


It's another morning again I was overslept and my eyebags are dark and my eyes are red. I won't awaken again, with this unfair world. I can't imagine that the guy you love the most almost makes you die for an unable reason. After Bryle fights his love for me years ago. He'll just reject it? Darn this life! I rolled around when I felt where am I lying was soft. I can't stop rolling around until something bump into my head. I took a glance there I see him sleeping. This man, almost lifts me just to sleep with him. He didn't give any permission to let me lie beside him. I'm wondering how he lifted me, is it his patient doing this thing? Tsk, forget that thing AZ just mind your present!

I heard him groaned I quickly get up and attempted to stand when he pulls me. I almost scream when he did it. He opens his left eye and glares at me.

"Don't go, stay with me for a minute," he murmured, I pout and think with it. I was frightened when he hugs me tightened that there was something strange coming next to me. Errr I'm feeling bad now I can feel my eyes burn. I'm afraid that next time or soon I can no longer see him. I was just afraid that someday he'll instill anger in me, about that he'll fight against me.

"B-Bryle...This contract I'm entering can no longer affect us...Besides, you don't have any affection for me. I should stop this one because I'm not used to it. Still, you'll choose Andrea. Can I hang out with my Friends?" I ask, his brows were cross. I sigh and take off his arms wrapping on me.

"Fine, I won't. I am longing to stay here. Playing with your dogs are fun." I said with a sigh of relief. I stand up and face him with my plastic smile. "I'll go ahead and cook for you," I whispered and left him. I go downstairs and headed into the kitchen I opened the refrigerator and kaboom. There's no longer we can live in with this replacement. I should buy in the grocery store nearly here. I take a look at my pocket...Ahh, there's one dollar but only can buy a small amount of food. Ahh, what if I'll ask Bryle?

I quickly ran fast and headed inside his room, he wasn't inside but there's a splash of water I can hear. Tsk, that monkey had his wash first. I turn away but that voice caught my attention when he calls me.

"What?!" I ask. While my hands are messing around behind me.

"Why aren't you prepare for our meal?" he asks, I cough and chuckled. His brow raised up.

"Ahem besides you much richer than m--" I stopped when he tugged me. My head bumps into his chest. Gosh his so hard! "Ouch!" I murmured.

"Wait, you'll ask me for our meal? Aren't you supposed to problem that? Tsk, here. If there's a change just keep it. I am ashamed of you." my whole body turns like a Teapot that can't wait to pour my anger with him. I was pushed to ask his money tsk!

"Hey, I'll change it after I'll be sold those ingredients I need to buy. Alright, I'll go ahead." I said and turn away. I ran towards my room to wash and change my outfit.

I wear an oversized t-shirt pair with short jeans for women. I also use a pair of shoes. Yes, I'll gotta go!

"Hey! I'll go with you," he said, I just ignore him. If he's coming with me then he'll come at least I have an employee to lift those bags of ingredients. Hehehehe...


After those years I'm having a trip around the market, here I am. Eating with this stupid man hehe (peace).

"After this--" he stops when I raised my palm.

"No we're not done, let's go buy some clothes!" I claimed, he sighed. My smile back to normal when he stands. "Okay, we're done," I said, we stop and exit. He ordered to lift it by his Driver. While we're heading outside those eyes of girls almost stick towards him. I rolled my eyes I need to walk fast just to avoid that man.

"I'm hanging out with someone," I exclaimed, his face at me.

"Well go home early as 8." he told me first before he hops inside his car. I was left standing beside the p[ole. I lie with him. This is my first time lying with him...

"Hemp, whatever," I murmured and walk away. If ever that he suspects me...I will never care enough for that. I ran fast and covers my face, as if I assumed that he'll followed me. I will secured my life first.

After walking away, my feet stopped at the park where I used to go, but it seemed that the rain dropped out. Bad luck day...I cover my head with my hands and run towards the tree, underneathe it. There I used to take a shelter for a minute. I crossed my arms and bow my head.

I stunned when someone put a jacket on me, when I glance I frowns when I see Bryle so wet.

"You even use to lie to me, in that case your day was bad as I expected." he giggled I frown when he kneeled. He tie the lace of my shoes, if ever time passes. I wont expect that if I run I'll bump. Almost it'll made me injured. Fortunately, Bryle caught up with me. I stare at him, he change a little. He made care top me, as I expected he was the worst man I've known. He doesn't give care to anyone especially to me, his Wife. But the care he gaves only for Andrea. Tsk, come on don't mind me.

"Let me tie it by myself, I'm not a paralized woman." my tone. I can't help it but I immediately say it in sarcastic tone. I kneeled and look at my tie. I pushed his hand aside and let it tie by my own. I quyickly stand and turn away after I tied it. Don't move or else. You'll die! Don't assumed, that I'll love you the most, because I'm full.

"You seemed to avoid me lately. What's the matter?" he asks, I laughed fake. Am I too obvious?

"Haha...You even sees it, why your still asking? Tsk, whatever I'll go somewhere. Here's your Jacket I can buy on my own." I claimed and left him, but before I leave he holds my hand.

"I know your doing it just--" I stopped him with just my smirk. I laugh bitterly and faxces him with full of my fierce.

"Stop this nonsense topic. Were gone right? We'll ended it, wether you like it or not. We'll end this." I feel a pain when I see his tear fall down. I bit my lower lip and bend forward. No I won't cry...I won't!

"Are you done making me chase? Are you a kind of lazy woman who even let your Husband chase with other woman? Are you feelin' tired?" he asks, I burst out my tears and face him. I nod slowly. He laugh. He stand then turn away. "Haha, tired?!" he asks again, I cry silently.

"Bryle can you just shut your mouth?!" I ordered but he didn't obey it unless he holds my neck with his hand, then he stangled me. I gasps for breathe. I tried to catch his hand but I can't.

"Haha...I know you'll make my senses feel guilty for breaking your heart. Are you trying to do it?" he asks in his calm voice.

"Wha-t i-if I sa-y y-yes?! A-are you goi-ng to b-believe me?!" I asked with my full. He even laugh and holds muy neck tightly suddenly thunder strikes. I cover my ears and cry silently. No I won't let that thunder oppress me! I frown when his hand lossen I glance and there I see him crying. I take off his hand from me and was taken him aback. I stunned when he embrace me.

"A-are you realy tired?" he asks and there I find that he's asleep in my shoulder. Am I too selfish? I'm just protecting myself!


I take a shelter underneathe the tree, while drinking a tea beside me was the book and I was about to open it when someone cough. I glance slightly, as I see him I smiled and stand.

"Why are you here?" I ask, he chuckled.

"Aren't I supposedly ask that question?" he gives me back the question. Tsk, that stupid. I turn away and look at those flowers. Were here in our Villa's Garden.

"Well...I'm here to be alone. Mostly, I'm thinking about my Grandpa's deal. I want to be untied with you." I stop and cross my arm, the air. It seems to be cold during this time.

"Tsk, my Grandpa deals with you? How rutheless that old man is?! He want's his Grandson to be suffer?!" he exclaimed. I fake a laugh.

"Is that how you treat him? As rutheless as you?! You even turn away to avoid your wife! I made a suffer, it is because of you..." I said while while my palms are closed.

"It is how rutheless you are? To made things embarrassed? I made care for her just to lead her! F*ck this life. She was suffering with her disdease! Your the rutheless!" I stunne. No this can't be...

"Is our situation really reversed today ?! It'll be rutheless am I? So you blame me for becoming a rutheless. Eversince I don't know her condition!" I exclaimed and run away without any permission.

I just run and run, I'm about to escape from the Villa but someone acrrosed me. It's her...

~To be continued

Good day guys! It's evening here, so Good evening haha. Thanks for reading and supporting my story. I want to thank the readers who read my story! It's my pleasure to write a story guuys! It's 1.73k views. About that I want you all vote and leave a comment for those error. Please notice me thank you. Have a great day reading my story! Love you guys!

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