
His only Heaven

"My once sealed heart started to flutter after her sudden entrance in my life. And protecting her is the only sole reason of my existence-Dominic" ........................................................... "I've never felt so drawn to any female species until I got hold on your scent" Dominic was trying hard not to pounce on her as here mere fragrance was making him impossible to control. Ava had never seen him so helpless from the time she had encounter him. He had been very polite around and today he was not his real self. Slowly walking to him she cupped his face, as he slowly closed his eyes feeling the warmth of her hand. "Dominic... why do you pull me towards you with your sincere words" touching their forehead she tried to calm his shivering body "Kiss me Dominic... I want you to take me" her words alarmed his beast, taking control over his mind as he took her mouth without warning. He was already on the verge to loose his control and her words gave him the permission to follow her lead. ................................................................... To protect the village from getting killed by the werewolf's. The head of the village agrees with the king to give his daughter as his bride. Ava Odin, the physician of the village helps an unknown man out of kindness by saving his life that was on the verge to end. Who would have thought, her help would land her into a difficult situation , where she has to agree to marry him. She only married him to protect the village from him wrath but she would never treat him as her husband. The marriage was forced on her and now she was his Queen only by name. Dominic Boris, the tyrant king of Azov was feared by his pack and many more. He was cruel and ruthless who never thought twice before taking anyone's life. They say he had no heart but what will happen, when he meets a girl who saves his life and also captures his heart. Come and join me with the journey of Ava and Dominic. Will Ava be able to tame the tyrant wolf or she will have to face his wrath just like others? The cover doesn't belong to me. All credit to the respected owner.

akshaya_vanne · Fantasy
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203 Chs

What is happening

After having her breakfast, Ava got ready wearing a leather hem coat with a tight fitting trouser. She carried a hat with herself in case if she need it at certain point.

Getting ready she stood in front of the guards and waited for the girls to come. She was like an exited kid who was ready to learn something new.

"Agatha do I look good?" she asked turning her head to side where her maid was standing.

"Yes your highness" she answered while watching how the queen was getting enthusiastic for her new adventure.

She was imagining how skill fully she was going to grasp every little detail about hunting when the girls came running to her...

"We are ready..." both the girls stood in front of her when the eyes popped out watching Ava attire.

"Aunt are you going somewhere?" Hope asked when she saw her getting all dressed up as if she was going for a horse ride.

"No.. aren't we going for hunting" she looked at the innocent two eyes that were accusing her.

"Then why did you dress up so nice" Faith looked at the new queen who was looking dumbfounded at her question.

"Shouldn't we wear these clothes while going for a hunt" she asked..

"But we were going to shift ourselves and show you how to hunt" Hope's child like voice threw a big stone on Ava's head.


Ava had forgotten who the girls where and here she stood like a fool waiting for them just to go for a hunt. Facepalming herself in her mind she stretch her lips into a smile and laughed at her stupidity," Hahah.. I just wanted to knew if the dress code suits me or not" she laughed and held their hands before walking out of the large gate.

This was her first time to step her foot out from the palace. She was sitting on one of the horse which was given to her by the royal guard. By now she learn how to ride the horse. She didn't wanted to say but all thanks to her husband whose information feed in her mind like an engraved rock.

Both the girls took the same horse siting back to back as they walked inside the forest that went from the secret lane which was connected with the palace.

"Woah.. the trees over here are so tall" Ava was looking at the vast forest as they kept walking along the woods with the royal guards when Faith jump down from the horse in a swift changed herself into a small white pub..

Following her sisters gaze even Hope changed herself into a white pub similar to her sister but the only difference which made them recognize where their body shape. Hope was much healthier than Faith.

Both the tiny pub growl in their small voices and watch at a particular place where they kept looking at. Ava turn her gaze from the cute pub to the direction their eyes were set.

[See he is so healthy] Hope mind link with her sister and began to run..

[I was the first one see it.. you can't have it. It's mine..] Faith took her speed and ran more faster than hope.

Ava who climb off the horse and kept watching the girls run with a lightening speed passing through woods like it was some child play. She gasp when the girls were out from her site.

"This is what they call hunting?" she muttered under her breathe recalling how embarrassed she was before coming here.

"I should have stayed back" shaking her head she scanned the tall trees which were reaching the sky...

Standing with the guards she could only wait for them to return back.



"Do you think the witches are helping them"

Liam and Frederick where inside the court room along with some knights and general who were assigned to search the culprit without being caught.

Dominic was guessing every outcome which made him more suspicious about the witches helping the enemy to tarnish the kingdom and taking over Azov.

"I don't think so.. if they were to join hands with them, then the former would have not trusted your words.."

"But what if someone whom he don't know is helping them. Did you see how the man was killed. His eyes were plucked out and his tongue was cut... and you know who has the power to kill a person that way" Frederick knew the witched needed human eyes to have their six sense more wide making them look afar.

"Even I think the same brother. Why would the man be killed before we reached him" Liam had his own doubts.

"Arthur must be in depression after learning I had survived his attack. He was waiting for the kingdom to fall and take you all as his slave. But he has mistaken my capabilities" Dominic leaned on his throne resting his arm on the armrest and chuckled on his evil brain.

"What's with the smile brother?" Liam was aware with this smile and he could guess by now his brother was thinking way to ahead on how to play along with them.

"You will know soon.." even if they would read each other mind but it was not until they link it. So Liam and Frederick could only keep guessing what his mind was scheming.


In the woods

Ava waited for the girls for more than an hour, but still she couldn't even see their shadow returning. Worrying for the girls who were still too small to be left alone she turn to one of the guard as ordered them to search how far the girls went.

She was the one whom their mother trusted their safety to, but now it was about to sunset and still the girls had not returned back.

"What if they got hurt by some wild animal" her mind went on thinking worst as the cold air around her passed giving her a familiar feel.

Only as alone with one guard while the rest went following their queens order. She was getting more tense with each passing second.

'I just can't stand here and wait for them... 'she thought and started walking inside the deep forest forgetting about no one around.

Ava just wanted the girls in front of her eyes and for that she needed to search them. Walking with the guard, she moved her feet's as fast as she could when she again felt the same presence. It was like a cold wind which passed by her making her aware of someone's presence.

She halt her step when the wolf behind her growl in pain.

"Too weak.." the man strangled his neck making the wolf go limp falling on the ground as it kept panting breathing it last breathe..

"No..." she screamed and ran inside the wood fearing the man who just killed her guard like an ant.

Ava ran as fast as she could finding her way out from the wood when the man landed straight in front of her..

"Where do you think you are running Ava" Odrick smirked at her scared face.

She was horrified more than he could imagine as she stepped back stumbling on her feet falling on the grass.

The sun had already set with only darkness in front of her. Ava felt the same fear she had felt earlier when that pale man attacked her. The feeling was same as before making her heart thump loud.

"Don't come near me." she cradled behind and stood up running back from when she had run inside.

She didn't wanted to loose her life, not now when she had not even seen her father, her friends and most important the man who was waiting for her in the palace...

"You will not be able to run more Ava" with a lightening speed the man came and again blocked her way.

Holding her neck, he stroke back colliding her body with the tree. He wanted to take her and had been waiting for a long time...

"You made me search you for so long" his smile made her heart stop.

'Was she being followed' she thought when the man chuckled at her innocent face.

"Good that I found you or else your dearest friend would have lost her life" his words jolt her in shock.

"Karissa" she whispered..

"Yes the girl would have reached heaven at this early age" he laugh making her angry on his evil smile.

Who were these people who were following her and why did they want her. Did they harm anyone just to get me, her mind had so many question but the answer she caught was his evil laugh.

Ava looked at him as anger raised in her whole body thinking how casually he said that he would have killed Karissa. Was he some heatless creature who didn't care about others life.

His dark eyes kept looking at her as he tried to hypnotize her with his gaze, but he felt restricted when he felt her body warming up...

'What is happening..'

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