
His lady

I ran away from my house, I am sure it's been half an hour since I ran. I saw a forest and ran inside without thinking for another second. I will do whatever it takes me to do to not marry that mafia leader, If I have to live in a forest in hut, wear leaves and hunt the animals to eat, I will gladly do it. I rested near the tree when I thought no one was there but my breath stopped when I heard barking of dogs, the barking got louder which meant they were just near me. I stood up and ran on the opposite direction of the voice, the dogs immediately followed me running behind me like maniac. I gasped out loud and turned behind to see their faces. There were 4 of them and they all looked wild, if they would get a hand on me then I am done for sure. I tripped on something and fell down on my face, I could feel the dogs running towards me at a fast speed. I turned around, one of the dogs just inches away from me, ready to hunt me down just then. * Thud! Thud! Thud! * The body of the dog fell beside me creating a horror inside me because of the dead body of a animal. Just then I heard a dark and deep voice. " No one is allowed to touch My lady " ...... His hands went down further to my cleavage making goosebumps to raise in my body, I quickly held his wrist because of nervousness. " Did I said you could touch me, my little whore?" I whimpered out when he slapped my hand away, pulled his tie out and tied my hands behind my back making me arch my back. His hand went further down to my Lacy underwear, He cupped me through my underwear making me moan out at the friction. " Nope, Not a single sound should come out of your mouth. The bodyguards are outside right, My lady? What if they hear us, would you like it when they will think that you are a whore for me?" My pussy clenched around nothing making him chuckle at me. " My, My, My! you liked the idea! You little slut!" ....... " The baby is no more" ....... " She lost a lot of blood, Its impossible to save baby or the mother " ........ " If she looses this baby, then she can never be a mother again" ........ " You have to divorce her and marry someone else who could give you a heir" ........ " You have no reason to live, you should die" ....... Warning. ● Bdsm smut. ● Support to crime. eg: Murder, treating women not well, Torture. ● No cheating trope. ● Eating disorder. There are many scenes which might anger feminism but a quick reminder it's just a fictional story and is not based on real story.

Lilly_7_7 · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter one.


" Father, I still want to live my life." I protested to which my father who was eating the dinner served by my mom. I munched the food in my mouth and looked at him.

" He won't kill you, Heaven. You can still live there, right? Infact you will get more freedom with him. You know I can't change anything, your whole life was in his hand when you were born. He will come to get you the day after your birthday. No more discussions about it, eat and go back to your room."

" Father! I will not go with him and that's it, no matter what I have to do!" I yelled out and stomp out of the dining area to my room followed by the yell of my mother asking me to finish my food which was just salad.

I was only allowed to eat salad, drink tea and juice to keep my figure and not become fat. On the other hand my twin sister was allowed to eat whatever she wished.

My father was the right hand of the previous Mafia leader of Italy. According to the law of the country where we live, if any girl is born she is not only parents daughter but whole community's daughter. The girl has to marry someone at the age of 18 no matter how old the man is. In our community a girl should be nothing but a man's slave. Mom used to tell us how her father used to whip her mother without any reason and slept with other women in clubs. The women present in clubs are the one without parents, if your parents dies and you aren't married then you have to work at a club until you die.

Everyone here are included in mafia and there are barely anyone who follows government laws but we have our own. My Father is French and he told us that he met the previous mafia leader when he was 13, The mafia leader took care of father like his own younger brother so my father was ready to risk anything for him. As soon Me and my sister was born he said the older one will marry the mafia leader's son and the other one will be kept as a secret.

Keeping a girl as a secret is a crime in our world. If a girl is born, there should be a party to celebrate the announcement of it. As far I read in a book, once a couple kept their daughter a secret and their whole family were killed mercilessly accept for the one who let the world know about the secret.

My sister, Clara was kept as a secret, the doctor who delivered us was killed by father as soon he delivered Clara. Mom told us how his blood got splahed on her body when father fired the doctor.

Tomorrow is my birthday, I will turn 18 and next day I will be send to their mansion. I have never seen the Mafia leader with my own eyes in real life but I heard dad say that the mafia leader always makes sure to place two bodyguards around our house.

There was knock on the door of my room, before I could tell the person to go away the person walked in, it was none other then my twin.

" Clara, Get out of my room. I want to spend some time alone." " You will not be free tomorrow because of the party and after that you will go away and I don't know when I will get time to talk to you" " What do you even wanna talk? you wanna make me jealous by saying that you are living your life fullest and here I am living like a slave?!" I raised my voice at her a little which she scoffed.

" Living like a slave, and you? have you ever seen my life? did you see how I live? how I always have to run to my room and hide when there is a guest coming?! have you ever seen how you are the only person people know and love but not me? Did you know how I feel when you are the one who is taken to party's and events but I am just sitting on my bed and doing nothing?! Do you think I feel happy when your birthday is Celebrated and not mine?"

" Then why don't you go attend tomorrow's party and marry with that mafia leader instead of me?"

" I can't, even though we look alike people might point out the dissimilarities"

"Don't act like that, you attended our fifteenth birthday instead of me. No one pointed out the dissimilarities"

" They did. they said that my voice has turned softer, my behavior is like a girl and I have gotten quite healthy"

" What? do you mean my voice is like a man, I act like a brat and I am a skinny bitch?"

" I never said that, but if you want to take it that way you can do-"

" Get out of my room before I pull all of your blonde hair!"

She gasped and added "Not my blonde hair!" She ran off my room.

I have always envied her for her life, if I was born a little after then my life hasn't been so miserable. I don't know why dad ran away from France and got here, if he would have been in France then we would have been living our life with all the freedom.

I threw myself on the bed, turned off the lights and closed my eyes to sleep as everything which was happening gave me a headache.

The next morning I have to deal with stupid people. I never liked going to party's and interact with people. Their honey words only made me realize that they are devil in disguise. I don't know how will my fiance be like, would he be like other men when we marry? would he whip me and use me just as a slave?

Would I be able to survive with him or will die in few days??