
The Better the Better the Worse the Bad the More Rampant

Xu Zhen wiped his wet hair with a towel as he walked down the stairs.

"Lin Chaohui's words really hit the mark on you guys. You really hid your strength well, and were able to find such a remote place like this. I really underestimated you guys back then."

After cleaning his hair, Xu Zhen pointed to the sofa in the living room, "Sit, why are you standing, it's not like I'm going to eat you. At most, it's illegal to enter the room, this is not a serious crime, at most, you will be detained for a few days."

Finished speaking, Xu Zhen could not help but laugh, he picked up the bread on the table and started chewing on it.

"Chief Xu Elder, you... Why are you here? Isn't this villa Lin Chaohui's property?

The Elder Mao bravely walked over, then sat in front of Xu Zhen. Seeing that, the Twin Mao also sat down on the sofa.