
His Misguided Desires

At a spring festival, Jiro laid eyes on a captivating woman named Mariko and was instantly smitten. He believed he had found the love of his life and that fate had brought them together. However, fate had a different plan in store for Jiro. Unbeknownst to him, the woman he fell in love with at first sight was Moriko, not Mariko. As Jiro mistakenly believed that Moriko had intentionally tricked him by pretending to be Mariko, his infatuation turned into bitterness, and he begun treating her cruelly. While mistreating Moriko, he failed to realize that Mariko, the woman he initially thought he loved, held no true feelings for him. Rejected by Mariko, Jiro was forced to confront his own insecurities and the cruelty he had inflicted upon Moriko. Will the misunderstanding unravel and be solved? Will Jiro finally see the truth? Will Moriko's affection be deep enough to forgive Jiro?

AnotSoWideReader · Urban
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28 Chs

Both were oblivious

Jiro sat alone in his car, hidden in the shadows, watching Mariko from a distance. His internal conflict was tearing him apart. He knew he shouldn't be doing this, but he couldn't help himself. Every day, the worry for her safety gnawed at him, making it impossible to simply rely on his lackeys to watch over her.

His enemies had already caught wind of his affection for Mariko, and that scared him more than anything. He knew that if they discovered any connection between them, she might become a target, pulled into the dangerous world he inhabited.

Jiro's fingers clenched tightly around the steering wheel as he continued to watch Mariko from afar. He longed to approach her, to introduce himself, to offer her protection himself. But the fear of putting her in more danger held him back.

He sighed, feeling the weight of his choices pressing down on him. From the shadows, he knew he could at least keep an eye on her, ensuring that she remained safe. It was a lonely and frustrating existence, but it was the only way he could think to protect the woman he adored.

"You really got me with your sweet smile that day." Jiro said to himself bitterly.

He was feeling a bit down but when he saw Mariko and her sister emerged from the dojo, he can only watched as they walked to their respective cars. He knew he needed to be cautious and not alert Mariko of his presence.

Jiro's heart raced as he saw them get into their cars, their engines starting one after the other. With practiced stealth, he waited a few moments, ensuring they were safely inside their vehicles before he started his own car. His headlights remained off as he merged into the sparse traffic on the dimly lit streets.

He kept a safe distance between his car and Mariko's careful not to arouse suspicion. His commitment to protecting her had intensified, especially after this deviation from her routine. His enemies could strike at any moment, and he couldn't let anything happen to her.


Moriko's keen instincts had detected the presence of the black Maybach tailing her, and heart raced as she considered her options. She knew she needed to lead the car into an alley without arousing suspicion. With a calm demeanor, she formulated a plan.

Glancing at her rearview mirror, she confirmed that the Maybach was still following her. Then, she pretended to have a change of heart about her destination. She signaled to turn onto a narrow, dimly lit side street, making it appear as if she was simply taking a shortcut.

As she made the turn, Moriko kept a close eye on the Maybach behind her, ensuring it continued to follow. Her hands gripped the steering wheel, and her heart pounded with the adrenaline of the chase.

She carefully selected an alleyway up ahead, one that was secluded and free of pedestrians. Without giving away her intentions, Moriko slowly decreased her speed, as if unsure of her path. As Mariko executed her plan to lead the black Maybach into the secluded alley, Jiro followed closely behind, maintaining a safe distance. His heart pounded with worry for Mariko and the unfolding situation.

Suddenly, Mariko's car came to an abrupt halt, and Jiro had to slam on his brakes to avoid rear-ending her. Shock and concern coursed through him, but he quickly composed himself. Without wasting a moment, he grabbed the gun from his waistband, ready to protect Mariko if needed.

Jiro hurriedly stepped out of his car and approached Mariko's vehicle, his senses heightened. He kept a watchful eye on the surroundings, aware that they were in a potentially dangerous situation. His priority was to ensure Mariko's safety and understand why her car had come to such an unexpected stop.

Approaching Mariko's window, he knocked gently, his voice laced with urgency.

"Mariko, are you okay? What happened? Why did you stop so suddenly?" Concerned, Jiro asked as his grip on the gun remained firm.

As Jiro questioned Moriko who was in Mariko's car, he couldn't see the hidden dagger she was slowly reaching for. He remained concerned for Mariko's safety, unaware of the fact that he had casually addressed her by her sister's name.

Moriko's eyes darted around, confirming that the man was indeed the stalker. His familiarity with Mariko's name sent shivers down her spine, making her realize the gravity of the situation.

She continued to feign composure, her hand inching closer to the concealed dagger on her thigh. Her fingers closed around the hilt, ready to defend herself if the need arose. Moriko knew that dealing with a professional stalker required quick thinking and decisive action.

Moriko's heart pounded as she steeled herself for action. In one swift, determined movement, she opened the window of Mariko's car and reached out, grabbing the man's collar with a surprising burst of strength. With a fierce resolve, she pulled him closer, her eyes locked on his.

With all the adrenaline coursing through her veins, Moriko executed a powerful headbutt, catching Jiro off guard. The sudden and forceful blow struck him squarely in the face, causing him to recoil in pain and surprise.

Stunned and disoriented, Jiro stumbled backward, momentarily incapacitated by the unexpected attack. With Jiro momentarily stunned by the headbutt, Moriko's adrenaline-fueled instincts kicked into high gear. She quickly stepped out of the car and lifted her leg with remarkable speed, aiming for a devastating axe kick that would incapacitate her would-be assailant.

However, Jiro's reflexes were as sharp as a blade. In a split second, he managed to dodge the incoming kick, narrowly avoiding the potentially crippling blow. His training and experience had prepared him for such situations, and he was swift on his feet.

Moriko's leg descended harmlessly, landing on the pavement with a resounding thud. She quickly regained her balance, her heart still racing as she faced the stalker who had proven to be more skilled and agile than she had anticipated.

Jiro's realization then hit him like a lightning bolt as he took in the woman's impressive display of martial arts skill. His earlier assumption that she was Mariko had been shattered. It was the taekwondo sister he was facing.

He took a cautious step back, maintaining a safe distance from Moriko, his eyes never leaving her. While Jiro was confident in his own combat abilities, he understood the danger of underestimating a trained martial artist, especially one as skilled as a professional taekwondo practitioner.

"You're quick on your feet. You're quite skilled." Impressed, Moriko praised Jiro.

However, she didn't want to mince words and got straight to the point, her voice firm and assertive.

"Now, let's cut to the chase. You need to stop stalking my sister and back off. This ends now."

Moriko's stern tone left no room for negotiation, and her unwavering determination made it clear that she wouldn't tolerate any further harassment of her sister or herself. She then awaited Jiro's response.

Jiro couldn't help but be taken aback by Moriko's boldness and determination. Her words and demeanor were strikingly reminiscent of Mariko, back to that very day he first laid eyes on her.

As he looked into Moriko's eyes, he realized that she possessed the same unwavering spirit that had drawn him to Mariko in the first place. There was a fierce sense of protectiveness in Moriko's words that resonated with him, reminding him of the love he had developed for her twin.

Moriko, growing impatient of Jiro's silence, decided to punctuate her words with action. In a fluid, graceful motion, she executed a combination of a spin hook and a fake spin hook, her movements displaying her martial prowess.

The spin hook kick was executed with precision, showcasing her agility and power, and the fake spin hook added an element of unpredictability. It was a clear message that she was not to be taken lightly and that she was more than capable of defending herself and her sister.

As Moriko landed gracefully back on her feet, she maintained a vigilant stance, her eyes locked onto Jiro as she repeated her message, "Stop stalking my sister and back off."