
His Majesty's Demoness

[Matured content, no rape!] In the middle of a large church, a priest stood holding a book as he recited the matrimonial vow. The bride stood facing her groom, who as though was feeling uncomfortable being in the holy place, had his hands crossed and had his face down to the ground. The guests stood still, listening as the priest recited the vows. The priest turned to the groom and asked, "Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The groom responded, "I do." The priest then turned to the bride and asked the same question. But instead of responding, the bride looked around the church, her gaze landing on her nanny and handmaid, who were fidgeting nervously as two soldiers stood beside them with swords at their sides. The bride then turned to her uncle, the king, and saw him, give her a warning glare. She responded with a mischievous smirk, and when she looked at her aunt and cousin, she saw her cousin give her a death glare, while her aunt had an expressionless face that screamed danger. Finally, the bride turned to her groom and said loudly with no ounce of fear or regret, "I don't." The guests in the church broke into gasps and murmurs, everyone could see the union was not a happy one and the bride could see different expressions on their faces - pity, mockery, and hate - but she wasn't deterred. She could see her uncle almost flaring up in anger, but she worsened the situation by blowing him an air kiss. The priest was dumbfounded and didn't know how to react. Just as he was about to speak again, the groom spoke up. "Continue, priest." The church turned silent and the taunting smile on the bride's face slowly fell as she stared back at the groom, who showed no expression. The priest cleared his throat and said, "You may kiss the bride." The groom lifted his head with a little smile and strode towards the bride. Her eyes widened in shock. Was this evil man going to kiss her? As he approached her, he whispered, "You'll pay for this." Then he leaned in...

JoannajhZXG3 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Horror in the throne room 2

Draven had to act quickly to stop Vlad from making a scene. He placed a hand on Vlad's shoulder, holding him back from approaching Rhiannon who stood and wasn't even facing them.

"Vlad, calm yourself," Draven whispered, his voice low and firm. "You'll only frighten the girl with such an appearance."

Vlad's eyes blazed with anger, and he shrugged off Draven's hand. "How dare you touch me!" he snapped, in a low tone, his words sharp and cold.

Draven could see few eyes on them and the effect of Rhiannon's closeness to the tied boy was having on him, and he knew he had to diffuse the situation quickly.

"Vlad, please," he said, his tone pleading. "Don't scare the girl. She's done nothing wrong."

Vlad glared at Draven for a long moment, then finally let out a deep breath. "Fine," he growled. "But don't touch me again." He stood back in his position, his eyes shooting daggers at Rhiannon and Rowan.

When Draven nodded with relief and looked away, his eyes swept to Alastair who had a big taunting grin at him. Glaring at him, he looked away- eyes back to the scene.

Ariadne's eyes glinted with malice as she slowly made her way toward Axel, who Lilith had secretly stuffed letters into his hands. Taking the letters from his hand with a satisfied smirk, she could feel Rhiannon's eyes on her, but she paid her no attention. She had waited too long for this moment, and nothing was going to stop her from achieving her goal.

Ariadne stood in front of the court, holding the letters that she had taken from Rowan's room. She looked around with a smug smile on her face and cleared her throat.

"I have one more piece of evidence to present," she said, her voice dripping with malice. "These letters were found in Rowan's room, and they reveal a secret that he has been hiding for years."

Ignoring the tension in the room, Ariadne unfolded the letters and began to read aloud. "My dearest Rhiannon," she began, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "I have loved you since the age of seventeen, but I never dared to tell you. I have been writing to you for years, pouring out my heart to you in every letter."

The court froze in shock as Ariadne continued to read. "I have prepared two horses and two special cloaks for us to elope together. We can start a new life together, away from all the chaos and strife of this kingdom." She paused and then continued, her eyes turning to Vlad. "This is a recent letter from yesterday".

Rhiannon's eyes almost bulged from their sockets as she listened to the words of the letter. She had no idea that Rowan had loved her all these years, and the shock of it all was almost too much to bear. "This can't be true," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Rhiannon felt a mixture of sadness and happiness knowing that Rowan had always loved her. But her happiness was short-lived as she realized that Ariadne was using this to humiliate Rowan and her. She turned to look at Rowan, he was shocked as she was.

Lilith spoke next, her eyes landing on Rhiannon. "Are you sure about this, Ariadne?" she asked, a false stern look on her face.

Ariadne pointed at Axel, who was standing in the corner, his eyes wide with fear. "It was the little boy who gave me all the information," she said. "He directed me to take the letters from a box under Rowan's bed."

Axel's eyes widened with shock as he received warning glares from the women. He gulped and conceded with the lies- He knew he hadn't shown this to Ariadne! But slowly he raised his head to nod.

Rhiannon watched Axel betray Rowan's trust. She turned to Lilith and Ariadne, her eyes blazing with fury.

As soon as King Roderick heard the word "elopement," he shrieked in shock and disbelief. His face turned red with anger and his voice thundered in the room.

"Elopement? How dare you, Rowan! You would dare to steal a bride from under our noses? You are nothing but a peasant boy! A low-life scum!" he bellowed, his eyes blazing with fury.

He turned to the guards, pointing at Rowan. "Take him away! Place his head back on the stool and let the executioner do his job! He has committed abominable acts and deserves nothing less than death!" he ordered.

The guards stepped forward, their hands on their swords, and began to drag Rowan away. Rowan struggled against them, his eyes refusing to meet Rhiannon's.

Rhiannon looked around, hoping for some help or a sign of hope, but all she saw were the cold, unfeeling faces of the courtiers. They had all labeled Rowan as a criminal.

The guards took Rowan's neck back to the wooden stool, where the executioner was waiting with his sword. The executioner lifted his axe high in the air, ready to strike.

"Rhiannon!" Rowan struggled against the guards, yelling her name. "Please, come closer to me!"

Rhiannon's heart was pounding in her chest as she slowly made her way to Rowan, tears streaming down her face. King Roderick stood up in anger, but he did not stop her.

Rowan's eyes were burning with tears as he spoke. "Rhiannon, everything in those letters was true. I have loved you since I was 17 years old, but I never dared to tell you. I never intended to send those letters to you. I am a coward, and I am sorry for failing to protect you."

His voice broke, and he hesitated for a moment before making a request. "Rhiannon, may I...may I kiss you?"

Rhiannon was shocked but quickly nodded through her sobs, and Rowan leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek. The court broke into murmurs and whispers, shocked at the display of affection.

King Roderick's face turned red with anger and disgust as he watched the scene unfold. He could not believe what he was seeing. "Enough of this!" he roared, his voice echoing in the hall. "Take him away and execute him!... Kill him!".

"Wait!!!". She screamed, scrambling up, and then went to Vlad, and quickly kneeled, her hands clasped together. "I'll marry you, please save him, I beg of you". Tears rolled down her eyes and Vlad frowned, saying nothing.

King Roderick's face twisted in anger as Rhiannon begged Vlad instead of him. He was surely going to show her who had supremacy.

Rising, he called to Rhiannon with his hypocritical calm look. "Rhiannon do you swear before the throne that you would abide by your words?".

Rhiannon turned with red swollen eyes, as she stood, refusing to kneel before Roderick.

"Don't you dare!". Rowan growled, his eyes filled with anger. "You promised me".

Rhiannon gritted her teeth and looked away, eyes focused on Roderick. "I swear before the throne of my late father to keep this oath, I, Princess Rhiannon, daughter of late king Alexander, the eye of the kingdom, promise to marry King Vlad and to forever be his wife".

A seal was immediately stamped on a piece of paper and when Roderick read it, he smiled and then gestured to the executioner while Rhiannon sighed with relief, and Rowan was glaring with anger and hatred.

Ariadne felt angry. What was the reason for wasting her time here if her father wasn't going to kill Rowan as planned?

The next words spoken by the king shocked the entire court and Rhiannon the most, as he pointed at the executioner.

"Kill him!".

Rhiannon's eyes widened with shock as her breath caught up in her throat.

As the executioner raised his axe, Rhiannon's heart felt like it was about to explode. She wanted to scream and beg for mercy, but her voice was stuck in her throat. She felt the hot tears streaming down her face, blurring her vision as she watched in horror as Rowan's head was placed on the wooden block. Her mind was screaming in agony, pleading for this nightmare to end.

Before she could scream out and run to him, it was too late. The sound of the axe hitting the block echoed throughout the room, followed by the sickening thud of Rowan's head hitting the ground. Rhiannon's eyes widened in shock and disbelief as she saw his lifeless body slump over, blood pouring out from his neck. The guards tightened their grip on her, but Rhiannon barely felt it.

Her heart was shattered, and her soul felt like it had been ripped apart. She wanted to scream, to curse fate, but all she could do was stare, As the reality of what had just happened was sinking in, Rhiannon felt a deep sense of despair and hopelessness. She had lost the only person who had truly loved her, and it felt like a part of her had died with him. The world around her felt cold and empty, and she wondered if she would ever be able to feel anything again.

As the seconds turned into minutes, Rhiannon remained motionless, heartbroken and her eyes fixed on the sight before her. Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, memories of Rowan flooding back to her like a rushing river. She remembered how Rowan had saved her from a couple of bullies in their childhood, how he had stayed with her all day when she had almost drowned in a river, and how he had taken the blame when she was the one who had done something wrong.

Her heart ached with a deep, intense pain that she could not even begin to describe.

Suddenly, as if something inside her had snapped, Rhiannon let out a blood-curdling scream that echoed throughout the throne room. Her body convulsed with spasms as she thrashed about, pulling at her blonde hair in wild abandon.

The sound of her scream was deafening, and the shocked expressions on the faces of everyone in the room spoke volumes.

Her handmaid and nanny, who had been cowering in fear in a corner of the room, quickly rushed to Rhiannon's side, their eyes wide with horror. They tried to calm her down, but all Rhiannon could do was scream and shout, her voice hoarse and raw with emotion.

"Aaaaah!!" she cried out, her voice echoing off the walls.

"Rowan...Rowan... Rowan" Her words were punctuated by sobs and gasps for air, as she continued to thrash about in anguish.

Vlad, Draven, and Alastair stood there, stunned like the rest of the members of the court.

King Roderick's face, which had been filled with an evil expression just moments ago, quickly dissipated as shock took over. Even he was taken aback by the intensity of Rhiannon's reaction.

Ariadne and her mother, Lilith, who had been taunting Rhiannon with their evil smiles, quickly paled on seeing the extreme reaction from Rhiannon. They had thought she was faking it until she started convulsing with spasms, pulling at her hair with wild abandon.

The handmaid and nanny tried to hold Rhiannon still, but she was thrashing about so violently that it was almost impossible to do so. Her screams continued to fill the throne room, as tears streamed down her face, and her body shook with sobs.

The Old nanny's scream pierced through the air like a knife, sending shivers down everyone's spine. "Call for the royal physician! Quickly!" she cried out, her eyes filled with fear as Rhiannon's thrashing grew more and more violent. The room was filled with chaos as people rushed to do as they were told, but no one could seem to hold Rhiannon still.

That's when Vlad, the evil devil king, suddenly took some strides forward and swooped Rhiannon into his arms. Gasps filled the air as everyone held their breath, watching as the notorious Vlad turned gently toward Rhiannon. King Roderick couldn't help but feel suspicious of him, but he was too terrified to say anything.

As they waited for the physician to arrive, Rhiannon's body continued to convulse in Vlad's arms. But then, something strange happened.

Rhiannon began to calm down. Her eyes, which had been shut tight with tears, slowly opened. But the horror was not yet over.

Rhiannon's eyes widened with shock as she saw Rowan, who had been beheaded, stand up from the ground. The decapitated head dangled from his hand as he walked towards his separated body, fixing his head back onto his neck. Rhiannon's heart pounded in her chest as Rowan's eyes turned cold and venomous, locking onto hers.

A deafening scream escaped Rhiannon's lips as the horror of the situation sunk in. The scene was like something out of a nightmare, with life and action unfolding before her very eyes.