
Chapter Two ..

It has been Three days now since she started working for Max, though she haven't seen him for the past three days she knew he was avoiding her . Well,it was for the best and she had decided to keep out of his way .

She paused to peek in the boys' room and nodded with the satisfaction when she saw that both Jake and Josh were were still soundly asleep. That little tug thing happened in her heart again, and she sighed. The boys had been a gift to her for such a short time, the past three days she spent with them she had come to love them

" The man doesn't even want me here" she muttered, stalking determinedly away from the bedroom with the two sleeping forms in it ." He doesn't trust me to do a good job ,yet he leaves me alone with his sons all day and doesn't even tell me where he's going. As if I wouldn't start to fall for them when he leaves the field clear for me like that ".

It was Max's fault that she's was struggling not to Care. All his! Rachel hurried on towards the kitchen and the promise of a cup of soothing tea before she turned in to the bed.

A light shone at the end of the kitchen. Max sat at the table eating the meal she had set aside for him and poring over a batch of documents. He must have got back while she went to check on the kids .

" Thanks for leaving me a meal". Max glanced back down at his plate, then up again. " I didn't expect you to go to any trouble".

" Believe it or not , I can be quite organized when I try ".

She came further into the room, noticing for he first time the clutter of bulging shopping bags at the far end . Max had apparently,at some point during his day _long absence, found time to stock up on grocery supplies

He pushed his plate and documents aside and gestured for her to join him

She did. Reluctantly. Nobody liked to fired . Up close, Max looked even more tired , and acknowledged that her presence here

" You were in a mess". She smiled to let him know she meant no malice by the comment

" For what it's worth, Jake and Josh had a reasonable day . I did my best to keep them busy ".

" And cleaned up most of the house while you were at it " . He shook his head " You didn't have to __

" I know". Even do it was kind of fun , playing house with the kids . Dangerous,too, though. To Falling in love with the boys. To wanting Max, and aching for this she could never have, A family.

Max's rich laugh rang out . " Don't you? What about the way you dress, for starters?

"Dress?' Oh,that . She chose her clothing from second_ hand shops mostly " I admit I don't like to dress like a business executive, but then __" she shrugged"__ I'm not one ".

She distract herself, she peered across the kitchen at groceries and noticed a bag overflowing with bananas " are you sure you haven't overdone it on the fruit "

Max followed the direction of the gaze. " I bought them for banana- smoothie, the kids love them"

" Hmm, ok.

"May i ask you some questions?"

Now might not be the best time,but when would be better? Max was a reasonably mellow frame of mind, they were trying to get along and the boys weren't here to eavesdrop on the conversation.

" What is it you want to know?"

"I'd like you to tell me about their mother". Did you love her? Was she in love with you ? Are you still in love with her ? Or was she just like all the others? Like her .

Rachel told herself she wanted to know for the boys' sakes but it wasn't entirely true. She wanted to know how Max had felt about the woman who had mothered his children

What Rachel wouldn't give for a chance at all of that . After all her careful thought, Rachel was disgusted to realise she was jealous of someone who she didn't even was alive any more .

" If I'm to help Jake and Josh to adjust to the changes taking place in their lives, I need to understand a bit about their mother".

" Maryellen was a university lecturer who happened to have an interest in precious gems" A muscle in Max's jaw tightened. She got the feeling he didn't really want to be talking about this but, even so, he held her gaze . " I met her at a special display evening of some of our more unique Australia opal design".

His comments revealed nothing of what he may have felt towards Maryellen. Was that because he hadn't cared about her really?

" I suppose she was gorgeous". The words bubbled out before Rachel could stop them

Max's shrug confirmed it " We had a brief affair. She was a career woman to the core she certainly wasn't interested in commitment and neither was I. At the end if the vust to Sydney, we parted amicably and I forgot about her until the day her lawyers contacted me, informing me of her death, my paternity and expectation that I should collect my son's immediately".

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Andrew_Nicolecreators' thoughts