
Chapter 2

You were nothing before you met me. You were playing Barbies with Betty Finn. You were a Bluebird. You were a Brownie. You were a Girl Scout Cookie."

-Heather Chandler

Emma POV

I wake up at 5:00 am to start getting ready for the day. I put everything I need in my blue side bag that's big enough to hold my art book and a few other things then I grab the hoodie that's two sizes too big and I leave to go to school.

I learned to leave home for school early so I don't bother my father in the mornings and he's just waking up.

I bet you're wondering why I don't tell anybody about what my dad does to me. The thing is

I've tried but because I live in a small town where everybody knows Everybody, nobody wanted to go up against my dad the town police, so in the end

nobody did anything, and nobody would help me. Maybe because it's my fault that mom...

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when someone starts honking a car horn at me I look around and see a guy in my class, Josh cooper.

"Hey!" He says as he rolls down he's window to his black Volvo. "Want a ride to school?"

I look around once and she a group of girls behind me and keep moving, for a second there I thought he was talking to me, yeah as if.

He honks his car horn again this time louder

"Emma!, come don't walk away it's too cold outside walk."

I turn around again but this time even more surprised that he was actually talking to me.

"Come on try not to make me wait forever"

He say in a sexy  voice that makes me my stomach feel weird. In fact, this whole thing makes my stomach feel weird, he has never even talked to me before let alone give me a ride to school.

maybe he needs something from me?

I decided that it doesn't matter right now and I get in his car.  We sit in silence for a good four minutes until he says something.

"So you always leave for school this early?"



"because I want to"

"Oh ok," he says frowning And then he starts to drive. I feel bad for being a little rude but I didn't do on purpose I'm just really shy and had no idea how to talk to him, I mean just look at him he's gorgeous.

But then I realized that I was probably hunting his feelings by staying quite.

"Thanks for the ride to school josh"

His smile reappear and he looks at me with the most beautiful blue eyes.

When we make it to school it's almost time for the first bell to ring, we had gotten there a lot faster then if I were to walk instead.

I turn to open the door but it's locked, and I hear josh laugh.

"Why are you in such a hurry to leave? Class isn't until another 30 minutes"

I look down not able to keep eye contact with him, being with him is so suffocating. I feel so out of place by his side.

"I just thought that you probably didn't want to talk to me"

"No, it's the exact opposite actually"


"Yeah, I actually really wanted to get to know you for a while but I just didn't know how to start a conversation with you" he looks down embarrassed and it's so beautiful I feel malting.

This isn't happening

"So I was wondering if you'd like to hang out today after school?

This can't be happening

"So we could get to know each other some more"

I sit there in shock like an idiot. It's takes me a few minutes to find and complete a sentence but in the end I just nod my head yes.

He looks satisfied with my answer and then unlocks the door.

I get out to go to class and josh follows besides me. I can feel one or two eyes me now that josh is walking with me into school and can't look anyone in the eye.

Then I feel josh's  hand in mine, and my face turns all kinds of light pink. No one has ever held my hand before and it feels good, really good.

We get to my class and all eyes are on me and the hand holding mine, all of this attention is making me uncomfortable and I try to go take my Seat but I'm pulled back and before I could react josh plants a kiss my mine cheek.

Overwhelmed I blush uncontrollably making him chuckle as whispers in my ear " I'll pick you up after school at 10 o'clock sweetie so we can get to know each other better."

I want to ask him why so late but my English teacher mr. Duncan asked for everyone to take their seats.


Everyone has been looking at me ever since josh kissed me in front of my whole class, and I not a big fan of all this  attention.

I try to ignore it and keep walk but then I'm stoped in the middle of the hallway. By the Harrison sisters.

"Well look who finally has a boyfriend and who would have thought you and my ex would have hit it off so well "

Said the leader of the three. Victoria.

"I-I don't have a boyfriend Victoria, me and josh are just friends" I don't know even if we're that, he just showed up out of nowhere today kissed me on my cheek and now everyone thinks that we're dating and I don't even know him as a friend.

Vanessa Harrison walks up behind me and says

"Well if you're not his girlfriend then leave him alone before you get hurt really bad"

"Shut up Vanessa!" Victoria says after hitting Her loud sister in the knee.

"Let's leave ms. Emma to her happily ever after for now"

They walk away leaving me even more confused and conflicted than I was before.


THANK YOU for reading :)

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