

Great people of Silvercrest kingdom, Crestians, it has come to my notice that a wide beast has been attacking our people especially at Purple Hearts Valley. I know that we are a strong kingdom and many of us think that this beast is no match against us but the truth is, this beast has defeated us in so many ways. Many great hunters, great warriors, great alphas and even the strongest of packs have all been taken away from us by this creature. Alphas like Maximus, Kastro, Lucario, and even Bettas like Raya, Vin and Lucas have been wiped off by this beast. Even the strongest packs like the House of Taryens, the House of Emberfall, the House of Tarlac have all fallen in the presence of this great beast. So, it is no small creature that we are fighting against here. We have also found out that this beast is immune to all of our attacks and even our greatest weapons are not match for it. We have tried using the Death Hanger, Mystic falls, Stone of Styx and even the Ferryman's Gun has not been able to do anything to it. So, great people of Silvercrest, beloved Crestians, I, your King, Alpha King Nexus Duse, forbids anyone from going to the Purple Hearts Valley. I declare the Purple Hearts Valley a forbidden place that no one must enter. Whoever is caught there shall pay a heavy price!

Hassana_Zubair · Fantasy
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24 Chs


"Senior Rixa, if you knew how the first war with the Vallians would turn out does it mean that you also know how the next one would turn out?" Scarlet asked.

Rixa knew how the next war would turn out. She knew of the amount of people who would live and the amount of people who would die. She had been having incessant vision since yesterday night. The first attempt with the Vallians had already been foreseen by her and without telling anyone, she had also seen the next.

This time too, she had to make a decision. Protect the ones she loved or protect the people!

The major reason why Rixa visited her friends today was because of what she had foreseen. She knew what would happen to them and it breaks her heart that they would be among the dead ones. Over the night, after her vision was done interrupting her whole life and giving her the choices that she had to make, Rixa, awake, pondered on what to do.

Should she tell the King about it or not?

The fact that a second attempt will happen which she got to know through her visions was not really much of a fright to her because she had suspected it. King Duse is never a person to back down after just one attempt!

When Scarlet asked the question, Rixa immediately lost her appetite and put down her cutleries. She didn't know how to break the news to their expectant faces and for once, just once in her life, she wished she never had this gift. She wished she was never the reincarnation of Queen Morticia. She wished she never had any visions or knew the outcome of the war.

How was she going to tell her friends that they would die?!

Particularly why she came here today was…to bid her friends goodbye. To say that one final goodbye to them. To break the news to them. She had made a choice and…she didn't choose them. It broke her heart and for the first time since she had been born, Rixa cried. She wept through the night for the choice she made. When she departed to the sentinels, leaving her friends behind, that did not hurt her but the fact that she would have to depart from them forever was a pain in her heart.

All along the way here, she had felt nervous and anxious which really wasn't her thing. She had thought of a thousand and one ways to tell them…without crying. She had planned it all out. Start with a cheerful mood before she breaks the news to them. That was the plan but the sudden question of Scarlet managed to ruin it and now she was dumbfounded.

Martha, Scarlet and Drey saw how Rixa was taking too long to answer and with her facial expressions, they concluded just how things would go.

"Ahhhh" Drey sighed out in a hurtful realization as he rested his back on his seat.

"You do know how the next war would turn out?" Martha asked sadly.

"There is going to be a second attempt and you know how that will be." Martha added.

"Did you see a vision?" Scarlet asked.

"Yes" Rixa answered, looking downwards. She couldn't bear to look them in the eyes. It would be too much for her.

"Did you also have to make a choice?" Scarlet asked with her voice breaking away.

"Yes" Rixa replied in whispers. She was about to cry.

"Look at us, please. It's the least you could do." Drey begged her.

Rixa slowly raises her head up to look at them as she sniffed. She could see how the glow that was once in their eyes had slowly been replaced with fear…fear of the unknown and sadness. She couldn't bear it!

"What happens to us?" Drey asked.

Rixa let out a sigh immediately after Drey asked his question.

"I can't tell you." She muttered waving her head, signifying the word 'No'.

"Tell us, it's the least you can do." Drey said further.

"We deserve to know." Martha added.

"Pleaseee" Scarlet begged with her voice breaking even more.

Rixa was fighting so hard to push back the tears that were slowly forming in her eyes. She had to be strong in their presence.

"I love you all…and I-I had to make a choice..I…couldn't let the people die. I had..I had to…choose…them" Rixa explained with her voice being shaky and a tear rolling down from her right eye.

"Was it difficult?" Martha asked as she sniffed with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"It was the hardest choice I had ever had to make." Rixa said to them as the tears poured even more from both eyes this time.

"Why?" Drey asked in whispers.

"Because it involved you all. My friends. You are not just my friends but you are my family too and I just couldn't let you all go." Rixa replied in a teary voice.

"What happens to us?" Drey asked again.

"I lose you…" Rixa let out.

"I didn't save you…I let you…I let you…die." Rixa Puth forth as the tears streaming down her cheeks increased.

Scarlet and Martha let out a hurtful gasp in surprise while Drey was unbothered because he might have suspected that this would be the case.

"Will we all die in the second attempt?" Scarlet asked.

"Yes…sadly." Rixa replied.

"Every last one of us?" Martha asked.

"I did not see the whole war. I only saw fiction of it and it did not turn out well for any of you." Rixa told them.

"Any of us your friends or any of the Vallians?" Drey asked for clarity.

"Both.." Rixa clarified.

"Ahhhh" Drey sighed again.

"I was going to tell you all about it today, which is why I came. I tried to make the mood uplifting because I didn't want you all to feel too sad when I broke the news to you all." Rixa explained.

"So, we all die?" Scarlet asked again.

Rixa didn't know what tingled in her senses and in her mind but she suddenly came alive and began to review all that happened earlier. What intrigued her the most was how Scarlet knew there was going to be a second attempt. King Duse hadn't given an official statement and she only knew through her visions so how did Scarlet know?!!

Rixa cleaned the tears off her face and cleared her throat before directing her words at Scarlet.

"Scarlet, how did you know there was going to be a second attempt?" Rixa asked.

She had to make a choice...and she didn't choose them.

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