
His Karma

"How could you do this to me?" I thought you loved me?" he cried. "Love? You know nothing about love Moses Flinn. Newsflash my darling, the day I walked into your life, so did Karma. Did you really think, that you could get away with what you did to me? Hell no!"

Evy_Ejereje · Urban
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35 Chs

Journey to a New Life.

It was almost mid-day by the time Melody and her Mom arrived at the airport, she was so apprehensive when she saw how crowded the place was with so many people. She sat still in the car while her Mom got out to get her box from the trunk of the car with the help of the driver.

"We got to go in now Melody..." her Mom said as she opened the door and stretched her hand to help her out of the car. Immediately she got out of the car, Melody quickly adjusted her bucket hat and brought out her handkerchief; thankfully it was big enough to make a quick face mask. She caught a glimpse of herself by looking at the tinted window screen of her Mom's car and she acknowledged that her scarred face was well covered. And then holding onto her box, she took a deep breath and made her way into the airport building with her Mom beside her. She wasn't a shy person by nature but after what happened, she had refused to step out of her home because she couldn't afford to let people see her in such state. She wasn't expecting to see that much crowd because she had never been to the airport before; her parents had a private helicopter that took her anywhere within the country but since she was traveling out of the country, this was the first time she had to take a commercial flight.

People came in and went out, some with little luggage, while others especially ladies struggled with their luggage.

"Who travels with that much luggage" her irritated Mom asked as if she could read her daughter's mind. Melody shook her head and smiled. Of course her Mom hated traveling with luggage, so it was only normal that she would be irritated by such sights. But she couldn't blame those people; what if they could not afford to buy new stuff when they arrive their desired destination? They were rich and that was what made it possible for them to go shopping each time they arrived at whatever place they traveled to.

Since they arrived an hour earlier than their scheduled time, they had to sit for a while and wait. Mrs Miller got busy with her magazine almost immediately after taking her seat, while Melody turned her attention to watching the people passing by. From childhood, it was one thing she loved to do; watch people as they went about their activities. Her father had even bought her a mini telescope on one of her birthdays and it had been her favorite toy until her Mom had restricted her from using it when she started refusing to go out to play with other kids in the neighborhood.

Just then she felt she saw a figure that looked very much like her ex-fiance in a little distance away from where she sat with her Mom, she sat up and took a closer look and indeed, it was truly him. Going by the angle of where she was, she would have to yell his name for him to notice her. She couldn't help but notice he looked as handsome as he was when they last met and he was wearing the Burberry shirt she had got him on Valentine's day. She smiled, he probably still cared about her to have worn that shirt, she told herself. He seemed to be anxiously waiting for someone as he kept looking around and at his wristwatch. She tapped her mother who was already fast asleep "mama... mama.. look who we have here" her mom squinted and rubbed her eyes "Ohhh... I actually doze off Who's that?" the woman asked yawning.

"Look it's Emu... my ex" Melody said as her Mom adjusted her spectacles for a clearer view. She frowned when she saw who it was and said "Oh! it's really him. He ought to be rotting in hell by now for what he did to you. Sometimes I just wonder why karma is so slow in visiting people like him who think they can just do what they please without a repercussion. I really don't understand how you young ones of these days claim to love each other and yet trust is so far fetched in your relationships. I mean what is love without trust?" Melody paid no attention to what her mother said because all she could see was the man who once professed love to her, a man she had loved since she was eighteen that had suddenly dumped her because of what happened. According to him, she obviously went out with another man after he had warned her not to go to the club. And whose fault was it that the man lost control and attacked her? Hers of course. She ached in her heart as she watched him continue pacing. Who could he be waiting for that made him this tensed? Where were they going to?

Maybe it won't be such a bad idea if she said hi to him, that may probably bring back memories of how much they had loved each other in the past. Who knows? he might have a change of heart and they could go back to what they once were. She quickly adjusted her hat and stood up "I'm going to say hi to him Mom" her mother held her by the wrist and dragged her back on the seat. "Melody Eloho Miller, you wouldn't dare to do that. I forbid you going anywhere near that boy." Each time her Mom called her by her complete name she knew her Mom was dead serious and there was no appealing that.

"Baby! I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting. The traffic was terrible."

Both mother and daughter turned to the direction of what seemed to be a very familiar voice. And they were amazed to see Mellissa giving Emu a peck on the cheek.

"Oh... Goodness me! I'm calling Detective Pete right now. She actually thought she could just disappear after what she did to you? Hell no!" Her Mom said as she brought out her cell phone to make the call. But Melody took the phone from her and shook her head. "No Mom... that's not necessary. As a matter of fact, I think I will get the case closed by the time we return. What's the point? we are traveling so my face can have a makeover, is it necessary to hold on to the past after making this journey?" Her Mom looked at her with sympathy and nodded "If that's what you want, then it's fine by me. All I want is to make sure you get just justice"

"Justice will come when it's time mom, but now is not the time" Melody replied with a faint smile.

They watched on as he gave her a angry face while she kept on trying to appease him with hugs and pecks. "I'm sorry baby... please forgive me. I didn't mean to keep you waiting okay? It's just that after I left the mall, my Uber driver took the wrong route and we ended up in a very bad traffic jam."

"You know we have just few minutes more before our plane starts boarding right? You got me really worried to be honest" he grumbled. They kept watching as Mellissa hung on to him like a leech, Melody could feel her heart ripping in two pieces and her eyes had become teary. Soon their flight was announced and the love birds picked up their boxes and walked on to board their plane. Others who had also watched the two couldn't help laughing as they tagged them "cute love birds". Some even went on to say "He's such a gentleman, see the way he helped her carry her luggage despite having his"

Mrs Miller could feel her rage rising within her because she knew these two people had caused her daughter so much pain despite how much love they had received from her. "Come here baby..." She said as she rested her daughter's head on her shoulder and held her close. "Mama is here for you. You don't have to bother about those two idiots. they don't deserve you, they deserve each other. And you know, it's a good thing we got you a good make-up kit because you've cried so much today and your makeup would have been ruined by now. I know your dad would have walked right up to them and given each of them a blow. And of course he'd have been arrested by the police" She joked as she dabbed the tears off Melody's face. Melody smiled as she thought about her Dad, he'd have done nothing short of what her mom had just said he would. If there was anything that made him lose his temper, it was anyone or anything that stood as a threat to his daughter's happiness. She remembered in seventh grade, how her Dad had locked a boy up in his car on one of the days he came to pick her from school because the boy had pulled her hair. He had the asked boy to pull her hair again in his presence unless he'd be forced to go home with them till night but he couldn't so her father had warned him to never do anything to her that he couldn't do in his presence, else he'd come back for him. Of course that had landed him a law suit but since he had a good attorney, the case was dismissed within few hours. That man would fight anything to make sure she was protected and happy but for the first time, she was glad he didn't witness what she and her mom had just witnessed, else he would have done the unthinkable especially to Emu.

This book is written by a Nigerian Author. Some of the names used in this chapter are some indigenous names of the Nigerian peoples.

It is written using the Nigerian social system, currency, language and lifestyle. So it might slightly contradict that of other nationalities.

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