bouncing at his thrusts, her silky hair scattered on the bed, moaning and groaning and her eyes rolled back in pleasure.

'd-deeper" that was the first request she has ever made of him, how could he refuse?

They were at it for hours and after countless orgasms, they collapsed on the bed in exhaustion. he didn't like the stickiness he was feeling so he mindlessly grabbed a piece of clothing and cleaned both her and himself before snuggling back into her warmth and falling asleep.


When he woke up, his first reaction was to get angry. she did something to him. she basically raped him. in a way.

'Amin Luther, Raped by his wife'

wonder shall truly never end. Vivid pictures of last nights 'activity' flashed in his mind. their kiss, the way she held onto him, the way she.. felt. it was all stupendous.

The culprit of the unorthodox rape case was sleeping so peacefully under the sheets. the sunlight bounced off her dark skin like a divine glow and.. 'is that a smile?'

he has never seen her smile before. Although it is a beautiful smile, it baffled him that she was probably smiling because she has finally performed one of her 'wifely duties'.

He thought to himself... 'she looks happy, maybe I should let her live her life the way she wants' but then again, 'this is no way to live life and who else is going to make her understand if not me?'

Waking up every morning with the ultimate goal of pleasing one person. all the sake of marriage, is not how to live.

In the midst of his mental debate, he felt her stir from sleep. Instead of facing her like a man, he took the cowardly route and pretended to be asleep.

he felt her kiss his lips before giggling away into the bathroom. It took her ten minutes to take a bath and change before leaving the room already.

he finally came downstairs because he couldn't hide in the room for much longer. he had taken his bath, dressed and even worked out and then showered and dressed again in fresh clothes. he could have gone to the home gym downstairs but he was too chicken. he met Marine seated at the table patiently waiting for him. when she saw him, he acknowledged his presence with a mumbled greeting something along the line of 'morning' he wouldn't know. he didn't have superhuman hearing.

It angered him that she was just sitting there looking innocent as if what happened the night before can just be swept under the rug.

"never repeat what you did last night" he scowled angrily.

"I'm sorry" she's definitely not sorry.

"I seriously can't believe you did that. why in goodness gracious whole you do something like that?" she didn't answer. "Goddammit woman answer my goddamn question!"

"I had to do it, my mom and yours was asking for progress"

"you should have tell me. I would have talked to them. whose idea was this?" she was silent again as if waiting for permission to speak. *scowl* "speak".

"It was your mother's" she answered timidly.

"of course" he facepalmed. before he could form another word, Marine fell on her knees. panicking and shedding tears enough to fill a cup.

"please, please, I'm sorry. I'll never do it again. I'll do whatever." she begged furiously "please don't send me away. if I do get pregnant and you don't want the baby, I'll.. I'll take care of it. you wouldn't even know it is around"

he was dumbfounded. did this woman just insinuate that he wouldn't or shouldn't care his own future child? at least she didn't mention abortion.

"let me make this clear, if you refer to my child like some piece of clothing you can just keep away from me ever again, we'll serious problems. *sigh. I am not sending you away. go clean your face while I call my mother. WE will figure this out. I promise"


[how was it] was the first thing his mother said after picking his call.

"seriously mom? I can believe you. I knew you were a weird blend of crazy and desperate but... this? this is unreal"

[I fake having a heart disease to get you married. it's sweet that you thought convincing your wife to drug you is beyond me]

"I don't appreciate you meddling in personal life"

[And I don't appreciate you being a public prostitute while single and celibate when married]

"how do you know all this?"

[I visit when you were at work. And yes, I asked and she told me. why'd you think I picked her for you?] his crazy mother answered her own question[because she's honest to the T]

"sounds like you were picking her for a job" Amin grumbled.

[looking after you IS a full time job]

he regretted calling his mother. all he got from it was a headache.

"stop interfering with my life"

he didn't wait to hear her response before hanging up.


A/n: hearts and hugs and kisses and sunshine \(>∆<)/