

Noah watched as Rayna asked for his help to save her father, a slight smirk grew on his lips as he watched the sacrificial lamb plead for her father’s life. He would have taken her anyway since her father has used her as a collateral replacement for her sister. The one he truly wanted. So what does the devil do? He plays along. And makes Rayna pay for her sister's sins. 23 year old Rayna with an aura of innocence and naivety decides to save her father from ruins and seeks help from the one who shouldn't be named, a devil in the legal business, but the best lover you could dream of. Charmed by her innocent seduction, Noah enjoys corrupting Rayna but it's a different thing when she starts falling for him. But when his past resurfaces with a child that is supposedly his. Rayna disappears on Noah's command. Three years and a coffee from Starbucks later, the two collide at the airport and Noah realizes just how much he wants Rayna. To what extent will he go to make her his again?

Cupidlove_200416 · Urban
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8 Chs


"Hand me your pants!"

My eyes bulged, and I stared at him in shock. "What?!"

"Hand them to me, or I'll have my men retrieve them for me."

How did I end up here?

Three days earlier.

After I woke up and passed out in the red room, I staggered to my small bedroom to take my bath. I stared at my phone and realized that two days had passed.

I've been unconscious for two whole days and have not been taken to the hospital.

My phone rang as I walked out of the bathroom. I quickly reached for it, but my thumb halted at the green button as I stared at the caller ID.

It was my father.

My heart skipped and began to beat loudly, like a drum. Why was he calling me? He never calls me. Not in the six years I'd left home, not once.

I watched the call ring, and just as I was about to answer, it stopped.

Is he sick? No, if he was, he'd call my sister.

Maybe he needed help with something? Again, he would call my sister.

Of every reason a father could call his daughter, each one went through my head, and the answer was my sister, Vivian.

Maybe he made a mistake calling me; I wouldn't be shocked if he never saved my number on his phone.

I was just about to put the phone down when his call came in again.

Okay, so maybe he did want to call me.

I answered on the third ring.

" Hello–"

"Rayna, how soon can you come home?"

I blinked furiously.

Not a greeting, not a 'how are you? I just called to check up on you and make sure you're not dead.' Nothing like that. I sighed.

"I'm not sure, dad; I'm working." I replied, putting the phone between my ear and my shoulder as I went through my bag for clothes.

"I really need your help, my dear."

I froze.

Did he just ask for my help and call me dear?

When…? How…?

Those words were reserved for beautiful Vivian.

I opened my mouth and closed it continuously, like a fish.

" Is something wrong?" I whispered.

"Yes, Rayna. I'm in so much trouble." I heard the fear in his voice and the light shaking, like he was seconds away from breaking down over the phone. "Please tell me how soon you can come home."

"On my way." I hung up with tears in my eyes as I made my way to my room, packed up a week's bag, and left a note for my Alisa and Lachlan.

This would earn me a more painful punishment, but I had to go back home.

I told Colton, the driver, that he had to pick the kids up from school today.

The flight from Italy to New York was a smooth one. I'd boarded the economy class and brought my own snacks with me.

By the time I'd arrived home, it was almost noon.

I paid the cab driver and pushed the door open.

A wave of nostalgia hits me right in the chest; my heart feels heavy with emotions. Memories flooded my mind—more bad ones than good ones.

I shook my head to clear away the cobwebs of vile thoughts.

I heard my dad's bedroom door open and close from upstairs. His footsteps were loud as he approached the railing to peep and check who had come in.

" Rayna! You're here." He said it with relief and happiness. This was getting strange.

"Dad." I gave him a slight nod and was about to take my seat when he pulled me in for a hug.

My body was stiffening at his touch.

It felt so unfamiliar.

I tried to remember when last he hugged me, and even that didn't come to mind quickly.

"How was your flight?" He asked as he plopped on the couch.

His happiness at seeing me didn't settle well with me.

Maybe because he hadn't stared at me in such a long time.

"It was…good. What happened, dad? You sounded extremely worried over the phone."

He might not treat me like his child, but I've always loved my father and sister.

I couldn't even bear the thought of something harming them.

I saw a flash of pain cross his eyes before he smiled.

"We can always talk about it tomorrow. What would you like to eat?" He gestured towards the kitchen, "I made Mac and cheese your favorite."

I hate Mac and cheese, I thought.

"Just tell me what's wrong. I flew in immediately. I hung up yesterday."

He sighed and finally allowed me to see his vulnerability. "I made a huge mistake, Rayna."

I scooted to the edge of the sofa to listen to him.

"I received a building contract for three million dollars. The payment was made the minute I signed the contract. I told them I would begin before the month was over." He rubbed his palm over his face and said, "II sent some money to your sister and used some for the house."

And I knew nothing about this huge sum of money.

"I didn't know I was being tailed. A week before I could begin the building, I got robbed. The money—all of it was gone."

My heart pricked. That's a lie. Tears sting at the corners of my eyes.

"I had to meet the owner of the casino I frequented and ask him to lend me some money, which he did." He stood up now and began pacing. "I borrowed over a million dollars on gambling, hoping I would make a big win and start the building, but every game I played was a loss."

"The contractors have been blasting my phone, and the owner of the casino has been sending me both subtle and non-subtle threats. I don't know what to do, Rayna."

"What about Vivian? Did you call her?" I asked. He'd given her money, and yet he'd called me to get him out of the mess.

How ironic!

"I did, but she's been unreachable these past few weeks. I didn't want to call you, but I had no choice."

I took a deep breath and brushed away the hurt I felt in my heart.

This is the first time he's calling me; maybe if I can get him out, he could finally be the father I've always wanted.

"Do you have a plan now? Something we could do to get you out of this debt?"

It's not like I have millions laying around somewhere.

"I was told there's a law firm that helps victims with cases like this, and the best man for the job is called 'The Golden Lawyer!' because he's never lost a case."

I sighed with relief; at least there's a solution.

"Do you have their address or contact number?" So that I can reach out and know the next step to take." I asked.

The quicker we solve this, the faster I can go back to Italy.

My dad whipped out his wallet, pulled out a black card, and gave it to me.

Written on it with golden calligraphy was 'The Golden Lawyer.

I smiled; he truly took pride in the name, didn't he?

"Alright, I'll take a quick shower and head over to the firm." I gave him a smile, and he grinned widely.

"Thank you, Rayna. I know I've not been the best parent to you, but I promise to change after this." He said it so genuinely that my heart soared with happiness, and I was ready to do all I could to help.

"I hope so, Dad." I stood up to carry my bag and politely declined when he offered to take it up to my bedroom.

After an hour, I was standing in front of the 'PRECISE FIRM'. It was a very tall building made with privacy glass. It looked classic and exquisite, and I prayed that the charges wouldn't be so high that I, myself, would end up in debt.

I walked in and went straight to the receptionist's desk.

"Hi, my name is Rayna. I'm here to see the Golden Lawyer." I said it with a smile.

She looked at me through her nose-brimmed glasses and smiled.

"Take the elevator to the 12th floor, third door to your left."

I thanked her and left.

I took my time to slowly admire the structure of the firm through the transparent elevator. If only I had finished my law degree, maybe... just maybe...

The elevator dinged, and I walked into a beautiful hallway made with 3-D black tiles.

I walked to the third door and knocked.

"Come in."

I turned the knob, pushed the door open, and locked eyes with green orbs. and four more sets of eyes.

The room looked like a lounge, and each of them had a remnant of a smile on their faces. It was obvious I barged into a discussion.

My cheeks warmed with embarrassment. "I'm sorry for disturbing you, but I'd like to see the Golden Lawyer. I was told to come here."

The green-eyed guy was about to answer when his gaze suddenly moved behind me.

I felt the hairs on my skin stand at attention from the closeness of whoever was behind me.

"How can I help you?"