
Change of apartment

Vaidehi cried lean against Rithika's shoulder who rubbed her arms and tried to control her tears looking at her.

She looked like a fragile glass doll, curling against her.

After that incident, the called police and handed Rishab to them and file a case against him.Vaidehi, looked lost and traumatized, when the inspectors asked stared to ask her about the incident.

Rithika and Harsh were feeling guilty for leaving her alone. Thanks God, Damien came on time.

They couldn't thank him enough for saving her.

Rithika looked at Vaidehi and slowly patted her head.

"I can't thank him enough for coming and save her on time." Rithika whisper and patted Vaidehi head as she snuggled herself against her.

"I will like a dumb man, Rithu.How couldn't I see that, I was letting a monster stay in our house!?" Harsh said and sighed in frustration.

"I am just afraid that if anyone from Vaidehi family gets to know about this matter, they won't let Vaidehi stay here. I don't want her dream to be broken Harsh." She wiped her tears and looked at him helplessly.



"No, leave me please. "

"No, no please. It hurting!"

"Noooooo!" Vaidehi woke up panting heavily.

Nightmare. A very dangerous one. She looked around frantically searching for Rithika.

"Rithu, where are you? " Vaidehi called her and she walked toward their room.

But suddenly the event from night came rushing to her mind. She felt dizzy .Before she could fall she held the door.

Somehow she walked toward Rithika room and saw that Rithika was fast asleep.

She sigh, and walked downstairs to sit in garden.

But as she walked through staircase ,she could practically see herself being dragged away by that monster.

Her breathing labored and she could feel a bad headache forming in the back of her head.

"Oh my God, Vaidehi what are you doing? Are you okay? " Harsh came and help her sit.

Harsh quickly ran upstairs and called Rithika who almost came running.

Vaidehi felt guilty suddenly seeing Rithika do so much for her. She should be the one talking care of her but it was other way around now.

I have to do something, I can't stay here forever. She thought to herself.

"Vaidu, what wrong? Do you want something?"Rithika came and sat next to her.

Vaidehi nodded a no and looked down.

"Harsh can you please bring food for her? "Rithika asked Harsh, who nodded and quickly run toward the kitchen.

Vaidehi felt weird and guilt seeing them do that.

"Do you want me to tell Dadu about this incident?" Rithika asked softly.

"Please don't tell him. He will be worried unnecessarily. And I am fine now stop worrying about me so much! " Vaidehi said and smiled.

"Oh, so now you will lie to me? Okay I get it." Rithika said and wiped her tears with the back of her hand.

"Rithu, you're making me feel guilt. Please don't cry." Vaidehi hug her.

"Why are you feeling guilty when we should be the one?" Rithika asked and glared at her.

"Rithu try to understand. You are pregnant for God sake! I can't see you running around and worrying over me! In this stage I should be the one taking care of you but.." She bust in tears.

"Hey, hey it okay. I am okay. don't worry. " Rithika hugged her and rocked her left and right and whispered.

Vaidehi broke the hug forcefully and wiped tears with the back of her hand at looked at Rithika.

"I want to shift somewhere." She said looking at her seriously.

"Say that again!? " Rithika glared at her in anger.

"Rithu, please try to understand. I can't stay here forever anyway. And right now I feel suffocated here. And the one of the main reason is I don't want to worry you guys!" She took hold of Rithika hand and pleaded.


"I think Vaidehi is right. I have observed her, she is very much uncomfortable staying here. I am not saying this because I don't want you to stay here or something, I am saying this because I saw that you were practically living that incident again and again." Harsh interrupted .

He came with a bowl of soup in his and placed it on the table and looked from Vaidehi to Rithika and sighed.

"Listen to jiju(brother-in-law) and please understand, Rithu." Vaidehi pleaded.

"Okay. But promise me you will take care of yourself and call me if you need anything. Also, promise me that you will visit me everyday." Rithika said and tried to control her tears.

"I will, Rithu." Vaidehi smile.

"I have a friend of mine , who said that their is this big house two blocks away from ours.If you are ready than I can talk with him." Harsh suggested.

Vaidehi nodded with enthusiasm.

"I will talk with him then. " Harsh said with a smile.





Damien could forget the look of fear in Vaidehi face.

He wanted to kill that bastard. He could understand why he was getting so bothered about her, why seeing tears in her eyes was affecting him so much.

No, I have to stay away from her. He though to himself as he passed around Ashton guest room.

"I found a place for you to stay." Aston entered inside like a kind and sat on bed.

"Oh, nice. proving yourself that you can be useful." Damien said sarcastically.

"Damien, are you really okay?You look disturbed ever since you came from Miss.Aggarwal's home."

"It's nothing." He said and ranked his hand through his hair.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me. And if you are worried about her and trying to prove yourself that you are not? All I would say is that you need to live Damien. It's not wrong to worry about someone." Ashton patted his shoulder.

"Also, I think at least for few month ,you stay incognito. It's risky and seeing what had happened yesterday, I think so it will be safe for you to stay in a place which is doesn't fall under our rivalry eye. Because this game of power is getting dirtier Damien." Ashton added.

"I think you are right. You said you found a house right?" Damien nodded and asked Ashton who in answer nodded.

"I guess I do need a change of environment."

'Also, I need to stay away from a certain girl with big brown eyes.' He thought to himself.

If only he knew what was coming his way.