

Jayson was confused and surprised at her sudden reaction to him. "Why did she pull away" he could help but ask himself. He was angry. more than angry, he was mad. Didn't she know the effect she had on him? Just being this close to her awoken his once sleeping now raging monster.

Cassie turned away from him and look ahead of her to the waterfall. She had alot of questions in her head but none of them left her lips. Why was she so close to this jerk? Why did she enjoy it so much? She couldn't help but ask herself. His hands felt so good when they were tracing her face, she wonder how good that hand of his could make her feel when it went to her most delicate place? Her thoughts traveled to the naughtiest of places and before she knew it, she was already blushing hard with her once paled face now red like a tomato.