
His perfect wife

Marine can cook and clean she can speak six different languages and play six different instruments. she's perfect. she's prime and proper, obedient and well-mannered. she's pretty too she's perfect just one small detail... She's a witch. the next godmother. Amin Luther was living his best life. He is the country's beloved Superstar, the heart-throb actor, the founder of a flourishing Entertainment agency. He can get any woman he wants. What happens when mother blackmail son into marrying a seemingly perfect wife?. His perfect wife.

burntkuki · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter Ten


"Ignored my calls and my texts and then you even blocked me on every platform possible. I'm quite surprised that you didn't change your house's security code!!" Pamela was yelling angrily which is good. Nobody knows how to handle a Pamela Luther when she puts up a calm front.

"In my defense, I answered and replied the firsts of your texts and calls but you kept on talking about the same thing over and over and over" Amin had expected his mother's confrontation. sooner.

"what's wrong with wanting a be a grandmother?"

"nothing. just that you don't seem to understand that My child is some ticket to grandmother status. real parenting is involved and we're not ready"

"if your not ready for the responsibility, you can always give it to me"

Amin growled "if you're so desperate for a child why don't you adopt one for yourself" he instantly regretted saying so because she might just do it.

"I don't to raise more children, I want to raise your children" his mother sounded psychotic. "I just want to meet my grandchild before I die.

Amin used to love being around his mother, they were really close before the wedding. but the wedding couldn't be the cause of this distance between them. he love... erh.. likes his mother's choice for him but these days his mother's presence felt malevolent in a way and with all her mentions of death over these past few months, it- she felt strange.

"it's like dying is some kind of joke to you"

"it's no joke. I have cancer" he heard Marine gasp, worriedly believing his mother and her bullshit.

fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. they have been through cancer nonsense before.

"Ma is in good health" Clarissa finally spoke up. she had made herself feel right at home, sitting at the dinning table and making quick work of his remaining mango jam. "this is delicious"

"you're supposed to be on my side" Pamela hissed.

"I made no promises" Clarissa shrugged "besides, isn't it enough that you blackmailed him into getting married? like it or not, two months ago, Marine used to be a stranger. he is just trying to build a stable relationship with his wife first. just be patient" Amin could hug his sister right now. -at least she gets it.

"be patient? I patiently waited for him to get married on his own and that didn't happen and you-" Clarissa was now the object of his mother's frustration "even after I threatened to find a suitor for you if you don't find one yourself, you still haven't made any effort and its driving me nuts"

"I made efforts" Clarissa defended "I met two freaking guys. the first one told me to shut up and the second one was just super weird"

"you guys have made up your mind so what can I do" his mother sighed.

"urh Boss-" At times like this Louis would make himself so small sometimes he would seem invisible. "the director called." Amin also forgotten that he only came home to drop Marine off.

"Ma, I'm going to set" he didn't expect it but he hoped his mother would move to leave too.


'thought as much' he eyed his wife and then his mom skeptically. he didn't want his mum to push the 'grandbabies' issue when he is not around and upset his wife.

"what? I'm not going to say anything. I just want to spend some time with my daughter in law,I haven't done so since the wedding"

Amin sighed deeply. not liking the fact that he didn't trust his mother "don't worry bro. I'm here. Clarissa the mediator" his mother scoffed at her but it managed to put him at ease.

He didn't forget to kiss his wife's forehead. he also had to kiss his mom's forehead -as a good son should. when he made to do the same with sister, Clarissa scowled at him.

"you coming Chuck?"


As soon as they left the house Louis started..

"if you don't mind me saying b-but I think something's fishy is going on with your mother"

Amin scoffed exaggeratedly "don't tell me you believe my mum's cancer rubbish again"

"no- it's just that.."

"just what?" he was trying to get annoyed

"well your mum is the kind of person that used to boast about her health rigor and youthfulness she would normally never dare to joke about her age or health. that's why you and everyone else believed her the fist time and now she's blackmailing you with her death? and what all this Grandma talk? Remember last year, even though your age is over the internet she still wouldn't admit that she is a mother to two almost 30 year olds now suddenly she wants to be a grandma? I call Foul Play"

the gears in Amin's head was spinning overtime but he only became more confused. "what the fuck is going on?"

" I don't know boss"

Come to think of it, Amin has never seen his mother so desperate. something big is going on in the background and he didn't have a single clue what it is.

He was so deep in thought that he didn't realise that that they had reached the set. he also only noticed the paparazzi's when they started flashing camera light at his face.

"Mr Amin is it true that your wife is now the CEO of platinum stars agency"

"is it true that your wife is now the owner of the company"

"is it true that you wife forcefully took over the company?"

Amin hates paparazzi, they have no regard for people's privacy and they can be so relentless and he didn't have the mental strength to deal with their rubbish right now. with the help of a couple of roadies they pass through but one question stuck to his brain.

"mr Amin. who really is your wife?"

his wife is his wife. they are no longer strangers infact, they are partners and he knows the whole lot about her. -right?