
His Luna (The Prophecy Begins)

Maeve was your typical shifter girl, the perfect life with the perfect family & pack. That was until her summoning day when everything changed. Will Theo keep her safe from Alpha Bain? Or has she put her faith into the wrong Alpha? How will her Wolf help her change the fate of the world?

Amy_L_22 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 12


I stood there listening to the war cries of the White Claw Pack. They were relentless.

No matter what we threw their way they continued to try and penetrate our walls. I looked down at the shields they had forged. Their crest was shining bright against the sunlight.

The history books I had read as a child, told me the crest had significant meaning.

Every time a new Alpha was anointed in the White Claw pack, a Lion would appear within their pack territory and challenge the new Alpha to a fight to the death. If the Alpha was not worthy, he would perish in the battle.

For any Alpha that triumphed against the Lion they would be blessed with unusually long life even amongst shifters, and given the strength to guide their pack. The snake symbolised the destruction of anyone that stood in their way. Just like the Lion defeated unworthy Alpha's, The pack believed they were able to defeat any unworthy opponents they faced. The snakes.

I realised just how far our pack had fallen. We really were the snakes in this scenario. Our Alpha was cruel, ruthless and quite frankly an evil man. This goes beyond just being a bit power hungry. He was a vile, malicious man who would ruin everything, and everyone to get what he wanted.

I knew of Alpha Bain and the White Claw pack long before this battle. I knew of their loyalty, skill in battle and their unwavering will to succeed.

Alpha Bain was a man I'd be proud to follow.

I knew in that moment that I had to do something. Eventually they would break through our fortress and kill all inside. This was not a fight worth losing my pack over. My family.

All because our vicious Alpha wanted a mate that was never destined for him.

I ran back from the wall lines and went to find Alpha Carson. I wasn't sure what I was going to say, but I needed to get him distracted and away from our false Luna long enough to inform her of the truth.

I let my nose guide me, and ended up in front of the door to the cinema room. I stood outside for a second, wondering how I was going to achieve my goal. Whatever I was going to do I had to make out like it was urgent.

I placed my hand on the door handle and opened it quickly. Barging through and panting as though I was out of breath from running.

The sight before me sent chills down my spine. Our false Luna was in the arms of our cruel Alpha. What if I was already too late to convince her of what kind of man Alpha Carson truly was?

When she saw me she let out a small "eeek" in surprise and jumped backwards out of his grasp.

Alpha Carson looked furious. "What the hell do you want Beta Stimpson!?" He roared.

I looked back at our false Luna to see the surprise register on her face at his moment of anger.

He managed to compose himself quickly, as he always did around those he wished to deceive.

"I'm ever so sorry Jake you just caught me off guard. Please accept my apologies." I could hear the lies seeping through his words. He wasn't sorry, he wanted my head on a spike.

I could see under his false calm demeanour that he was going to punish me later.

"I'm sorry to bother you Alpha Carson, but you're needed on the front line of the wall. The White Claw pack have nearly broken through!" I replied, hoping he would see through my false claims.

I knew our cowardly Alpha would never want to be in the front lines of a fight. But he could not show his weakness in front of the false Luna. He was playing the role of her knight in shining amour and had to act as such.

He hesitated ever so briefly and then stood tall.

"Very well then, we must go and rally the warriors. Come Jake. Let us show White Claw that we are not scared. Let me show Alpha Bain he will not be able to take Maeve away from us so easily, like he did her parents." More bullshit spewed from his treacherous tongue.

Maeve... so that was her name. At the thought of her parents I could see the sadness grow in her eyes. Fucking liar! It was he who took her parents so viciously from this world.

"I do not mean to disobey an order Alpha. But maybe I should stay here, to make sure Maeve is safe in your absence?" I knew he'd be mad at my suggestion.

But again, I hoped he would have to bend his usual beliefs to keep us his false pretence of a good, caring Alpha.

I could see it in his eyes, he wanted to punish me. I could see the turmoil, he was trying to to lose his shit. Desperate to keep up the façade that he cared about her well being.

"Very well." He eventually agreed.

He turned to look at Maeve.

"I will be back as soon as I can. In the mean time my Beta will keep you safe."

He turned to look at me. Trying to look concerned but I could see the underlined look of fury he was sending my way.

"Please protect her with you life just as I would" yet another lie coming from his lips. "She's all I have left."

He looked back at her putting on his best look of adoration. I was getting bored of this act. Knowing what he was really like made it sickening to see the way he was playing this poor girl.

She moved herself back into his arms and kissed him softly. I had to withhold a growl, knowing her true mate was on the other side of our walls and that she was being deceived by this snake.

"Please be careful Theo. I don't want to lose you as well. I've already lost so much and you're all I have left in this world." The concern in her voice was clear.

I watched on absentmindedly as he continued to purr lies into her ear. At this point I wasn't even listening.

Once they were finished their heartfelt goodbyes, Alpha Carson shot me a look as he was leaving. Making sure I knew I would pay for this later.

I watched him leave and stared at the door a little longer, listening to his footsteps and he moved away from the room. Once I was certain he was out of earshot I moved towards a concerned looking Maeve.

"Maeve, please. I don't have much time to explain. Alpha Carson is not the man he claims to be! He has filled your head full of lies and sweet nothings." I urged.

She looked me dead in the eyes. I noticed she had one green and one blue eye. How peculiar. Her face was an expression of disbelief.

"Beta Stimpson what on earth are you talking about? Theo has been nothing but nice to me since he brought me here. After Alpha Bain killed my parents and my entire pack, I had nowhere else to go and he took me in." She responded.

This poor girl had been deceived for too long. 

"Maeve your pack are alive and well. Unfortunately the news of your parents is true but it didn't happen how you think it did. Alpha Bain is your mate." I continued, wishing she'd believe me.

Her eyes moved to a look of pure shock and horror. "What do you mean that monster is my mate! Why are you saying these things!?" She was bumbling frantically.

She was beginning to become erratic and I was scared that we didn't have much time.

"Please Maeve. I am going against my Alpha and my pack telling you this information. I need you to believe me. Let me show you." I pleaded.

She looked hesitant but slowly nodded her head.

"If you can prove to me that Alpha Carson has been untruthful, I will heed your warnings Beta." She replied.

I grabbed her hand and ran out of the room as fast as I could. She let out a surprised squeal, but followed me nonetheless.

The only way I could think to show her what Alpha Carson was truly like, was to show her the slaves he kept. I manoeuvred through the corridors of the estate, with Maeve still in tow.

Once we reached the door I was looking for to the basement, I quickly opened it and ushered her down the stairs. I wasn't sure how much time we had left.

We made our way to the bottom of the stairs, to be met by the rancid smell of piss and shit. These poor women were never allowed to bathe, and didn't have any toilets down here.

I remember trying to advocate for them a few times, but it was met with broken bones and the threat of death if I continued. I was only a young boy at the time, who was being conditioned to take over the Beta position after Alpha Carson had murdered my father.

I grew up governed to follow and never speak back, but I had finally had enough. I needed to protect Maeve and my pack from this snake.

Maeve's face contorted into a look of disgust. Not directed at the slaves, but their living conditions. "Who are these women and why are they here?!" She questioned.

I opened the closest cell to us and ushered the slave out of the door.

"Slave, as the Beta I demand you tell this woman the truth" I motioned at Maeve. "Tell her what you are and who did this to you." I requested.

I didn't feel good about myself making demands from them. However, I knew it was the only way they would talk. They'd been repeatedly beaten into submission.

The slave I was addressing was a petite woman. With brown hair that stuck to her face, after goddess knows how long of not being allowed any means to basic hygiene.

She looked terrified and was hesitant to speak.

"I cannot give her that information Beta, I will be punished greatly." She replied.

I looked and tried to pour my sincerity through my eyes, trying to show her I was here to help.

"Please Miss, I promise no harm will come to you from this information. We don't have much time. No one ever has to know that you gave us this intel." I urged.

She still looked hesitant but eventually spoke out.

"It was Alpha Carson. I have been his slave now since I was 4 years old. We are not allowed clothes, access to bathing facilities, we barely have enough scraps of food and water to keep us alive."Her eyes were welling up as she was speaking.

I felt like such a monster for allowing this to happen within our pack walls for so long. I was just as weak of a Beta as he was an Alpha. I was meant to protect these people!

"And please Miss, tell Maeve why Alpha Carson keeps you as a slave. What does he want from you?" I pressed.

The tears started over flowing. She was sobbing now. I felt horrible making her say these things aloud, but I needed Maeve to know what kind of man Alpha Carson truly is.

"It depends Beta Stimpson. Sometimes he uses us for his pleasure. Sometimes he just wants someone to beat and take his anger out on. Other times he humiliated us for fun. Making us do such things as crawling around on the floor, barking like dogs." She managed to stutter through her sobs.

She looked down to the floor. Clearly ashamed of what she had become.

She shouldn't be the one ashamed.

I should be. I allowed this to happen.

I looked over to Maeve who had her hands over her mouth, her eyes wide in absolute horror.

"Please Maeve you have to believe me. We have to get you out of here. Alpha Carson was the one to kill your parents. He is the one that wants to keep the white wolf for himself. He was planning to spin a web of lies and deceive you into mating with him, so he can use your powers for his own benefit." My plea's became more urgent. I knew we didn't have long.

Maeve's eyes widened further in pure horror.

"He... He was... the one who killed my parents?" Her words sounded as though she was only just beginning to realise she'd been fooled. I could see the tears pooling in her beautiful eyes.

"I'm sorry Maeve but we do not have time to discuss this further. We need to get out of here now. Before the Alpha realises you're gone and comes looking for you." I rushed my sentence, we need to move. Now.

She stands tall and shakes off her emotions. I had to give her credit, she was tougher than she looked. Probably emotionally and physically.

"Fine, but there is one thing we must do first." She stated.

I gave her a quizzical look, as if to encourage her to continue with her trail of speaking.

She pointed to the cell doors of all the slaves.

"We are not leaving without these women. They are coming with us. They deserve better, and we will do better." She said in an authoritative tone.

I smiled to myself. Spoken like a true Luna. The rightful Luna of the White Claw pack.