
His Girl Friend


He retreats and cupped my face.

"I'm sorry to tell you this but that love you gave to me...I can't give it back to you. I ain't a perfect man for you. I wish you will find a man that can love you back." he stopped and breathes out. I was just staring at him, I feel my eyes burned. I think that it'll burst out anytime. He releases me.

"Instead of just a slight-slight love?" I ask he laugh a little, he looks at my eyes directly.

"I can't. I just can't...love you back," he answered, after saying those words he releases me to avoid her eyes whose directly looking at me. I turn away as I feel my tears burst out, I silently wipe them and laugh bitterly. I breathe in and close my eyes just to relax my senses.

"If you can't... Just play pretend, that we're in love in front of them. But you can still learn how to love me, we will start over again. From fr..." I stopped as he touches my shoulder.

"No, I can not afford to be a traitor in the face of my girlfriend." oh I know why! Is that the "Girl Friend" of him? Haha, funny... I can't get them, girlfriend? They're not sure if that love can be long-lasting? That love, why is it important to be loved?! That what so-called "Love" is rudeness! I can't afford to be loved too.

"Is that the reason?" I ask "Is that the reason why you didn't accept me as your Wife?" I continue, I felt he was stunned but he moves and turns into serious.

"Stop it, it is now clear that I didn't love you," he said in a cold tone, he pulled his arm from my shoulder but I stopped him. I take his hand into my cheek and rub it into my face while looking at him.

"I already love you from the start, for 2 years! Is that clear now?" I ask in a low tone, he stares at me like he was hypnotizing me.

"If I said stop loving me, then you'll follow me. It is a command from your Husband!" he yelled, I crossed my brows.

"Why would I? I've loved you, I already love you. Then you'll throw it? Now tell me, is it trash for you?!" I ask, he ignores me and waves his arm to take off my hands holding his hands. "Tell..." I stopped as he yelled.

"Yes!" I felt my ears rang and cannot hear anything unless that word whose still here in my mind and repeats by itself. Like an echo.




I was back in my mind when he turns away. I quickly embrace him from his back.

"A little bit minute to hug you, just let me hug you. I'll end this contract if one year was about to pass."I whispered, he releases my arms embracing him.

"Alright, I gotta go." he said in serious tone and left me with just a bit. I retreats and there my tears burst out.


Another morning comes, here I am preparing food for our meal. While cooking the processed foods my phone rang, I quickly grabbed my phone and accept it. I never bothered to look for whose calling.

"Hello, who's this?" I ask in the line.

"It's me your mom. I call you to ask if how are you?" she asks, I smile.

"I'm fine mom, so there's no reason for you to ask. What are you doing there mom?" I ask her.

"I'm with your Husband's mom, we were talking about something's important," she said.

"Ahh, how's Dad?" I ask her again.

"He's fine, your Tita wants to call you," she said.

"Hi Princess! How are you? How's Bryle? What are you doing now?" she asks, I giggled as I think what will I answer first.

"Were fine Tita, somehow he tells me he has a girlfriend." I felt guilty as I say it. The line was so quiet so I broke it. "Mom said that you were having an important thing to talk about, what is it?" I ask, she giggled.

"That one? Were just talking about your new home. It's a little bit away from your school." I giggled.

"Is that so?" I ask.

"Yes, your mom wants to talk to you," she said.

"Baby, just take good care huh. So that I wouldn't be afraid of you okay? After one week staying there in New York would you give me a little gift?" that thingy again!

"I wouldn't unless he will mom." I laugh as I wonder that thing. I was heading a baby and dancing to them just to make them stop crying. It's a little bit difficult thing...

"Alright if you won't give me a child. Then I should learn to wait, so baby goodbye. Take good care of yourself and tell him to take care too. Again goodbye baby. I will always love you. Bye!" after that she ended the call. I get my phone in my pocket. And there I know that my cook was about to burn. I quickly take the stove off and breathes out.

"What's that smell?" he asks while covering his nose.

"Burned food." I answered. His brows get crossed, I faced him and tiptoe then touch his brows and made it plane. "Don't cross your brows, you look like a beast." I said and retreats but I stumbled he catches me in just a snap. His right arms supporting my waist and his left one is holding my arm. He's so serious.

"Look at your moves short stack." he said, I raised my brows. He do the same. He touches my brows and made it plane. I giggled as he rode my trip. I stare at him.

"What?" he ask. I shake my head and release with him. I pout as I see him laughing. I glare him, he just laugh. I stare at his face. He looks like a Prince when he laughs, I love the way he rode my trip. I turn away as I remeber what I said yesterday.

"Hey, fixed this one. Cook again, I'll watch you." he command. I nod and never been talk to him.

After so many years I'm done!

"Hoo!" I wipe my sweat and look at him. He was crossing his arm while looking at the food I cook. I take a look for it, I gasp as I see its face. A little bit burn again.

"Ha, I'll just eat it. Your tired. How many time have you cook, still nothing happened." he rolled his eye. I pout. He seats in front of me and silently eat it. I just watch him, he was hungry. I didn't expect to starve him. I crossed my fingers and look at the food I cook. It's gone, he eat it all and never been left for me.

"Where's mine?" I pout. He smirks.

"Now cook if you want to eat." he said and turn away.

"Heh! I can cook on my own. And I will not leave aniy thing for you!" I said and get the sausage from the refregerator.

"Tsk, as if you can cook it." he said and walk away. I think about on how long should I spent to cook it. Argh never mind!


After an hour I'm done, I just have one because those sausages are burned. I pout and slowly eat it. I was surprised when I feel my tounge burned too.

"It's hot! Waahh! It's hot, it's hot..." I drink my water. It's almost two glass of water, that burned feeling is still not fading. What can I do?!

"Hey?!" that man get my attention. I face him. "Whats going on?" he ask.

"My tounge was burned..." I whispered. He laugh, I stare at him while my tears starts to run on my cheek.

"Just for that chilli, tsk clumsy." he said.

"Heh! Don't approach me Beast!" I yelled. He approach me. I retreats, and he step forward to approach me. I retreats again and he step froward again and we did it again ang again. Until I was running out of place and I was cornered by him. I crossed my brows.

"Don't approach me as I said!" I yelled. He turn away.

"Alright, I'm going out." he said and walk out.

"With whom?" I asks.

"With the girl I love." he said in sarcastic tone, I pout. I smiled fakely and turn away. That girl he love? That girl he love for almost 8 years? That impact. I take a seat again and forced to swallow the sausage. Even if it is spicy, I'll swallow it. Just to forget that Andrea.

"Andrea..." I say her name. And I felt guilty for hidden reason. I don't know why? Is she like that to be an important woman for him? She weighs more than I do, isn't all my love for him enough? I felt my eyes burned too. It's not just my mouth and my eyes feel, almost my heart feels burned.