
His Only Obsession

Hi i am dipra Kakaria... The writer of this book named His Obsession... Now by the title itself you must have understood that this story is all about dark theme... This story will revolve around Mark The Mafia King Of Italy... And his love of life Emma... Emma is a girl with dreams who wants to be a doctor... But to their lovestory they meet with my challenges thrown to them by the destiny of their's.... The rivals of Mark is his own father.... But why...? The second rival of Mark and the person who Emma hates to her core is her father.... But why..? Tune in to the story to know all the secrets of this story..!

Dipra_Kakaria · Urban
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30 Chs


Emma: Which game dad?

Teflon: I shall ask you few questions. If you answer them correctly then it means you know the truth but if you don't answer them correctly it means you really don't know the truth.

On a expression of Teflon a guy went inside a room and came out with a machine and a man. The man knew how to operate the machine.

Emma: Dad what is this machine?

Teflon: It's just a lot detector machine sweetie. It will show if the answers you give are true or not.

The guy attached the machine to Emma. And a guy sat next to her.

Teflon: Let's begin your test. Your first question is: Where is your mother?

Emma: I don't know about the existence of my mother. I asked Elena many times but she never opened her mouth.

The guy: She is speaking the truth.

Teflon: Okay! Next question is Who is my associate?

Emma: When we were kids Christopher uncle were your business comrade. But I don't know about your present associate.

The guy: She is speaking the truth.

Teflon: What is my profession?

Emma: How much I know you are a entrepreneur.

The guy: Truth!

Teflon: What business do I do?

Emma: You told me that you do business of gold that takes a lot of investment and secrecy.

The guy: Again a truth.

Teflon: Okay Emma this means that you are truly speaking the truth.

Till then a voice came from behind. Let's trade a beauty like this too. The voice was accompanied by a man.

Emma:  Dad the man's sound is resonating with uncle Christopher? And what trade is he taking about?

Christopher: Yes sweetie it's your uncle Christopher! And I am talking about trading you.

Emma: I am not understanding even a single thing. How can you guys trade me.

Christopher: It's very simple girl. We shall do the same that we did with your mother, your sister and Mark's mother.

Emma: What did you did with them? And how do you know Mark's mother?

Christopher: Won't I know my wife?

Emma: Mark is your son and her mother is your wife. What did you did with them?

Christopher: We just played a some gambling game and did their trade in and Emma now we shall do the same with you. It's easy don't worry. You will get a good house as you are our daughter bit you will have to listen to the guy we gamble you with. You have to eat, wear and live like how they say you.

Emma: Tell me it's a lie dad. You wknt do this with me right. I am your daughter.

Teflon: No Emma it's  truth we have to do this with you. I can't help you. I have to do this so that I can take your lovers position. I am sorry sweetie.

Emma: Dad which position are you talking about?

Teflon: The Mafia King. I have done so much of hard work to get this position and now that I have such a good opportunity then how can I lose it! We have to do this with you sweetie.

Till then a voice came from behind.

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