

And then that was of course chae hyun.

Authors POV

And then seojun fell on chae hyun and by mistakenly her hand was on his chest and she can hear his heart beat.

Chae hyun

Ouch aaaa!.

As he shouted she came back to earth and she saw him for second he was holding his neck bcz he fell and she on him.

And she was really shocked that she couldn't move she was just seeing him like her world got stopped and he was wearing white shirt and a thought came to her mind he took of his blazer and he was very sexy and then they both looks at seojun's hands were on chae hyun's chest and seojun suddenly takes her hands back moving back bcz she was wearing a small baby pink

nightwear and it was a little short so she current the nightwear and looks at chae hyun who was still in the same position looking at calling and then he spoke.

Chae hyun

Oh now you're being touchy naughtygirl .

He looks at her resting his head by his hand and she got nervous.


Th.. that's not my intention. *shy*.

Chae hyun

Oh then maybe you're intention is to (in a low voice) TO CREATE THE SCENE OF OUR FIRST NIGHT oh I thought your not that type of woman *smirk* but your in hurry so..

End of authors POV

Seojun pov

I know he is flirting but I can't but gulp and said.


E--ww I'm not type of woman yak! .

I was about to stand but

And then he pulls me by arm and make me closer to him.

Chae hyun

Then what type of woman you are?.


Not.. nothing type of woman that you imagine .

And then I get up fast not able to see him .

And went to bathroom.


I'm going wash my face .*smile *.

Chae hyun


He is back to his normal self he is acting like nothing had happened.

Authors message

So I know that I'm uploading very slow so I'm sorry for waiting you all and thanks for so many views but comment and tell me pls.

thank you so much bye take care (sorry for the grammar mistakes)