
His Only Obsession

Hi i am dipra Kakaria... The writer of this book named His Obsession... Now by the title itself you must have understood that this story is all about dark theme... This story will revolve around Mark The Mafia King Of Italy... And his love of life Emma... Emma is a girl with dreams who wants to be a doctor... But to their lovestory they meet with my challenges thrown to them by the destiny of their's.... The rivals of Mark is his own father.... But why...? The second rival of Mark and the person who Emma hates to her core is her father.... But why..? Tune in to the story to know all the secrets of this story..!

Dipra_Kakaria · Urban
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30 Chs


As per the plan Mark and Daneil went in the kitchen. They were amazed to see the preparations their fathers had made for their coronation ceremony. The aroma of food that was being prepared in the kitchen was out of the world. There was food from all the cuisines. Highly-qualified Chefs and staff members were appointed. Whi were taking care of sanitization. Till then head chief arrived..

Head chef: Good news everyone right here. The kings have liked our services and have increased our pay checks. After completing coronation ceremony and tomorrow's prom everyone will be given their paychecks.

Everyone were very happy. But Marks eyes filled with rage when he heard king for Teflon and Christopher.

Daneil: Mark calm down its just a matter if few moments after that everyone will know who is the real king. If you will behave in this manner then everyone will understand that something is fishy out here.

Member: Previously they were going pay everyone $3000. But now they are going to pay $5000 to everyone.

Mark: They have taken huge efforts to celebrate our defeat.

Head chef: Hey you three! What are you doing over there? And why haven't I seen you? Come here, in this cabin I need to ask you some questions.

They followed the head chef and entered the cabin and closed the doors.

Head chef: Why did you close the doors? Who are you? What are you doing here?

Mark: I am the real Mafia king. The king which Teflon and Christopher tried to finish and now I am going to finish them.

Daneil: We are here to kill them and for good things one needs to compromise a lot and for us you will have to compromise with your life. Sorry but we have to do this.Good bye chef.

By saying so Daneil took out the hidden knife from the pocket and stabbed it in the Chefs stomach. They tied the Chefs body to the bed and covered him with blankets. They washed their hands and left the room.

Member: Chef is not feeling well so he is taking some rest. He has asked so to inform everyone that no body should enter in. He will himself come out of the room after he will feel better.

Soon everyone got engrossed in their work. Till then a man wearing tuxedo along with 2 other man entered the kitchen.

Man: I hope everyone has completed with their work. The ceremony has began and the kings too be have asked to start serving our guests with appetizers and drinks. You all arr requested to cover your mouths using masks and to wear gloves in your hand.

Mark and Daneil knew the time to take the revenge has came. They covered their mouths and hands took the plates in their hands and started leaving the kitchen. Till then a chef called them from behind.

Chef: Hey you both. You can't leave. By whose permissions were you leaving. Stay here and help us. Still a lot of things are to be prepared.

Mark: Sorry chef we don't know how to prepare food and nor do we know where are the ingredient kept. We need to leave the kitchen and serve the appetizers to the guests that's what the head chef has asked us to do.

Chef: Alright go on. But make sure that you do that stuff properly.

They left the kitchen with their heads down so that no one will be able to see them and ruin their Teflon's and Christopher's gift. With every steep they took their anger, their frustration, the furiousness was increasing. They reached the hall. Mark took the plate in his hand and started walking on the aisle. The bodyguards came from behind to stop him. He took his gun and shot one.

Teflon: Who are you?

Mark: The real Mafia King!

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