

For love that was never to grow but was kept cherished ~ "Where's she?" Rex asked barging into the throne room, his eyes were quick to fall on his brother who sat on the throne chair comfortably. "Who?" His brother deadpanned making Rex become more furious "You know who I'm talking about, Rhys, where the fuck is Alya?" Rex asked again "Taking to where she belong" Rhyss said not bothering about his brother's reaction "You wouldn't dare to touch her, Rhys" Rex warned, the threat heavy in his voice, he could feel his control slipping with every seconds that passed by with his brother who decide to keep quiet. Two more seconds passed and Rhys said "Father and mother won't ever approved of the stupid love, you know that yourself" "She is an enemy and thankfully an easy one to break" Rhys paused for some seconds before adding "it will be a quick kill for her and you won't feel the loneliness, why don't I bring her?" He said getting up from the chair and moved to the door to only be stopped by Rex who glared hard at him "Touch a single hair on her body and I'll see to it that you become a meal to the wolves in the forest" Rex threatened, his hazel eyes changing to the dark color of red. ......

Aee_sharh20 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter twenty one: After same person

Raziel stood up straight to look at Rex who sent him, he cleared his throat to speak "Neirosa.." he pursed and shook his head mentally.

"I found the owner of the house when I got there, he said no one had occupied the house since she left reason being her property were still in the room, Rosa.. Rosa winters, that was the name she had given down. He told he still expect her to come by someday"

Raziel stopped seeing Rex's eyes which narrowed

"Rosa winters?" "What was her full name again?" Rex asked Landon who replied with "Neirosa Felheart"

Rummaging his hands in the pocket of his trousers, Raziel brought out a letter and carved red stone "The letter was on her bed along with the stone, it appears she left it there for someone who never showed up" he conveyed handing the letter to Rex who unfolded it.

"I'm leaving again and it's.. forever. please don't come looking for me, just help me to be a new mother to my young daughter. The gem is a gift for her, give it to her when she comes of age" it read.

Rex ran his thumb on the jewelry. "The neighbors were not around when I got there and the landlord said he had never met her daughter but heard from others that she was young and had her mother's kind nature" Raziel said

"Find the woman she's referring to in the letter, I'm sure she must have left another message with her name and address" Rex instructed Raziel who nodded before walking away.

Rex turned back to the glass wall, looking at the dark sky with few stars shining to give very little light.

"Guess we will be leaving for home earlier than expected" he muttered under his breath, Landon spared him a glance for a brief second "You don't want to?" he asked to hear Rex sigh.

"You think I should?" Rex questioned back, silent for the next two seconds, Landon replied"I think I finally know the reason why the elders never wanted us to stay here". Taking a sip from the bottle in his hand, Rex slightly closed his eyes "What about her friend?" he asked "What about her?" Landon repeated "April is a vexing and enticing lady, the first I know, she's just a part-time fun for me" he said and Rex hummed

"We find Neirosa's daughter early and take her with us, the only thing left for us to do"

"Don't you think leaving out of the blue will be a little surprising?" Rex asked shifting the conversation.

"All thanks to you and Clark racing for the highest billionaire" Landon harrumphed for Rex to grin wide.


"Did you find the woman?" Clark asked over the phone. "Good, ask about the girl's whereabout from the neighbors"..... "Don't call till you find her or something very important about her"....."Yes, I should be the first to know"...

Clark hung up the call and dropped his phone on the office desk, he opened his mouth wide and bared his teeth reflexively in an attempt to relax his aching jaw. He picked up the wine filled cup on the desk and downed it all in a go.

"Hell, this doesn't seem to work anymore" he muttered after quenching his taste a little. Looking to the side where a guard stood, he said to him "I need a fresh one, pick any from the club" The guard bowed and moved from where he stood, getting to the door, he opened it to show the man who stood outside the door with his dull grey eyes as he looked at Clark.

Clark's eyes glittered in mirth and his lips widened in a lopsided grin, "To what do I deserve a visit from the great Sebastian?" he said folding his hands on his chest and leaning back to his chair. Sebastian finally moved making his way inside the office and the guard bowed before going out and closing the door behind him.

"I see you've also resort to starving yourself" Sebastian said and sat in a chair facing Clark, noticing his eyes flickering from black to red.

"Oh no, I haven't, I always feed on the warmest and fresh" he blurted exposing his fangs, he closed his eyes for a second and snapped them back open to reveal his blood red eyes. "See?" he raised his brows.

"I didn't come here to check if you are still a vampire or have turned human" Seb said disregarding his little show "Why are you after the girl?" he asked "Who?" Clark questioned acting oblivious, seeing Sebastian still keep his calm look, he said "You already know why" just when the door was knocked on and the guard made his way back into the office with a redhead lady who was scarcely dressed.

A smile was on her heavily painted lips and she made a show of walking slowly towards Clark. He flashed a gentleman like smile at her and have her sit comfortably on his legs when she got near, he looked over her shoulders to Sebastian "Would you like.." "No" Seb cut him off and he grinned.

The redhead made to kiss him but he caught hold of her head and yanked it to the side to sink his fang in her pale neck. Her lips widened in a small gasp and she tried to move but was only held more forcibly by Clark and he dug deeper into her skin as he drank in a rapid speed. She tried in all attempt to get away from him but her restrain soon got loose and her head fell limp on his shoulder. Clark withdrew his fangs and he pushed her to fall on the floor with a light thud, his eyes changed back to black and he licked his lips.

Clark looked at Sebastian who had no single change in his expression the entire time "Do you really want to know why?" he asked "It's simple, I don't want her to die, It's will portray me as a bad person if I let her get killed while knowing I could save her" he said. Seb shifted his gaze to the ground before looking back at Clark wordlessly telling him that it wasn't up to a second he had killed someone.

Clark smirked, "I have always wondered who you are siding with but it appears you work for only yourself just as expected of the almighty Seb"

"Mmm" Sebastian mumbled without clarifying to Clark's thought, he glanced at the wall clock behind Clark, thirty nine minutes pass the hour if eleven in the hours of the night, he said to himself and got up, moving the chair backwards "I'm sure you know almost everyone will be leaving soon and you should also get prepared " he said to which Clark smiled. Without another exchange of words, Sebastian made his way out of his office and got out of the building through the elevator. Taking a right turn, he slipped in the shadows behind the clubhouse and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Appearing at the front of his house, he raised his hand and knocked on the door which opened after two seconds, "Welcome home Seb" greeted the old lady who opened the door, "Thank you aunt" Sebastian said and pulled off his long coat as he got in.

He made his way further into the house through the long corridor and stepped into the sitting room. He slumped on the nearest cushion and he sighed closing his eyes as he ran his hands in his sliver hair

"How is she?" he heard his aunt ask and he opened his eyes "She is doing well and so far, none of them have gotten a hold of her" His aunt nodded and dropped the cup of tea on the armrest.

"Who do you think will get to her first?" she enquired " Rex seem to have faster means of getting her but I won't be surprised if Clark beats him to it"

Sebastian took a gulp from his tea and leaned further into his seat, he would watch the little game of chase between the both of them from the shadows. He always been neutral, not working with anyone but giving them the answers they needed when he feel to but this was what he won't interfere with atleast not now.

"The elders want Rex back with or without her, there has been a fight with the witches" he informed the old aunt "Your stay here will be shortened then" she said "Yes" "And damn, it always feels like I travel back in time anytime I go back home" he groaned in displeasure to see his aunt smile.


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