
His Only Obsession

Hi i am dipra Kakaria... The writer of this book named His Obsession... Now by the title itself you must have understood that this story is all about dark theme... This story will revolve around Mark The Mafia King Of Italy... And his love of life Emma... Emma is a girl with dreams who wants to be a doctor... But to their lovestory they meet with my challenges thrown to them by the destiny of their's.... The rivals of Mark is his own father.... But why...? The second rival of Mark and the person who Emma hates to her core is her father.... But why..? Tune in to the story to know all the secrets of this story..!

Dipra_Kakaria · Urban
Not enough ratings
30 Chs


Once again with fear and twitchiness Mark held Emma's hand. Her hands were trembling horribly, tears were not stopping, her head was completely filled with sweat as she was terrified. The portrayal of her holding her mother's finger was not leaving her eyes. She was screaming badly from inside. She was abusing, she was not able to understand anything, not able to control her body. In this situation she was not willing to move ahead. She wished she was dead instead of seeing another surprise.

Emma: Mark, now I can't take this anymore. It's better I die. You leave this mansion as soon as possible and leave me here. As the boom will blast I will die.

Mark: No Emma you can't do this. Who will take revenge of your and mine mother, of Lexi, of the pain and suffering that you are going throught right now.

Emma: But..but.. I... just... can't....  ta....take it.... anymore.... Ma..Mark.

By saying so she fainted.

Teflon: Oh poor Mark! Your companion left you all alone. But Mark we won't. Our surprise us eagerly waiting for you. You need to go ahead and a look at it before its too late.

Mark: Emma wake up. I can't leave you alone here. Wake up Emma please.

Emma: Mark leave me here and do as they say, please. You just save your life and let me die.

Mark: Okay Emma I am leaving you here but I will come here to take you with me.

By saying so Mark kissed Emma's head and once again followed the instructions. He reached the room and slowly opened the door.

The sight he saw was terrific. He was.....

The body of Elena and Daneil was lying there which was surrounded by six bombs.

Christopher: Don't worry Mark. They are still alive and you still have 45 minutes to leave this mansion and reach some other place. If you can your life will be saved.

Mark tried all possible ways to bring back the consciousness of  Elena and Daneil. Soon in a time of 5 minutes they woke up.

Daneil: Rupert is with them. He helped them do this. We did this with us too. Rupert and Lexi were dating. The previous night he entered her room and did that terrific condition of her. We saw this and till the time we could inform you we were here.

Mark: We will look into this matter letter now we only have 40 minutes and we need to leave this mansion. Just look around yourself.

Elena: Where is Emma?

Mark: Don't worry about her I will bring her safely. Now both of you walk towards the the grand foyer I will bring Emma there. Rush guys.

Daneil: No Mark we can't leave you alone in this condition.

Mark: Just listen to me and do as I say. We can't waste more time. From the grand foyer we have a secret door which expect me only you know. Rupert won't be able to reach there. We will leave this place from that secret passageway. We will directly meet in garage where we shall take the car and go to our secret mansion in Paris. Which again nobody knows except you and me. We will stay there for a time being and then attack these people from there. Now just do what I say. If we don't come in before the time ends then you both drive yourself to Paris just make sure that you bring end to this war and victory is ours and give them a brutal death.

Elena: Don't worry Mark alk four of us will bring end to this war together and will celebrate our victory together.

Mark rushed towards the previous and  room picked Emma in bridal style and started walking towards grand foyer.

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