

Noah watched as Rayna asked for his help to save her father, a slight smirk grew on his lips as he watched the sacrificial lamb plead for her father’s life. He would have taken her anyway since her father has used her as a collateral replacement for her sister. The one he truly wanted. So what does the devil do? He plays along. And makes Rayna pay for her sister's sins. 23 year old Rayna with an aura of innocence and naivety decides to save her father from ruins and seeks help from the one who shouldn't be named, a devil in the legal business, but the best lover you could dream of. Charmed by her innocent seduction, Noah enjoys corrupting Rayna but it's a different thing when she starts falling for him. But when his past resurfaces with a child that is supposedly his. Rayna disappears on Noah's command. Three years and a coffee from Starbucks later, the two collide at the airport and Noah realizes just how much he wants Rayna. To what extent will he go to make her his again?

Cupidlove_200416 · Urban
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8 Chs

Losing His Cool

HIS LITTLE LAMB CH5: NOAH'S POV I raised my wrist and flexed my palm, saying, "Stop." 

They immediately let go of her, and she hurried to pull her trousers up while pressing herself lower into the chair, as if she wanted to hide. 

The expression of terror on her face, the way her eyes darted from me to my guys, wondering whether I would direct them to touch her again, the beads of sweat on her forehead, Her mouth dropped open as she breathed deeply. 

It affected me in a way that felt almost sexual. I liked how she acted like a cornered rabbit and looked at me as if I were the bad guy.

 Hmmm, perhaps I was. 

How could I not be, considering what her sister had done to me? 

I stood up, and she flinched and collapsed into herself. 

I took off my jacket and tossed it upon the couch. "I just realized that, be it you or your sister, I am the only one who has access to touch you…so intimately." 

"Wh-what are you talking about?" She inquired, looking around. 

"Hold her," 

"Wh-No! Let me go! Stop! Noah, please stop!" She fought fiercely, but she was too weak for my men, who held her arms down. 

I knelt between her thrashing legs and pushed her long sweater up to find her denim button.

"Stop moving unless you want me to do more than retrieve your panties." 

She stopped quickly, and I sighed. 

I desperately wanted to do more than that.

For the time being, however, I'll have to be content with the panties. 

I looked up at her face and noticed she was closing her eyes tightly. 

I tugged hard on the waistband of her jeans, and she whimpered as the cold air hit her skin. 

Goosebumps suddenly developed on her smooth skin. 

I gulped hard as my d**k came to attention.

I removed her trousers fully before moving on to her panties, taking my time trailing the tip of my fingers across her skin. 

The hair on her legs rose up to be caressed.

"You said you just wanted my panties," she replied softly, like a mouse. 

"True, but I need to make sure the goods I'm taking are not damaged." I smiled. 

"You feel good," I said, noticing that my men had closed their eyes to avoid staring at her. 

"Good boys!" I chuckled. 

I twirled my fingers over the waistband of her underpants, pressing my palm in to feel her extremely flat stomach. 

I leaned down to her pelvis and grasped her underwear with my teeth. 

The smell of her wetness slammed me square in the face, as if I had buried my nose right at the source. 

I tugged harder, gesturing for her to elevate her buttocks.

When she refused, I placed my hands under her hip, caressing her a**cheeks. 

Her sobbing grew louder, and she continued to beg, but she did not fight.

 So boring! 

I pushed her buttocks up and removed my reward from her body. 

I even got to witness it go away from her p**sy, leaving a thick white track behind. So she prefers it rough, huh? 

I rose up, holding her pants, and said, 

"You can leave." My guys bowed and exited the room, while Rayna pulled her sweater over her body and cuddled up in my chair. 

"Get dressed, and leave." 

"Your tears disgust me." It really did, to the point where my heart ached. 

She slowly reached for her trousers, and I growled, "Don't make me change my mind."

She rushed from my office, and I turned to look at the vista of the city. 

A few minutes later, she was racing across the street, unconcerned about the approaching vehicles. 

I chuckled. "I won't let you die before using you to the extent that I want." 

When I touched the little button by the window, it went opaque, preventing me from seeing the view of the city. 

My phone vibrated in my pocket, so I pulled it out to answer the call. 

"Dude, how was it?" Marley asked and I shrugged. 

"She is too innocent. It makes me wonder where she has been all these years." 

"Those are the greatest. But are you having a change of heart?" He teased.

 I scoffed, "As if the devil could ever change." I'm going to enjoy playing this game. 

"The innocent are always easy to corrupt."

"Alright, man, I actually came to tell you that we have a break in the case." 

My mood improved tremendously. "What is it?"

"Detective Callahan just called me minutes ago; the bodies were buried six feet under his hospital."

 My palm curled into a fist as I felt wrath rising within me. 

"He built his hospital over them." Marley added.

"How did you find out?"

"You'll be shocked, but it was an anonymous tip." 

I frowned. "What?" "

Yeah. For the first time in five years since starting this job, an anonymous tip worked." 

"Where are you now?" 

"At the hospital. The bodies are being extracted. Officers have been sent to his home with a warrant." 

I hung up and grabbed my car keys, heading to the garage. 


I drove into the estate where the son of a b*tch resided, the cop cars outside his apartment, their red and blue lights illuminating the dimly lit street. 

I could see people peeping in and out as they tried to comprehend the situation. 

The officers saw me and paved the way. I marched up to his house, crossing his driveway to the front porch. 

He was handcuffed and pulled out by two cops. 

"You Bastard!" I raised my arm and delivered a punch straight into his face. 

His body went down, but thankfully the cops had a firm handle on him. 

When the other cops noticed this, they hurried forward, and I turned to give them a nasty look. 

"I dare you to meddle if you're ready to lose your jobs." 

Everybody froze where they were standing.

"Go away," I ordered the policemen that were restraining him. 

"Dude, what the fuck! Are you crazy? I grinned as he roared. 

"I'll show you just how psychopathic I can be." 

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