
His perfect wife

Marine can cook and clean she can speak six different languages and play six different instruments. she's perfect. she's prime and proper, obedient and well-mannered. she's pretty too she's perfect just one small detail... She's a witch. the next godmother. Amin Luther was living his best life. He is the country's beloved Superstar, the heart-throb actor, the founder of a flourishing Entertainment agency. He can get any woman he wants. What happens when mother blackmail son into marrying a seemingly perfect wife?. His perfect wife.

burntkuki · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter Seven

The first outfit Marine tried on was a coffee brown blazer, palazzo suit pants and a matching pair of pumps. her hair tied in a neat bun combined with that natural lazed facial expression just seemed to tie the whole businesswoman look together.

His 'little guy' was the first to appreciate Marine's glow up and his brain followed with an amazed 'wow'

That was definitely his type of woman.

Amin felt bad because it felt like he was trying to change his wife's persona to suit his needs and please himself and that would be doing the same as Marine first family. Training and shaping her into what they thought is the perfect wife.

His thoughts genuinely disturbed him. a lot. until he spotted Marine smirking at her reflection in the large mirror on the wall. she was obviously checking herself out and liking what she saw. it was the brightest he had ever seen her smile/smirk and it was all because of him.

'take that Chuckyboy' he could make Marine smile too. He's such a petty man.

speaking of the forgotten Chuckyboy, Amin spotted him literally drooling on sneakers in the shoe section. his love, Louis always does this, drool over shoes he claims he can't buy because he was saving money for college. Amin would happily pay for Louis tuitions and even buy him all the sneakers if the kid wasn't too stubborn. just like Marine, he was trained to reflexively think a certain way.

'don't take anything from strangers. they'll think we're poor'

'don't cry outside this house, they'll think were mistreating you'

'always smile when you go outside. else they'll think we're unhappy'

'don't ask for anything more. you already have enough'

'never do this'

'always do this'

Amin made an actual reminder to buy every item on the shelf as Louis Christmas presents. anyone he didn't like, he can give away.

"try on this piece" Madame Jessica borderline commanded and Marine calmly obliged probably nor noticing how rude the older woman was being.

the second piece of clothing was a classic silky white dress shirt and a black pencil skirt that showed off her curves. A plaid fitted dress, high-waisted pants, checkered print blazers, plain and patterned, whites and blacks and blue and brown and purple and gray and yellow and much, much more. if he didn't know Marine and her personality, he would have thought she was a model come on faced with her naturally unfazed facial expressions that somehow made her look all the more sexy.

"gorgeous don't you think?"

"she's delightful" Amin stared intently at his wife.

"I was talking about the clothes combinations" Madame Jessica frowned "and tell your lackey to stop drooling over my stuff if he's not going to buy it"

"I think we should get going" Amin made to get up from the customer couch he was sitting on but she held his arm.

"I know your married and all that tacky stuff but I was also married one.. w-what I'm trying to say is that most marriages don't work out mine didn't and I'm pretty sure yours won't work out I mean.."

Amin wasn't a violent man at least he didn't think he was but, if she wasn't a woman her face will have met his fist.

"don't piss me off 'Jesse'." was all he said before walking away.

he found Marine in one of the dressing rooms she had changed back to her plain blue sundress and she was just standing and staring at the wall. eyes wide and dilated like she was having some kind of vision. it took him a few seconds to realise that she was having a Marine styled panic attack.

"hey" he rushed in front of her gently tapping both cheeks to snap her out of it "if you're not comfortable with all this then, I'll do something. we'll do something else"

"no." she said in a really small voice "I want to do it"

"that's the spirit" he kissed her forehead. "you'll do so wonderfully well"

"you don't know that but I'm pretty certain in the whim of the moment he kissed her on the lips. A small peck but it was done without the influence of anything else just him and his wife. if her beautiful dark skin was any shade lighter, he would have seen her blush but she did cutely turn her head away in embarrassment which drove him to kiss her cheek. there it is, a subtle pink hue just above her eyes.

"we should go get lunch"

Marine nodded and they walked out of the boutique hand in hand.

The day was not yet over because Clarissa called and she needed to vent something about of a failed date and not having but needing a friend. He suggested to drop them home but Marine wanted to help her sister-in-law who is in distress and Louis had to come with by default. at least it can't be said that I'm in didn't warn her of Clarissa's crazy.

the meet up was at 'Jamie's Place' not Jamie's house but a restaurant once owned by Jamie. Jamie's Place has good food, serene décor and impeccable service. Now owned by Jamie's ex-girlfriend Selena who was the only girl able to put up with Jamie's craze for eleven months, they also have a child together. The restaurant was Selena's idea she did all the work, she was the head chef and she manage everything and Jamie only sponsored the venture. he also had to be a jerk about naming the restaurant after himself, even after the break-up Jamie insisted on having the place named after him even if it meant giving her the investment for free. Such a jerk.

the restaurant looks a lot better without his brooding sister sitting in the middle by herself.

"what up sis"

"nothing much just had a wonderful date with a wonderful gentleman"

"you know, you still have a good number of years before Ma pulls out the marriage card" Even while Amin talked to his sister, he subconsciously pulled out and directed Marine to her chair he even kissed her on top of her head before moving to his seat.

"Maybe I should just wait for Ma's choice. you look whipped" Clarissa teased.

"do I?"

his sister's response was a scoff "hello Louis, look at you putting on some flesh. good for you"

"thanks Miss Clarissa" Somehow the kid already has a cup of smoothie in his hands.

"Marine. right?" - Marine is such a beautiful name. just like the big blue sea. you know I've always loved the sea, one time I bought a cruise ship and sailed the sea for a week I couldn't enjoy it because as soon as I entered the ship, I had a serious case of sea sickness but I still love the sea. I could have sworn I saw a merman but turns out, an inconsiderate fool through their mannequin into the sea. I'm also funding a save-the-ocean charity called Aquafauna. have you heard of it? I'm sure you've heard of it. At this rate, Aquafauna will have the ocean all cleared in the next fifteen or so years..." Clarissa can be overly talkative when she's trying to make new friends and that's why she has no friends but luckily enough marine was listening with rapt attention or was that something her family thought her like 'always listen to your in-laws' are or some weird stuff. "do you know that 71% of the Earth is filled up by water?"

"did you know that your sister can talk this much?" Louis whispered.

Clarissa only talk this much when she wants to make a friend which normally doesn't go well but when she isn't trying to make a friend she would have either way 'I don't give a fúck' look or 'I mean business' look or 'I'm dangerous' look they can make a grown man pee himself and that's why she's has been single since birth.

"how did your date go?" Amin had to interrupt.

"he said I am self adsorbed and I should learnt to shut up"

Marine gasped like it was truly unbelievable. "but you're absolutely delightful" that was the first he has ever heard Marine speak without waiting for 'permission' also the first time he noticed the slight posh in her voice.

"Thank you bestie. you'll be my bestie right?" Marine hesitated before nodding. "oh goodie!"

'goodie.' Amin thought sarcastically. while I'm busy with my new movie marine will be in charge of the agency he didn't know how he would feel if Clarissa didn't approve of his decision he would probably ignore her and do it anyway but he didn't want my rain to be demoralized even before she starts plus his sister is a business genius even Jamie would often ask her for advice before taking on a new venture really that's great I can tell you do just great I mean wasn't really surprised he already he and his were normally always on the same page. but marine Marine was bewildered. "A-are you sure"

"chin up bestie. you can do this and much more." Risa raised her empty glass of lord knows what to the ceiling "let celebrate my new besties's new job"