

The words were finally finished being typed, there were only eleven words and four sentences, ‘Help her, please help her. She needs you. Please help her.’

It was like a plea for help, he found it was strange that if the person had magic and was powerful enough to contact him, then they should be capable to help this young girl. Lee was still hesitant to help this girl as he didn’t want to believe that this girl, Anna Fortune was his mate and he wasn’t interested in helping some random girl because someone that he didn’t know asked him to.

As Lee was about to ignore the screen, he noticed that the words disappeared and soon the screen returned to how it was before. After a second, Lee composed himself and sent Michael back to his office to continue compiling the files for the next few days and weeks.

The rest of the afternoon was quiet, there were no more messages or additional work or uninteresting phone calls. The silence and the lack of disturbance caused Lee to be engrossed in his work so much that he wasn’t aware when six in the evening had arrived until he heard a knock on his office door.

It was only then when he looked at the desk clock did he see it was after six, he packed his things and to his surprise noticed that he had finished going through all the files on his desk. He smirked but soon the smirk disappeared when he got the scent of blood.

He looked around the office, it was clear that there was no one else but him in his office. The smell was getting stronger and drew his attention to the blank white wall that was on the left side of his office door as he could see letters being written and then the letters turned into three words of the plea, ‘Please Help Her.’

Lee stared at the wall for a few minutes, the words had disappeared after two minutes but Lee wasn’t aware of that as he felt like he was still seeing the words. He heard another knock which caused him to look away from the wall towards the door, when he looked back at the wall he noticed it was clean and thought that the stress was getting to him and he was starting to imagine things such as the blood and the words.

Lee sighed before opening the door after taking one last look at the blank white wall, before walking out of the office and locking it. Michael was waiting for him, when they were outside the building and was about to get in the car, Lee looked back and saw the apart from the top floor, all the other floors light was off.

When Lee returned to the family mansion it was already half seven, there was slight traffic on the road. As soon as he entered the house he saw the old man that was close the five hundred years and was still looking to be around forty sitting on the sofa in the waiting room.

“You are late,” he heard his grandfather say.

“Was held up with some work,” Lee told him.

“Today is Saturday. If you continue like this I would take back the company from you.”

“Good night grandfather,” Lee said, he was exhausted and very tired. He wasn’t even in the mood for food and not blood, after the imagination he had at the office. Lee walked up the stairs and straight to his room, he took a shower and then changed for bed.

Just like the past few nights, he got another dream of the same girl, this time she was being bullied by someone that was named matron and a few other girls that seemed to be older than her. This time in the dream he saw the girl greeting a couple as she said, “Welcome to Unforgotten Orphanage, please have a seat and I will get the matron for you.”

Lee suddenly woke up after hearing the name of the orphanage, “That name,” he mumbled. “It can’t be, no, not possible,” he told himself.

He didn’t want to believe that the adviser was leading him to his mate, instead, he believed that he was letting the words that were sent to him affect his dream. He had once dreamed of the girl walking home after using the small library that was in the neighborhood or small town.

Another time he dreamed of her cooking and helping around a house with children, but this was the first time that he ever dreamed of the name of the orphanage. Lee tried to go back to sleep but the words from each cue card and the bloody three words were constantly preventing him to fall asleep.

“I can’t take this anymore,” he said and got off his bed. He then grabbed a suitcase and threw in a few sets of casual clothes, a suit, underwear, and a few sleeping wears. “I have to visit this place, if this place does exist and that girl exists then I would help her. If not, then I could still use this opportunity to do some business there.”

After he packed the suitcase he called Michael, as soon as the call was picked up he asked, “What day is it today?”

“Sunday,” Michael said in a groggy and still sleepy voice.


“Fifth, why?”

“We still have fourteen days. Get us some plane tickets to Trinidad and see if you can organize a place for us to stay in that Cedros place, as well as a driver.”

“Yes sir,” Michael answered.

“Push back my meeting for this next two weeks. See if we can get those flights for today itself, and try to make sure that this is done discretely. Wouldn’t want anyone tracking us down, as well as knowing that we are looking for a girl.”

“Then what would be the excuse for the trip sir?” Michael asked, he was now fully awake and was also packing a few things to take with him. These also included the transmission interceptor, his tablet, and laptop, a few guns and knives that were undetectable when passing through customs.

“A potential business opportunity, just make sure no one knows exactly where we are going,” Lee said.

“Yes sir,” Michael said and then Lee cut the call.

Lee walked out of his room and headed towards the gym. He did some simple exercises as he was awaiting the call from Michael. When he looked at the time he saw that it was still early which meant that none of the domestic staff was awake.