
His Perfect Obsession

Liliana 'Lily' Walker was the Queen bee of Winter lake high. A relatively small high school in a small town where there was less disturbance and less criminal activities with each day that goes by, until rumours spread that Lily had tried to kill herself. Each rumour varied, that she had tried jumping off a cliff, hanging from a rope, cutting her throat.. there was a significant large amount of what they thought was right and Lily was sure that after she got back from her therapy classes, life would not be the same and that theory proved only mor when she meets her new neighbors, a boy who seemed to have caught the attention of everyone and was ignoring them because wanted her... But she did not want him. To her, he was possibly the scariest thing that walked the earth, and it didn't get better when he began to claim her as His. * "Leave me alone for God's sake! You don't even know me" "But I do, since the beginning of when life began, and I have kept on loving you ever since and I do not plan on stopping anytime soon"

Asta_Kun_0235 · Fantasy
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31 Chs


Monday ..

It's Monday.

I had not being able to sleep....

I had begged Pops for sleeping pills, anything to help me sleep but he said he'd stay with me till I was off, but that was not what I wanted.

I wanted to be asleep, like a log of wood, without me having to worry in fear that someone was staring at at me...

Watching me while I was sleeping...

I look for my makeup kit hurriedly, knowing I was already going to be late, and stare at the bag, though it all looks like it's me trying to assembl I'me a computer but after five minutes, I had it all figured out.

It was little, because I did not want anyone to ask why I was suddenly back on track.

I add just little foundation, mascara and black eyeshadow to brush all over the dark circles around my eyes before I put my hair in a french braid, wearing a pink hoodie and jeans then run down the stairs.

As usual, Pops is on the dining table, a tower of pancakes infront of him, reading a newspaper, as I say cheerfully and sit in front of him "Morning!"

Slowly, his newspaper is being lowered as I take his plate and fork, diving into it immediately.

I am still eating, feeling his eyes bore holes into my head when I say "What?"

"You're happy"He says, sounding suspicious.

"I know right, Praise be to the Lord Jesus" I say sarcastically then chuckle "I am not mad at you, and I am not going to try and kill myself, no, I am not going to do that, I promised, so don't worry about it"

He does not seem to have any other weird utterance to make as he mumbles some words then goes back to his back to his papers.

Me on the other hand finishes the whole thing on his plate before walking off to the sink and dumbing them there "Hey Pops, has Dana come to pick me yet?"

"No, she said she wouldn't be coming" He says, still reading.

I turn around "Why not?"

"I don't know" Pops replies, his head still buried in the papers as he says "I think she said you sent her a text or something"

"How is that even possible?" I say "My phone is bad... I know, I promised you I would treat it like a little egg, and I did, I even gave her a name, moona, so I obviously wouldn't hurt my baby on purpose..."



"Isn't this your phone?"

My eyes become wide as saucers as I stare at my phone in his hand, screen perfect and unscratched then say "That cannot be my phone"

"But it is, see?" He puts it on and the wallpaper comes up, which is me sitting infront of the school, then Pops goes to my messages and shows me the one I sent to Dana that 'I' had typed saying 'I did not need you coming over to pick, because I already have a ride'

"See? Wondered who the ride was but no one has come to my door and lucky them, I had my shotgun ready" Pops says, as he puts the phone down.

"That is not my phone" I say as I march up to him and snatch the phone off the table.

I begin to swipe on the screen, realising with great horror that it was exactly like my old phone.

The same messages...


The only thing that was out of place was my wallpaper.

It had always been a picture of me and Tyler there.

Slamming the phone back down, I face him "Where'd you find this"

"In your room, under your pillow actually" He answers.

My blood runs cold almost immediately as I realise that HE had been in my room...

Maybe watching me again..

But I had been awake all night...

Except he had not done it yesterday.

"And you're getting late for school, if you really want to go anyway" He says "So I called someone to pick you"

I let his words sink in before I say "You cannot be serious"

"He's in your school and a new student and this would be able time to bond...."

"How can anyone be so optimistic?" I say "You don't even gain anything doing this"

"Anything to make sure you're happy" He replies "He's outside already, just so you know, and maybe this would be a good chance for you to apologise about your outburst yesterday"


"He's been nothing but nice and proper to you, trying to rebuild what you both had" He continues "Someone who is putting so much effort for you to be okay and happy. I mean he calmed you down in a span of a minute when he came in your room yesterday, something I cannot do in an hour.... I don't care if he's the son of the Devil, if he can calm you down and make you okay, I am ready to sell my soul"

I stare at him, my hard resolves suddenly melting like hot chocolate "Pops"

He sighs "Can you.   Just try? I know it's hard, but please, Winter Lake isn't safe anymore, which means I get more busy and I can not let you be alone"

I move go him "Would you tell me why it's not safe?"

He gives me a weak smile "Read the papers when you get back from school but for now..."

He stands up, and begins to push me out the door, just like Saturday, ignoring my grunts and grumbles, shoving me out and shouting "I love you Princess!'

I stare at the door a while, then burst out laughing at the weirdness of it all.

It takes a while anyway, but I am still facing the door as my laughter dies down slowly.

Minutes pass, and I know I am probably drizzled all over with snowflakes so for the reason that I did not want to get frostbite, I turn and find him infront of my house.

As usual, he's wearing white, a double breasted coat and gloves with his hair blonde now, resting on a white car which looks like a lambourghini.

I scoff, showoff.

Ignoring whatever warning signs I could hear go off in my head, I walk to the car, opening the front seat and sliding in then shut the door, letting my heart race to whatever place it wanted to go.

He comes in too almost immediately, sitting at the driver's seat "Good morning Iana"

I frown "Don't call me that"

"Why not?" He asks "That's what I always called you"

"Well my Mother used to call me that and it's super weird so can you not?" I snap "And I don't even remember you, so you possibly used your hypnotic eyes on my Pops and made him think you're my so called childhood friend which you're definetely not, just a stalker who is grossly going to live alone for the rest of his life"

He stares at me, taken aback at my now sudden fierceness before chuckling and getting the gear in drive "Okay Butterfly"

I groan.

I don't think I'd ever like this one.