
Book 1: Chapter 68 - Moving on.

   "Who's this T?" I yell over the music, grinning at him. He waltz over to me, his arm swung over a pretty brunette. He glances down at her, smiling before his eyes meet mine.

   "Emily this is Jane, Jane meet Emily."

   I grin at him and Jane before holding my arms out, signalling Jane for a hug. She immediately embraces me, squeezing me gently.

   "Hey! It is so nice to finally meet you. Tobias speaks really highly of you and Jake," she says, her eyes sparkling as she glances up at Tobias. He grins back at her, leaning down to plant a gentle kiss on the side of her head.

   "Really? He never told me that! It's lovely to meet you too!" I said loudly, leaning closer so she could hear me.

   "So are you two a thing now?" I ask Tobias, waggling my eyebrows at him. He rolls his eyes at me, pulling her closer towards him -

   "Yeah, kind of," he replies sheepishly and I squeal, pulling him into a tight hug.