
His Infatuation

Lilith is a 17-year-old girl whose family had to move to Canada due to a problem back at home with the throne. Her mother Ishana was human until she fell in love with a certain vampire king named Emmet, Lilith’s father. They get a surrogate to carry their kids for them which are Lilith and Madeleine Lilith’s 14 year old sister. This practice has been going on from the very beginning of time by vampires since they cannot conceive kids of their own. The children are to be kept human and turned on their 18th birthday, with a ritual called the blood ritual. Lilith meets Hunter a werewolf actually born into an alpha family and is on to be married and alpha at the age of 21. Neither of them know that they are destined to be mortal enemies to each other as one is to become a vampire and the other is a werewolf. They become well-known couples and high school sweethearts but only if they knew then that their love and happiness towards one another was not going to last. Lilith finds out that Hunter is engaged to be married in the whole three months that they have been dating, their relationship has been based on lies and deceit. Hunter decides to let Lilith know whole truth on why he has to get married to the one girl even though he doesn’t love her. He was planning on letting Lilith know about his true identity on he birthday but seems like the date has been changed. He tries to tell her everything and in the process finds out that Lilith is going to turn into a vampire in her 18th birthday and go reclaim her rightful throne in Rome. He then makes her choose between him and turning into a vampire and she decides to choose turning into a vampire as choosing him would mean disappointing and going against her parents. Hunter is stunned by this and takes a few months away from everyone and travels to London. He comes back determined on getting Lilith back into his life but it’s too late as Lilith is gone to Rome to reclaim the throne. He then travels to Rome and risks his life by crashing a masquerade ball that is filled with humans and mostly vampires just to get to talk to or see Lilith. He then cuts in on a dance between Lilith and someone else and they start talking. Lilith tells him to leave as she is doing better without him and Hunter realizes that the Lilith standing before him now is not the same Lilith he knew a few months ago.

Tidimalo_Masemola · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 2

Lilith's POV

"Ohh my gosh Lilith, were you just talking to Hunter?"

"Umm yeah, why?"

"What did he say?"

"He invited me to a party his hosting today but it does not matter cause I'm not going."

"Umm yes you are."

"No I am not."

"Okay let me explain this to you."

"What is there to explain? I said I'm not going."

"But Hunter is the most popular guy at school and I sorta have a crush on his friend Aiden."

"So let me get this straight you want me to go to a party so that you can fulfill you dream boy fantasy."

"No I want you to go to the party and bring me as your plus one."

"My answer is still no."

"Listen to me Hunter is one of the elites he is extremely popular and extremely rich in this school everyone has money but not everyone has the looks or the popularity, you need to attend that party so that you cannot be deemed a total outcast."

"What makes you think I want all the popularity?"

"I'm not saying that you should aim for prom queen I'm just saying try to be socially expectable."

I've never had to try to be popular or liked in my entire life. Nobody in any of my schools knew that I was vampire royalty I just managed to fit in somehow. I was hoping to lay low in this school and avoid parties and boys and girls but seeing as Ann really wants this I am willing to do it for her.

I roll my eyes. " Fine I'll go with you."

"Ahhh." She jumped and screamed.

"But… you have to pick me up I'll text you my address."

"I'll be there."

We continue with tryouts and I head back home since the results will be posted tomorrow morning.


Hunter's POV

"Hey Ryan did you get the beer?"

"Yeah I have enough to get the whole country drunk."

"Great set it up in the house, outside by the pool and near the fire by the lake."


The pack house is currently filled with the mini pack I was given by my father as a starter responsibility. It has been hard having to decide everything for people who are capable of making their own decisions.

"Can someone tell Aiden to get down here now." Aiden is my beta and he lives here with me.

The rest of the pack either live with their families or here at the estate in other houses. As far as the humans know, me and Aiden are cousins and our parents are never home and always away for business.

The party is about to start in the next forty five minutes and everything is prepared.

Everyone starts filling up the spaces soon after that and it's now eleven thirty and Lilith is still not here I'm beginning to think she does not want to come.

I go in to look for Aiden and find him upstairs kissing a brunette girl who is the fourth girl this night. "Aiden." I call him rubbing my temple.

"What bro?" He asks leaning his arm above the girl on the wall.

"Come here."

"Urgg." He looks between me and the girl. "I'll be back just wait for me just here."

"What happened to the other girls?" I ask even though I'm sure I do not want to know.

"The one blond threw up all over my shirt that I had to get it changed and the other one is passed out on the couch." He points to a couch behind us. "The redhead kept on going on and on about her ex, just annoying."

"Umm okay please get rid of all of these people the party is over."

"Party doesn't end until everyone is passed out bro."

"Well I don't feel like being crowded anymore."

"What, did your raven head not make it?"

"Just get rid of them."

"I don't think there is a need your raven head just walked in and she has a hot friend."

My head spun nearly 360° towards her direction."I'll be back I say to Aiden without even sending a glance his way."

"Does that mean the part goes on?" He screams from his position.

"Yeah whatever." I wave my hand his way.

Lilith looks good she is wearing a denim mini skirt and I mean extremely mini and a white tank top written boss bitch in jewels.

"Hey seems like you made it." I stop right in front of her.

"Yeah thank Ann cause I wasn't going to even come."

I turn to look at a girl who is much shorter than her. "Thank you Ann. I'm Hunter by the way." I shake her hand.

"Nice to meet you." She gives me a sweet smile and looks down.

"We are going outside towards the lake by the fire, it's crowded here."

"Can I bring you drinks."

"Yes please."Ann replies.

"I'll have Chinese ice tea with a splash of vodka, raspberry flavoring, Four slices of thinly cut lemons and some mint, you know where to find us thanks." She drags Ann off before I was able to say anything.

I go toward the kitchen and luckily find the tea bags since my mom loves her tea so much I make tea add the raspberry flavoring, vodka and lemons then fill it with ice and drop a mint on top I do the same for Ann since I'm not really sure what she wants.

I head of towards the lake and find them sitting around the fire on camp chairs. "Here you go."

"Ohh you actually made this." Lilith says as she takes the cup from my hand.

"Yeah that's what you asked for isn't it."

"I honestly would have been okay with a beer." Ann says.

"I will remember that for next time."

"Ohh no need there will be no next time."

"Are you sure cause I throw the bests parties."

"So far I'm bored out of my mind, my only source of entertainment is the flames."

"A bunch of us where about to play truth or dare."

"What are you 8?" I swear this girl has an opinion on everything.

"Just come play out version of truth or dare is not the same as your version."

"Will Aiden be there?" Ann asks.

"Yeah sure."

"Let's go Lily."

She hesitates for a few seconds but finally gives in and we walk back into the house towards the living room."