
His Impersonating Wife

Si Yihan , a business Mongrel who was a king of his field where his charming beauty act as his bait and his soothing voice, for the falling over of countless buisness empires. He was successful to the bones but cold and sharp like ice. But this brutal man fell head over heels for his wife. And treated her as his queen. Bai Xi, got married to the Hot billionaire business tycoon Si Yihan on her eighteenth birthday, as her father's last wish. Strong willed as she is , she maneuvered her life as the rich wife in such a way that left everyone speechless. Specially her poor unknowing husband who had never seen his wife , until an accidental incident where he got swept off his feet and fell head over heels for his wife without knowing that she is in fact, his wife. Excerpt: “Did you think this would be enough to keep me away from you. Never, try as you might Bai Xi you are married to me! I am a part of your life and you are mine. And I am not letting you go.” Si yehan declared . His voice sounded firm and his decision irreversible. I stood there , not knowing what else to say. I never wanted to involve him in the mess that is my life , but he stood there and declared it in a way, that made me think about it all again. I love this guy! I love him so much, that it hurts to be anywhere else other than being with him. .......... Though however hard she tries to be strong and brave , she has a past and a brutal one at that , which left her emotionally crippling. And the past will catch up with her whether she wants to face it or not.

Nightowl20 · Urban
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

First Day!

Happy Reading !


Bai Xi:s Pov:

I bathed the tiredness off and worn a skin fitted jeans and a white camisole top, draping a neon green white shirt and my shoes.

I hiked my bag up and locked up the door before trodding downstairs and taking a taxi to the Seroul University, top among the other acting schools.

I am a year late but as it is said it's s never too late for your dreams.

I stargazed at the gates of the Seroul academy and entered it with a head held high. I promised myself that I would not let anything deter me and I would forget about whatever happened before today.

I would not think about the one who shall no be named and also about marriage or everything else that might affect my life here.

As I entered through the door there was a loud commotion ahead of me,a few steps to the side of the entrance as two girls fought on with one slightly taller than the other and then the third one came hurtling before slamming into the smaller one toppling her over.

A small crowd has gathered and a bunch of students were hollering atthe center of it cheering on the two girls still standing.

"You loser you tried taking advantage of Sister Ji Nan's kindness and tried to seduce young master si, you should be condemned for it. You deserve all the humiliation and you need to learn your place." The girl standing tall over the smaller one spited threateningly before kicking her in the stomach and then walked off to the hollering group which now I see consists of mainly five people. Three girls and two boys.

The little girl looked scared and brokenly tried to mutter something but her voice got lost in the chaos.

One of the boys from the small group came and threw a bag onto the small lying girl before stepping aside as a tall women with a slender figure and face like porcelain stepped out of the small circle.

The little girl tried to scramble back, but couldn't as there was someone who stood behind her, the tall one from among the group while another one stopped other people from filming it.

"Listen right here and carefully, Si lan is mine and I dare you to try to seduce him again." Her eyes glaring holes onto the lying girl before she roughly shoved her off onto the ground before standing up and walking off. Her two cronies following behind her while the one who fought earlier threw a dead eye to everyone before menacingly saying, "This is a warning for every bitch here, Don't think anyone of you can seduce young master Si. He only belong to Sister Ji Nan and anyone who tries otherwise shall have the same fate as this one."

"Clear the crowd and the place" the porcelain doll drawled out before turning and walking away as if the whole matter had nothing to do with her and she didn't just openly threatened someone.

From the looks it seemed she isn't afraid of anyone here, and she definitely seems a bigshot or maybe considers herself one by the looks of it.

"Why are you all still standing here, scram!!" Her crony number one from earlier, yes I named her, the one who was fighting with the short girl, bashed at the crowd in her shrilling voice nearly rattling away my eardrums with her tone even with a few steps between us. The crowd started clearing after the warning as everyone, even the short girl took hold of her bag and started scrambling away.

I too turned and started walking away but was stopped by a hand on my shoulder.

I turned around to see the crony number one standing behind me.


"Are you new here?"

"Yes." Never say more than what is necessary.

"Good, now clean up the mess here" she ordered condescendingly.

I raised an eyebrow at her in question, not saying anything, letting her repeat her sentence.

"Didn't you hear me, go and clean that mess."

I fully tuned and threw her a disgusting glance from head to toe, saying in an aloof tone,"Do I know you? Or do you think I am someone you can order?"


"Are you deaf?"

"What did you say, you bitch?!" she looks angered but I didnt back down either.

"Mind you saying that, I don't speak to trash" I spat out before pushing her hand off me and turned my back onto her, before starting to walk away.

She looked affronted and took a step in my direction while raising a hand but I didn't back down either.

If she thinks she can do anything to me like that girl then she is in the wrong. I don't tolerate bullies,have never done that before and I have no mind starting now.

The only reason I didn't said anything before when they were bullying the girl is because I didn't know the whole matter and I also didn't know either side, as any side could have been the right one. I didn't wanted to get into conflict when I am not clear on the situation and in my negligence attack the wrong side, without knowing the intentions of either one.

Also I would have been drawing attention to myself on the very first day and that wouldn't have worked well for my identity and I don't wanted that.

But now that she came after me on her own thinking she can bully me the same, I am not stepping back because I know people like her who struts along with the mighty and bully the weak.

I don't mind teaching her some manners if that's what she needs to learn to respect others.

I took hold of the hand before it can come down on me and threw it off as the crony got pushed off with the force and fell down on the same spot, the other small girl was pushed on. I would call this karma.

I crouched low, at her level before warning her, "Don't ever try to order me again."

I warned her while she looked shocked as if the whole situation is absurd but I didn't give her heed and then went off to the nearby building where administrative department was written without caring about the lying dumb person behind me.