
His Luna Mate

"I feel so sorry for whoever you get married to. " She commented as she shook her head. He chuckled, "You don't have to dear, because she will be getting all of this. " He stated as he gestured at his body. She looked at him and felt her cheek begin to turn red. "Seems like my princess is blushing." He teased her. "No, I'm not. I'm just...." Tbc

gift_james · Urban
Not enough ratings
142 Chs

Chapter 120

Isla blinked her eyes open, the early morning sun filtering through the leaves above her, sprinkling them with small rays.

  She was warm, extremely warm, and smiled as she realized it was because Kelly was wrapped around her like a vine.

  His arm was thrown over her waist, holding her close, while his wonderfully heavy leg was wrapped around both of hers. 

The best part though was that his head rested on her chest, and he was still soundly asleep.

She grinned like a loon, reaching up to run her fingers lightly over his hair. 

He stirred, his arm tightening around her, before he settled again.

  She blushed to herself as she remembered they were both naked beneath the blanket he had wrapped around them.

  Not with embarrassment though, no, but with pleasure.

  She turned her head, feeling the tenderness in her neck where he had sunk his teeth in.