
Chapter Two

They arrived Toronto few hours ago, he was now settled in his duluxe suit in one of the five star hotels in the city. He hoped his plan would go as planned, he hoped they were going to finalize the five years contact to supply electronics to both the new estate belonging to Apecx housing and real estate all over the country and America as a whole. He wondered if his new assistant was in anyway aware that the party deluxe dinner party. Wondering if she had a suitable outfit for the event. His thought had lingered around more prominent issues, will Cammie be there? He hoped not, he hoped she had gotten over her recent madness for him. They never agreed on having any form of commitment outside their usual occasional meeting, but now she wanted more, and he simply was incapable of more.

Amanda settled in a suite assigned to her, she simply would not know what to do with a more sophisticating suite, and besides they were too expensive. Though it seemed she was the only one concerned about that. She lay flat on the soothing mattress as she looked up at the monumental chandalia hanging above her. 

Magnificent! she thought.

Her room has a fill of warmth, art works in different corners of the suite, and heaven knows how much she appreciated art. It gave life all over the room, like they spoke to her, like she could almost converse with them. 

The suite scented of variety of freshly fetched roses, and she loved it. She could whole heatedly agree that this was out of her standard, well there was enough room for an upgrade.

She swore she had never seen a TV placed just as the same level with the wall, without a bump, just fitting in perfectly with the wall, and of course it was Blazzer. 

It was just fascinating. 

She finally mustard enough strength to get herself to the bathroom to take a warm shower before realizing how alien the bathroom looked to her as she had not the slightest idea on how to use the facilities. 

Oh thank God she said with relief on hearing her door bell ring. Who ever it was could help her with her shower problems.

It was the room service who informed her she had a delivery.

She received her delivery which was about two pairs of dresses and a gold high heel with a note that said.

For the party. Be set, 5pm.


Fascinated about the dress, worried about the party, she forgot all about the shower.

Firstly she didn't know there was a party. Yea, she loved the dresses but that wasn't enough to make her ignore the fact that her new boss never thought informing her of plans before hand was necessary. She somehow overruled the thought with the fact that he was considerate enough to not make her go through the stress of looking for what to wear.

Few minute to five she was informed that a car was waiting outside to take her to the venue as she will be going alone, informing her that Mr Ray had left earlier than usual to settle some personal business. She had taken the last look at the red silky dress which she chose out of the two.

Now in the ball room with a host of other people, which were probably influential people. 

She wondered maybe she had put on this high slit dress the wrong way because that would have been a perfect explanation for the way people gazed at her. Or maybe it was just her skin colour as she couldn't sight one person the same skin color as herself. She stepped into a Hall filled with tons of white people, she felt abit like a half cast as it wasn't her usual kind of gathering. She low key searched for Mr Raymond as she engaged in a conversation with a certain middle aged white Man.

Looking for someone? She heard the man ask, he must have noticed her wondering eyes.

Uh, Yea, Raymond Blazzer, he is my....

You with Raymond? Oh, my bad. I should probably leave.

The man had immediately left, leaving her in a pool of questions. 

What was that????

Was there something about her boss she should know? Why did just his name send that man for the hills?

Raymond was with his business associates, they mostly talked business. So far he would say he was making a little progress. He told them briefly about his trip to Japan and how he was working with one of the finest tech assemblers in the world. He had sighted his new assistant and how unrecognisable she almost was. The red dress did some wonders, and was obviously too revealing. Her skin was very visible for it gave off radiant with a touch of glow.  He had noticed Mr Miller talking to her and probably a few more men who stared like they wanted to. He signaled one of tenders to show her where he was. Which they did as he noticed her looking towards him before he took his focus back to his intended affiliates. She had walked towards him as he introduced them to her, vice versa. 

He quickly dismissed her but hoped she would stand close as he could need her at anytime. He got into more lengthy conversations. Ray had managed to schedule a more discreet appointment with the man. The man who now left his side to welcome other  guests. Ray, now laid back, with his glass of Wine,  he just enjoyed the view as people had a ball dance.

Hello handsome he heard a certain voice he could recognize behind him. She moved from behind him to his full view with her hands on his shoulders.

Hello Cammie. He said, tracing her hands, and dropping them off his shoulders. 

I have missed you. He heard the woman say with a little seductive smirk. The woman who he prayed to the god of unwanted love to make her not show up here today. He was afraid he was incapable of dismissing  or stopping her from trying to follow him back to the hotel without being rude. This woman who he used to be a little bit anxious of pining to the wall, and fucking the living day light out of. 

Hey Mr Raymond.

Ray had never been more excited about someone interrupting a conversation, one that was destined to lead to hell.

Hello Mr Miller. Ray  responded to his greeting as the man stretched out his hand for a hand shake. Which they did.

I was just by the corner, then I said why don't I say hello. The man said as he accompanied it with a grin. 

Oh thats great. Meet Cammie an old friend. Ray watched as they exchanged pleasantries before speaking.

Sorry have you seen Amanda? He knew that was a perfect getaway, and hopefully the man didn't know their link.

Oh, your girlfriend? 

Oh perfect, a girl friend will do for now. Ray thought to him self as he noticed a displeased expression from Cammie.

Yes, my girl friend.

I think.... He watched the man look around in search of the lady that would apparently save the night. 

Oh, over there.  He noticed the man pointing towards his left view.

Oh Yea, great. Even though he had noticed her standing with a man, he was still gonna take a shot at avoiding being followed back to the hotel by Cammie.

While you two are at it, i think I should go meet her. He left their side as he moved towards her direction.

Excuse me. He said before pulling her away from the man she seemed to be getting on with.

Let's dance.

Ray now had his new assistant in his arm, she smelled good, maybe too good. His arm over her quit obviously thin waist, as his other hand now held unto her hands which he found unusually warm and soothing. 

Her head to his shoulders,  they moved slowly and harmoniously. Ray had noticed Cammie's gaze fixed on him as she spoke to Mr Miller. His new assistant's back view was all she could see and he hoped to keep it that way. He then immediately pushed her closer to him self as he felt the full curve of her breast press against him. He noticed that perhaps in the course of his act, he had slightly moved his other hand lower as it now met the upper curves of her buttocks which the silky dress had helped expose how soft they were. 

He didn't necessary like the ideas this womans closeness was sending to his head, but he enjoyed it. He enjoyed her scent, the fill of her skin against him. The fill of her hand on his neck as her fingers slightly buried themself into his hair. The fill of her tender buttocks against his palms as he slightly caressed them. 

The unfamiliar pleasure he encountered from her closeness was simply strange which made him uncomfortable as he couldn't wait for the music to stop so he could put an end to it.

What are you doing?

He heard her ask, she spoke in a calm tempting tone which made him wonder what she would sound like under him, the beautiful melodies she would sing if he dared bend her over as his dick harshly stroke across her Virgina while he claimed her ass by spanking them and leaving his claims on them for the next couple of days.

I despise this more than you can imagine. The dance would be over soon. will wait it out.

Amanda wasn't sure  that was what she hoped to hear,  but she was more worried about what her bosses touch was doing to her. The heat she now felt between her thighs, she swore she could feel his manhood, slightly protruding and pressing against her cervix area. What was it about this man? And why was her body surrendering to his ways? Why was he touching her in ways that didn't seem very appropriate?

She moved closer, holding him closer as she stroked her hand across his hair a couple time before looking up at him, their eyes locked and Wheww! The heat she felt. She was loosing breath, his ocean blue eyes was now fixed on hers as she noticed his gaze move down her lips and now to her slightly exposed boobs. 

She noticed the music getting slightly tensed, before noticing his hands movement, now cupping her her full bum, as he gently bent over as though he was sniffing her.

The dance is over. He said before breaking Off.

The night had passed rather slowly as she was left alone only to watch her boss from a distance, catching a few glimps of his gaze. She didn't think it meant anything that she took note because she sure knew that any woman he ever stared at would definitely over react about it. She saw him discuss with a few people, probably business talk or Rich peoples business. She also saw him flirt with few women. Was she stalking this man now? Definitely not, probably one of the roles of an assistant. "Taking notes"

They were now in his SUV driving back to the hotel. Raymond had only been focused on his iPad almost all through out their drive. They arrived the hotel, they took the elevator. It was dead silent, as they were both mute.

Umm I don't know if there is anything you would like me to prepare for you against tomorrow, flight, appointments, just about anything. Amanda had broken the silent which was driving her crazy. 


He let out, he turned staring at her, her gaze locked with his. His gaze had immediately left hers as he moved them Lower to her lips then lower. Yea, to her boobs which he hated how he they weren't just nude before him. He immediately directed his gaze back to her brown eyes before speaking.


His gaze was still fixed at her, he sensed her nerves, her eyes showed a mix of quiver and needs. He wont feel any guilt if he did things he had in mind, for she knew exactly what she was doing and sure wasn't stopping either. He had felt the sudden need to reach those alluring lips, tasting and teasing them. Filling his in hers and let what happens next become history.

The elevator had now opened as Rays gaze left hers, he proceeded with stepping out of the elevator as Amanda followed. They had gone opposite directions from each other, as their rooms lead them to those separate direction. Amanda had looked back to take a final glimps of her boss who she now seem to have developed an unexplainable flame for.

Amanda had retired to her room, laying with her dress, as she was having difficulties unzipping the body hugging dress. She managed to shower earlier by using the hand shower that was not meant for full body showering. Well, thanks to that, it can also serve her once again. 

She was starving, having placed an order, hoping it comes sooner. she wasn't sure what was beginning to happen to her, but she was sure whatever it was wasn't right. The thought had sent a feeling of sudden heat to her spine.

Oh finally!  She said as she heard the bell ring. She rushed to the entrance, opening as she was served with not what she had expected, but she dared not complain. It was Raymond, he stood by her entrance, with his hair falling to his face as it showed how moist they were, he must have definitely showered. 

Raymond...  She found her self muttering.


Amanda was almost frozen, she had barely survived the volcano he had erupted inside her during at the ball, and now he was here to to finish her up. He stood there with such grace and elegance, his ocean blue eyes had tilted, gazing into her. Damn, this man looked good! And he sure knew it as he definitely planned to exploit it.

He stood there, looking like a predictor who had just sighted it's prey. Wheww, she wanted to be ate and she meant literally.

What brings you? She heard her self ask in a low serene tone which was meant to be heard by only him.

Let just say........

She heard him start that sentence before his gaze gradually dropped on her body as he immediately looked back into her eyes.

Let's just say, i couldn't stop thinking of the things you wanted me to do to you in that ball room. 

Ray stepped into her suite, walking past her before she noticed him pause.

Raymond sure didn't know what prompted him to leave his suite for hers, but he was willing to feed what ever it was. Maybe feeding it would make it go away as he would like to proceed with the normal activities in his life without thinking of stripping his assistant and having his cock inside her.

Definitely the same hotel, but her room gave off a different vibe, the smell, very feminine. It was warm there or he was just hot. 

He noticed her shutting the door, but never turned. He turned, facing her, as her back was in his view. She obviously couldn't face him. Innocence with a touch of shyness, he thought. But yet wanted a part on his evil plans. He took a step closer to her as he raised his hand reaching for the very tiny sleeve of her seductive dress.

Planing to sleep in these? He asked as he proceeded to move it below her shoulders as he took one more step. His body now directly in contact with hers, and damn his cock was attentive of all the things in it's surrounding for it was reaching out to them. He bent over, moving her hair away from her neck before dropping a faint kiss on her neck. 

She smelled good!

His right hand now on her waist, his left had found it's way to her zippers, undoing them.

He gradually dropped the dress off her, as his body was now in contact with her bare skin. He reached for her strapless bra, sure he had no worries finding how to Extract them from her body for he had long mastered their every region.

He bent over, dropping yet another kiss on her neck, but this time it wasn't a one time kiss. His left hand had found it's way to her neck, grabbing it fiercely but yet gently. He now moved his kisses up towards her cheek, before dropping a few to her ear.

Must have been a stressful day, you should shower. He said in a whisper.

Whew! At this point Amanda sure needed something to quench the flame in her, a fire only his cock could have easily quenched. She was hot and she was incapable of resisting the urge. He set her on fire, and now sending her off to go quench it all by her self. Amanda with no doubt want to obey him, but how her feet felt like it had been rooted to the floors of that room and she was trapped.

Don't worry, I will be waiting right here.

She found her self moving, heading to the bathroom and she swore she noticed him following her. She now stepped into the modern bathroom, turning, with her breast to his full view, she had reached the very transparent door to the bathroom attempting to shut it.

Leave it open. She heard him say. As he put his both hands in his pocket. He stood away from the entrance but still in her view. 

His eyes fixed at her, she turned, grabbing the soap. Now struck with the fact that she couldn't use this modified shower. She sure didn't know what to do next, she was faced with just buttons, she didn't know which was which, and wasn't willing to just press different buttons trying to figure out which would boil her skin first. She raised her hand to attempt, she had stoped half way.


She now felt his presence, his breath on her ears as his hands moved pass hers, turning on the shower which immediately rushed down on her, causing her to flinch. 

It's okay. 

She heard him whisper with his second hand tracing her skin from her belly button upwards, as they made a little stop on her nips which for an obvious reason had become obviously more rigid. He made it so easy for her to wanna embrace him with open legs.

I will be waiting.

She was done with her little shower, she dried her body with the towel hanging on the bathroom then wrapping her self with it. 

She stepped out with him sitting on her bed.Almost slowly, now pausing halfway into the room. 

Ray had earlier had a glimps of her boobs, graciously rounded, and full. With a dark nipple that almost had him out of control. He adjusted his siting position, sitting more upright. 

Take it off.

Ray said in a low tone but still managed to  show how he meant what he just said. It almost sounded dark, like he wasn't just talking about a towel. In his tone, his eyes, she sure saw the hunger, she sure saw the reflection of what she was doing to him, what she was capable of doing to him.

He noticed her hand approaching the knot that held the towel together, but damn! could she be any faster?  She had reached the towel, undoing it's knot. They now fell behind her, well so did all his control.

His gaze now reunited with her bosom and all he could think about was sucking on them, turn by turn as she yearned for more.

He stood to his feet, his gaze on her, as he narrowed them to her breast, before returning them to her.  He noticed how she bit her lower lips and he concluded she was almost out of patient too. He reached her side but he had gone behind her, his full erection now pressing to her lower back as he bent over, moving her hair to the side then kissing her neck. She had let out a gasp which sent his body needing. His left hand to her chin, raising them a bit higher than usual, as his right cupped her right boobs, doing very un right things to them. He kissed her neck furiously, as she let out a moan which sent him  ravening for more as his grasp tightened on her breast. He noticed her hand finding their way to his neck as she  turned and all her eyes did was beg for more. The innocence and desire her eyes curtailed sent him wanting to dominate her, which he sure would!

He took a lil step backwards, taking a look at her physic. Na! this must be one of God's finest works.

You are beautiful. He said as he bent over before wildly getting hold of her right nipples in his mouth, as his hands traced a different pleasure to her lower parts. Her right hand buried in his hair, as the left slightly rested on his shoulders. His hands reached her lady part as she moaned but this time louder, and with a quiver. 

He would have thought she didn't wipe that part after shower, but just water didn't feel this slippery. She was soaking wet, and yes for him! He wanted to see it, he wanted to taste her. Strange of him, but he wanted his face buried down there but as for right now, he had his fingers to her clit, sending all kinds of currents through her, as she moaned, grabbing onto him even him tighter.

He now retracted from her lower part, she stared up at him, as his hands traced her lips, as she licked them before letting them go. His hands had traced from her shoulders to her neck, as he held her throat in not a hash manner before rushing to her lips, enveloping his with hers. He kissed her in a  ravening manner, and yess she returned his kisses yet so hungrily. He noticed her hands lingering on his chest as it made it's way to his button, undoing them. 

Amanda was not so shy now, she had let him lead her, and of course she loved to be lead by powerful men. His touch had left her arching for whatever he had installed for her. Be it doom as long as his cock would ride her right out of it. She was in this man's arm, her pussy throbbed, she could swear she felt his dick twitch as they both communicated in arousal. She was kissing him with flames she didn't know she possessed, his lips devoured hers, their tongues in a war, yet they fought happily. She wondered where she got the nerves to attempt unbuttoning his shirt and actually unbuttoning them. She was willing to risk it all, too willing to risk it all, just for a night of pleasure. Sorry! Some minutes of unexplainable pleasure! 

Nope! Nope! She didn't just hear the door bell.

Ray had stopped her hand from undoing his remaining buttons. 

Are you expecting someone? She heard him asked, as his gaze narrowed, his expression changed, like there was more to that question. Like he was asking if she was expecting like a real guest?

No, she said. 

Must be from the kitchen, I ordered something to eat earlier.

He now bent his head over, as their nose met each other before he left her side, moving behind her as she didn't turn.

Amanda sure didn't mind not eating, food for the soul was more essential than food for the body. Besides, they were toxic processed foods which are in some cases not good  for the body. And what was it with this man igniting a fire in her, then leaving her stranded? She wasn't hungry for food anymore, she only hungered for something else, and here she was denied of the two forher tummy had seized being hungry. She noticed him placing the towel round her body, covering her, as she held unto it. She didn't understand how a man could seem to loose all his control one second and regaining it all back the next. 

Why?  She heard her self mutter as she turned to face him.

He now paused but didn't turn back.

Why did Mr Miller flee after hearing that I was with you? 

Now is not the time to ask stupid questions Amanda! She said in her head. That was not the question she meant to ask but it wasn't very wise asking her boss why he wouldn't make out with her.

I don't know, I guess you are not the only one that thinks me intimidating.

You should eat. He said before he moved to the exit, opening the door as the middle aged Waiter stepped in with a tray of food on his hand. 

Send someone to come explain to her how the bathroom works.okay sir the waiter responded as Ray stepped out of view.

Wow, he was actually a self absorbed narcissist but she guessed her Virgina couldn't tell since she was yet to accept he was no good for her.

The rest of their trip had gone well, expect the fact she kept thinking of how it was so easy for him to forget, like nothing happened. He had continued their normal activities like nothing happened. She was too embarrassed to face him the next day, but he didn't show any discomfort or disorientation in seeing her. Remembering how he made use of every opportunity he had to leave her after causing a tornado of flames within her.

They had met up with the CEO of Apecx who informed him he had a rival hoping to take the deal, but assuring him he had nothing to fear, that in about a months time, their deal would be a done deal. She saw him with a couple of women which made her blood boil, but she couldn't do anything about it. Not even complaining to anyone, or do anything about the fact that he had a type. Thin, slender, white girls and of course all in his class. They wore designers and rode exotic cars.  

Lang had called a certain time, to make sure she was okay, but what could she ever say? That she and her boss  shared a kiss? definitely more than a kiss and she couldn't stop thinking about him? Nope she is good. She is definitely fine.

She had then fixed an appointment with someone they hope would be a new business associate. A new electronic company who hoped Blazzer would assemble their machines for the main time. Amanda had set up few meetings for Ray and Mr Olivero who seemed to be flirting with her. He always made remarks on her look each time. 

After their last meeting, he had asked her out on a date infront of her boss. Which she told him she would like to think about.

She wasn't sure Ray heard their little conversation as he didn't act like he did.

The next morning Ray had informed her they would be leaving that morning as she should be ready. 

Their flight back to Ontario was a successful one. Not much turbulence was experienced. She noticed how the attendant paid much more attention to Ray, and how she smiled almost from chin to chin while speaking to him. Could she survive this pressure? this unwanted feeling? The feeling of sadness she felt within her when ever she saw him flirt with women?