
His Love His Hate

Olivia was only eight years old when her parents moved to Chicago because of her dad's job. She was a shy and introverted sweet little girl, and the only child of Mr and Mrs Christopher. Due to Olivia's nature, she never made much friends. So when her parents decided to move from Boston to Chicago, Olivia was sad. She was scared of leaving her old friends. On their arrival at Chicago, what Olivia never expected to happen in a month, happened in ten minutes. She became friends with her new neighbor, Joseph. This friendship blossomed into something more over the years, and they knew it would last a lifetime, but will it? Joseph Gilbert was the ten years old boy who liked Olivia the moment he saw her. He didn't think twice before walking up to her and making friends with her. That friendship was the best choice he ever made. They fell in love, and Joseph wouldn't have it any other way. He proposed to Olivia, and they began making plans to get married. Along the way, Joseph's duty as a soldier demanded his presence in Afghanistan, which meant they would have to be apart. Joseph had no choice but to fulfill his obligation as a soldier. He left with only one thought in mind. To stay alive, and come back to the woman he loves, but will his desire be fulfilled? Jordan Gilbert is the twin brother to Joseph. Although his brother was friends with Olivia, he wasn't. He hated Olivia, and loved to watch her suffer. His twin brother gave him the most difficult task in his entire life, which was to watch over Olivia. Will Jordan do as he has been asked or will he make Olivia's life a living hell? What will transpire between Olivia and Jordan during Joseph's absence? Will the bad blood between the two turn into a beautiful friendship or even something more, or will the tension between them lead to either one of them ending up dead?

Jay_Lay_Cul · Urban
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25 Chs

Chapter 15

"Can I steal Jordan for a while?" Justin asked Olivia.

"Sure, go ahead." Olivia replied with a smile.

"Honey, please make her feel comfortable." Justin said to his wife, giving her a kiss and left with Jordan.

"Are you and Jordan married?" Rebecca suddenly asked.

Olivia coughed at the question.

"Oh my God, are you okay?" Rebecca asked with concern, offering Olivia a glass of water, which she gladly took.

After taking a sip from the cup, she felt better and thanked Rebecca for the water, before deciding to answer her question.

"I and Jordan aren't together. We are just friends, but... I'm actually with his twin brother." Olivia corrected.

"Jordan's a twin?" Rebecca asked, surprised to hear that.

"Yeah, his twin brother is Joseph and they both look the same." Olivia smiled as she said it. Just talking about her boyfriend, Joseph makes her happy.

"Why isn't he here?" Rebecca asked out of curiosity.