

smilygal01 · Urban
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6 Chs

Thorough gentleman VR

A knock on the door interrupted over staring session, while he went to answer the door, I ran towards the washroom, eager to hide the blush coloring me. Giving away the fact that I'm indeed getting affected by him, despite showing the contrary.

Leaning against the door of the washroom, I placed one hand over my erratic heart, gulping down the much-needed air. This man is not good for my heart, no in fact, absolutely lethal owing to the way this organ inside me was getting erratic ready to break the barrier and jump out of me.

"Geez, woman calm down, he was just teasing you",

I chided myself spraying the water on my hot face still beetroot red. Looking into the mirror, I fanned myself with my hands. I had never felt so exposed to someone's eyes before. I remembered his dark eyes boring into mine, and my stomach fluttered.

"Stop it Ri, get a hold of yourself. Stop being a fool! He feels nothing for you. You hurt his big ego and now paying the price with your life",

scolding myself out loud, I smacked my forehead. Great, now I'm even talking to myself. I'm officially going crazy. But the next second as my words hit me, fresh tears made filled my eyes as a lump formed in my throat. I called myself Ri, that's what Sejal calls me. My best friend, my sister, and my only family.

I sighed deeply. At least she is safe. I know that Vansh is a man of words. He promised never to hurt Sej if I agreed to this wedding; now he won't and that's all that matters to me. Sej is everything to me and I can do anything to protect her, and I know if given the chance, she would do the same.

Stepping out of the washroom, I looked around and found the room empty. Relived, grabbing an Extra quilt from the cupboard and a pillow from the bed I marched towards the small couch placed on the right side of the room, by the wall, just five or six steps away from the king-size bed in the center and made myself as comfortable as I could get. This damn couch is really small, even for five feet like me.

Just as I let the sleep overtake my senses, I felt the door open, and Vansh walked in. Not giving a damn, I turned my back toward facing the wall. but why was he standing behind me? suddenly, I was lifted into the air. I squealed and my arms instinctively wrapped around his neck as he carried me bridal-style to the bed, with the quilt wrapped around my body. My eyes widened.

"Vansh please don't",

I pleaded thinking my worst nightmare is about to turn into reality. This is the price I would be paying for standing up to this monster. Earlier I thought maybe there was some hope, but I was wrong.

My thoughts were running errands. Breathing once again became a tedious job as I started to shake wildly.

Will he hear my pleas, or turn a deaf ear to them??

I have no idea what was about to come, and it was scaring the daylights out of me.

Putting me down on the bed, he came closer, hovering over me, his eyes again trying to convey something to me, but I was too lost to understand. Quickly grabbing a pillow, I placed it between us as if somehow barricading myself, but he kept leaning in, forcing me to lean back on the headboard. I shut my eyes tightly, my fingers clutching the pillow too hard as if my whole life depends on it.

Tic-Tic-Tic, seconds turned into minutes, but nothing happened. As I slowly opened my eyes, I found him standing in front of me with a pillow in his hands, no doubt he took from beside me with that same signature smirk plastered on his face.

"What sweetheart?", he asked as if the most innocent soul on this earth,

"I was just grabbing the pillow",

he concluded as if it was the most obvious thing that I failed to understand.


" Then why the hell you moved me from the couch? ", I spit out. This man has a way to get on my nerves.

"I don't think we both will be comfortable on that couch sleeping together",

He replied, a hint of playfulness in his voice.

"Oh hello", I said, standing up, even with heels, I only reach his shoulder. Ugh, why the hell this man is so tall, I thought, for a second completely forgetting our conversation, more like an argument," Don't forget, this is not a normal marriage", I reminded him, hoping he won't decline,

" I am not going to share your bed with you".

I was about to walk past him towards the couch, holding my wrist he pulled me closer, my front plastered to his chest, face just mere inches apart. My heart started to pound once again at the proximity. The pillow lay forgotten on the floor as his other hand snaked around my waist.

He was staring at me with his black hazel eyes glued to my lips. the wonder that swam in them was intense. I gulped then closed my eyes to cut myself from the moment.

"Truth is always a bitter pill to swallow Riddhima, but I suggest you better get used to it. Now, you are Mrs. Vansh Rai Singhania and you're going to stay here forever. With me, till death do us part."

The tension is thick in the room and can be cut with a freaking knife.

The emotions were heavy in his voice. But before I could react, he left as suddenly as he had grabbed me, going towards the couch and laying down, placing one hand on his forehead his voice rang

"you better get some sleep,"

he told me or more like ordered, sounding more like himself.

I was frozen to the spot, watching as he tried brilliantly to make his way out of this awkward situation. I decided that it was best not to argue and choose the best solution which is to listen to him and came to lie on the bed. I was staring at the ceiling, still in deep thoughts about how the hell my life took this 360-degree flip when his voice for the last time in the night made me turn towards him,

"Riddhima," he called out, as I looked over at him, he was staring right back at me, with head resting on one hand,

"Thorough Gentleman, you see", he completed with the signature smirk back at its place. Making me turn my back on him before sleep finally engulfed me.