
His Part-Time Lover

Sofia is a girl who tends to hide her beauty for her own reasons under manly clothes. She is a part-time worker, a good student, and hard-working. Tyler is her classmates who enjoys teasing and messing her around. But as soon Tyler founds out the truth about her, he seems got fully interested romantically to her.

Mearacles · Teen
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4 Chs


I lead Tyler at an empty classroom. I felt he closed the door behind. It was so dark but I could see him thanks to the moonlight coming from the window.

It seemed insane to me. It was too much for me to stay with him in an empty room, so I had to leave.

"You're not a big talker, are you?" I heard he said and I noticed he smirked as he approached me from behind. He gently hugged my waits, putting his chin on my shoulder. On the back of my neck, I could feel his breath.

His scent. It was so manly. He was moving his body very slowly at the music being heard from outside.

"You caught my eye immediately," he continued, stroking my hands, my back, my hair. I was shivering. I couldn't tell if it was from disgust, awkwardness, or if my body kinda enjoying want he was doing.

He rotated my head to face him, just as he had done before. His gaze was fixed on mine. I was perplexed as to why, out of all the girls at the party with hidden faces, he'd chosen me as his favorite.

"You're really so weird," he said in the end and chuckled. He was kind of cute when he did that.

"Won't you say something to charm me? Girls were begging me before to dance with them. But you're just standing here, being – captivating."

He took my hand ang kissed it softly. I wanted to pull it away but it was too late.

I felt my heart beating so fast. It was so easy for him to make any girl believe he's a prince charming when he was being a jerk to me.

I was irritated by him, but my heart was pounding so loudly right now. I were trying so hard not to show it in my eyes. I tried to seem unmoved by his actions.

When he kissed my hand, he turned only his eyes to me. Asking for permission.

"May I continue?"

When I didn't say anything, he said. "Silent means yes."

He started kissing my hand over and over again. He moved his hand from my arm to my shoulder, neck, and chin.

I only wanted to embarrass him by being seen with him.

Flirtatious with me.Because the thing he despised the most was

was to have his reputation tarnished. But why am I letting him to get this far? Why am I allowing him to touch me in this manner? What was it about his touch that made my skin feel like it was on fire?

I moved him away from my chest just when he was an inch away from my mouth. When he heard my furious voice, he seemed astonished and taken aback.

"Oh, Tyler, fuck off!"

I decided to take off my mask and reveal my true identity to him. With my left hand, I carefully hold my mask in place. I don't have enough time to consider what he might say.

"You… Why are you doing it? W-Why is it you?" He said, puzzled, as I took off my silver mask completely."

I still feel my skin was still burning from his touch.

"Cause you're a pain in the ass. How do you feel knowing you were about to kiss the most charming boy of the class, Tyler?" I said and tried to smirk, hiding my frustration.

Oh, God, his eyes. He was furious.

"Funny. Really funny, Rence. I'm moved to see you've tried so much, changing your pitiful appearance, only to seduce me."

"Do you think I'd like to seduce you?" I chuckled. "I'm not Rence, by the way. Tonight, I'm Sofia."

I realized he'd taken a step closer to me. He has a serious expression on his face, which makes me want to say whatever I want.

"All I wanted was for you to see that I won't stand you keeping getting on my nerves. So let me ask, how would you feel if everyone knew the girl you flirted tonight was me? The girl you and the others make so much fun of? What would they think of you?"

I have my chance to hit him where he hurt the most. His pride, his reputation. He was so easy to control when coming to this.

"R-Rence.. " he said as he was coming closer and closer to me.

I was concerned about what he was attempting.

"You should know that I hate being played. I'm the game master all the time."

"Not this time," I say confidently, attempting to conceal my fear.

I thought he will be so much mad but he also seemed to enjoy it.

"So, the little nice girl has a harsh mouth…" he said as he stroked my chin.

I immediately pushed his hand away. I wanted to get

away from him as soon as possible. The longer I stayed, the easier it would be for him to turn the tables on me.

I walked away while wearing my mask.

"At least, I'm glad I was the only one to find out that hot side of you!" I heard Tyler yelled from behind.

I couldn't tell if he was irritated or amused. I don't want to see his face again, and right now all I want to do is go home.

Yiren was dancing when I found her. I didn't say anything; instead, I grabbed her and rushed out of the party as quickly as I could, away from the memories I'd made with Tyler tonight. I feel a bit of confuse of what I felt lately when I'm with Tyler. It looks that I wanted to be good at him even as once or even tonight but there's a part in my head that keep on saying I should make him feel bad.

I'm not feel annoyed anymore, it makes me happy when seeing his reaction maybe I won't forget it. His look was so priceless.