
His maid-looking cutie

Bentlee Daniels is a normal middle-class adult of the society, except she lives like a tenant in her family house. She is beautiful, smart, kind and has that amazing body, but lacks that spice of life. After moving out of her relatives house, her seemingly boring life begins to brighten up after another encounter with a handsome stranger. Zeke Miller, an uncaring business tycoon, is the CEO of one of the biggest companies in the continent. The power he holds is unimaginable and the fear he puts in people is even more incredible. Living his monotonous life over and over, not knowing what life had in store for him with the girl at the elevator. With all the hurdles of jealousy, greed, love triangles, etc, will the love they haven't developed for each other blossom? Or die because why is there love? Author's note: the parts in this story represent chapters, so don't be discouraged if it has many parts

Brixly2704 · Urban
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58 Chs

Friend or Foe

"Whenever you're ready to tell me, okay?" Judith hugged Milan tightly.


Judith rolled her eyes listening to Milan's sobs.

Why wouldn't she shut up already or tell me at least, she thought.

Oh well, she'll come around soon enough.

Judith felt Milan's stiff body begin to relax and concluded that the cry baby was falling asleep.

Except that she wasn't, she was getting tired of crying and the intensity of her headache kept increasing by the second.

Milan's breathing became steady and her body unmoving.

Seeing this, Judith clicked her tongue and sighed.

"I don't know what happened, but I can be there to comfort you" , Judith kept playing the "good friend" card.


There was no response.

She must be asleep, Judith thought.

She moved away from Milan slowly, covering her friend with the gigantic brown duvet beside her.

Milan's eyes felt droopy and she was falling asleep.

*Bzzt bzzt*

Judith's phone rang inside her pocket.

Milan just wanted absolute silence and complete solitude until she heard the name and sentence Judith spoke.

"Jaeyoon? Why are you calling? I'm at her house" she said as she walked out of the room.

Almost instantly, the sleep was gone from Milan's eyes.

Jaeyoon?! Why the fuck was he calling Judy? And why was I being referred to?!!!

What the hell is going on?

Milan's strength suddenly came back to her and she got up from her bed.

Putting on her slippers, she left the room to find Judy.

Seeing Judy stand by an empty lobby to answer a call from Jaeyoon of all people, Milan was on edge.

Instead of walking up to her and asking questions, Milan stood behind her in a hidden corner and decided to eavesdrop on the phone call.


"Why are you calling me when I'm in her house?" I was very anxious

"Oh shut up" he snapped in a calm tone.

"Whatever, why are you calling?" I really didn't need this right now. What if someone hears?

"I want to see you" he said simply.

What the Fuck?? Has he finally run mad? He wants to see me? What for?

"Why? We have no business together" I said sharply.

"....." He was silent


"I'll send you the address"

And the line went dead

Who does he think I am? One of his elite employees?

UGHHHHHH, I couldn't hide my dissatisfaction.

Why was Judy on a call with Jaeyoon of all people? What did he want to meet her for? Weird! Milan thought.

She turned around and walked back quietly.

She was a step away from being out of hearing range when Judy spoke.

"Why did I even get involved with this bastard. I don't even know what he did or why she's not speaking to me. Why should I be the one to carry all this?"

Milan halted in her steps.


What did she just say? She referred to me just now.

What is going on??!!


Turning around, Judy walked through the empty hallway, towards the kitchen.

She needed a snack before she could go back to console her friend.

Meanwhile, Milan sat on her bed, arms trembling, breath shaky and demeanour defeated.

She didn't want to jump to conclusions, but Judy's words were evidently about her.

She didn't want to think it, but was Judy in any way involved in what happened to her? She couldn't believe it!!

She felt sick to her stomach.

Her mind played images of the horrifying scene over and over.

She felt lightheaded and nauseous.

She felt like throwing up, but her stomach was empty.

Tears poured uncontrollably from her eyes.

She lay down, the quiet air filled with her sobs.

She didn't want to think about anything.

She didn't want to feel anything.

She didn't want to hear anything.

She didn't want to see anything.

She wanted the burden to be gone, forever.

Her breathing had calmed down after some minutes and her tears had dried up, her lightheadedness was leaving her.

She was tired, she needed to rest.

She didn't need all this information.

Letting her body relax, Milan laid in peace.....

Suddenly, her body shot up and she was beyond mad.

She needed to know if it was true. She needed to know who her real "foe" was.

She was going to follow Judy and find out the truth.


Judith took longer than expected to get a quick snack. She helped herself to the cinnamon rolls and cakes she could find.

She moaned as she ate, shamelessly forgetting she has other things to do like comforting her friend.

She opened a bottle of wine as quietly as she could, poured herself a glass and drank to her heart's content.

After some minutes, she was done and evidently more relaxed.

The alcohol had calmed her guilt. She was fine.

Walking back to Milan's room, she met her beautiful friend asleep on her bed.

Judith caressed her friend's hair and whispered "you'll be okay", and left.

Despite Milan's physical form that looked like she slept, her mind was thinking about a million and one different reasons why her friend had nothing to do with the incident and how her words were not related to her.

But her mind couldn't come up with anything because of that statement she heard.

"You'll be okay" from her friend was normally what made her calm down in terrible situations but now it made her more anxious cause what was that supposed to mean?

Are you involved or not?

I guess I'll just have to find out for myself, she concluded and opened her eyes slowly.