
Chapter 10 A drama queen for a mother

(Sammy's POV)

I thought my night would be in my favor or better yet at last get some shut eyes, however that wasn't the case when I kept on waking up in the middle of the night due to a horrible nightmare. I was dreaming of my new life as a wife and I was in the kitchen cooking with white flour all over me , including my face. I was dressed like an old lady from the 60s with a head wrap. Kids were crying like bees swarming around me, yelling mommy we want food. Mommy I want this and that. I couldn't handle pressure looking at all the little kids who were obviously my children and the sight of it scared me as I began feeling dizzy. My head was spinning and the bowl of something I had in my hands started slipping away as the yelling and screaming and crying repeated in my head. I couldn't take it anymore and felt as if I would explode any time soon and that

"Ahh!"a loud scream escaped my mouth as I woke up panting and catching my breath. I was disturbed as I scanned my surroundings checking to see if the kids were there. My eyes were a little blurry from the dream which wasn't my reality because looking at myself and the room I was in, I exhaled in relief because I was in my room wearing a wine red satin nightdress which reached my mid thigh. The room was clean and beautiful just like always and reaching my hands to my face, I felt it with my hands and there was no flour or wrinkles or anything hence I quickly jumped out if bed and rushed to the dressing mirror and yes, I was okay

"Oh thank goodness..I'm not some old wife with ten kids"I let out a loud cry of relief feeling emotional all of a sudden. I caressed my soft silk smooth face which had no acne or any flaws. It was pink and creamy and rich that I smiled just looking at myself in the mirror. What sort of dream was that? I shivered at the thought of dealing or having children knowing how annoying kids were. They cried a lot even with simple issues, they were too whiny and demanding and all this was one of the many reasons I didn't like kids or getting married but now I was tricked.

"Not to worry sammy...today you will report to work like...a good wife and blast that man and shove his fist down his throat and rip the damn contract into shreds and walk out of hims house with dignity"I said out loud in one breath clenching my hand so tight at the thought of that man whom my brother colluded with to track me. I wasn't scared to face him and didn't care how rich he was because I was going to deal with him the sammy way hence i quickly tied my hair in a bun and got ready to bathe. For sure I was going to dress to kill and put the so-called rich man in his place. How dare he trick me into being his wife. It was disgusting just the thought of it

I was ready within thirty minutes not my usual time to take my shower but looking at the time I was already running late hence my bubble bath ahd to be postponed when I returned victorious and settled for a quick shower. I knew the dress I chose was too formal, however I couldn't care less as I smirked evilly and raised the black dress in midair and I was satisfied. I quickly dropped the white towel wrapped around my body to the floor and started getting ready. The dress was a solid half shoulder sheath knee length black dress with the right shoulder sleeves. I put on heavy makeup and a little blush to bring out my cheekbones and nude lipstick. I didn't want to look like a clown or a desperate slut hence I toned down the lipstick but I loved how lush and full my lips were. I wore my most expensive perfume which smelled delight that I could hug myself all day just by the divine scent which drove me insane and I expected the men to do the same. Forgetting about that I quickly took my heels and purse and went out of my room. I was exhausted not sure why but the night had me so tired just thinking about my situation. upon reaching the living room i stopped when i found my mom standing in the middle of the living room smiling at me as i approached her

"Mom...whatever this is should stop"I said more suspiciously as my eyes narrowed in a shrewd way, eyeing my mom who was ready and looking beautiful. I didn't understand anything but i knew she was up to no good

"Good morning to you too my baby...shall we"she ignored my words and lowered to get her black purse and prepared to head to the door but I dramatically stopped her not sure what she went by 'shall we'

"Umm...Trisha dear...where are we going and why do you look like...celine Dion?"I asked in a dramatic way as I scanned her from head to town and arched my brows at her. By looking like Celine Dion I meant why someone of her old age looking as if she was a famous old model trying to look like a teen with her heavy makeup and long brown stilettos with her blonde hair in a neat updo

"Score one for me...come we are running late from meeting my handsome son in law...I got ready just to look presentable...is this too much?"she said with cheers like a teen but soon frowned when she said the last words and scanned her outfit

"Yes Trish...yes...this is too much okay...and you don't have a son in law because i'm going to put that man in his place"I said out of frustration not sure why i had such a horrible mother. Trisha was too much, she was the true definition of a drama queen and I couldn't handle her as I proceeded to the door. All I wanted to do was get away from such crazy people for good

"Just say yes sammy...don't you dare scare away my golden son in law...I'm warning you!"Like a typical mother she was, Trisha followed me outside and shouted after me and like a good daughter I was to my mother, I ignored her as I slammed out black little gate and walked to the taxi I already booked. I was so frustrated that I felt hot all over. I was sweating from anger and looking out the window. I saw Trisha standing at our porch waving at me just as our noisy neighbors Mrs Cates walked out of her house and looked towards the taxi and I knew she was in for some gossip and like a dramatic mother I had, trisha was going to tell everyone that I was now married to some rich man which made me feel irritated even more

"Please take me away from these crazy people"I muttered telling the driver of the taxi and he nodded, without wasting time he drove away from the neighborhood.

The entire drive I was thinking up various insulting speeches to tell the man. I was angered that all my thoughts were lethal and by the time the taxi came to a halt I jerked back to reality, surprised that we had arrived. Before leaving the previous night my brother had given me the home address to the man's place and when i rolled down the car window to see where i was. My jaw automatically dropped as my mouth hung open. My eyes widened in shock as I gulped down saliva feasting my eyes at the glorious mansion before me

"We're here madam"the taxi driver said for the first time and out of embarrassment I quickly managed to regain my wits and awkwardly cleared my throat as I dug in my purse to get the money.

"Here thanks"I said as I handed him a few dollars and exited the taxi. My feet settled on the concrete ground which was finer and cleaner than anything I knew. The taxi drove away and I stood there outside the gate taking in my surroundings. I've been to very nice places, entered very nice houses, however this one was like some paradise, the air was fresh, the tall palm trees lined to the sides looked mesmerizing and the golden black gate which was taller than anything greeted me as I tried to move my spaghetti legs. I was scared. The place didn't look ordinary but s if it belonged to some president

"Relax sammy just chill"I told myself as I inhaled and exhaled deeply and walked towards the gate hoping to see any doorbell but to my surprise immediately I reach there, the gates slid open catching me off guard that I had to take a step back before I proceeded in to meet whichever man I was tricked to be married to.