
His Human Her Alpha

Bella finally finds herself and becomes srtong with a strong alpha by her side

Femboishyboi · Others
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12 Chs

His Queen Her King

Malik's Pov

I woke up slowly to my mate snuggling into us I smile as my wolf purrs at the beautiful women next to me. I was still agitated at this fucking leech ex of hers. It will take a little time to get her to understand we are here to take care of her and please her. My wolf purrs as he starts to speak.

'Mate will be hungry when she wakes up let's feed her something special but small because her stomach is not ready for big food'

I nod at his words slowly sliding away making sure she doesn't wake up as I slide out of bed makin sure to stay quiet as I head downstairs. We walk downstairs making our way into the kitchen.

I played my music as I moved around the kitchen grabbing pans as I start on breakfast for me and my sexy ass mate. I start singing along like the happy man I was, I got a beautiful mate a amazing life I was the alpha with a big family. All I could want I had I felt high as fuck. Kal comes in looking at me weird as he shook his head joining me singing and dancing as I made breakfast. Until the one person I hated more then anything walks in.

Maddison Grey..... the pack slut. My wolf growls as he gets ready to take control I try ignoring her at first scowling. She walks up to me rubbing my arm softly speaking in what she thought was a sexy voice.

"Alpha cooking breakfast for me I see."

"No Maddison I'm cooking for me and my mate."

"Mate? Since when do you have a mate babe?"

"Get your hands off me, and since yesterday."

"You know your father wants us together."

I huff shoving her off as I scowl.

"Only if I didn't find my mate soon but I have."

She huffs kissing me as I went to pull away my mate watching as she starts crying rushing back upstairs. I nod my head to Kal and he nods following her as I scowl at Maddison.

"Fuck off Maddison. My wolf already thinks your nasty you have fucked most of the pack anyway."

She huffs standing aside as she starts to text someone as I roll my eyes looking at the stairs my eyes going wide as Kal winks at me bringing my mate back downstairs in the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. She started blushing making her way past Maddison as she "accidently" bumps into her moving to me wrapping her hands around my waist.

I smile as I kiss her head as I notice Maddison smirking looking at the door. What did that bitch do? I finish cooking making me, my mate, Kal, and his mate plates we start eating starting small talk with Izzy as we all start laughing. As soon as things got back to normal.

"Son what is this about you not getting along with Maddison you know you have to marry her if you don't find you mate in the next year!!!"

My dad walks into the room looking at Izzy then to me then to Maddison.

"Maddison is this the girl you said he was ignoring you to."

"Yes Mr. King please help him understand he will be my husband soon."

I shake my head scowling at her then looked at my dad grabbing Izzy's hand kissing it pulling her close to me.

"Dad this is my mate Isabella."

"She is human son."

"And? Why does that matter."

"She's also thin, Maddison is a she wolf and can help us gain her pack."

"Dad fuck off ok I will not reject this beautiful women for someone who sleeps with the whole pack!"

"Do not yell at me son. You will reject her you hear me."

My Mom rushes in squealing as she sees my mate. Rushing to her side pulling her into a hug looking at her examining her closely.

She starts giggling like a mad lady as she pulls away from the hug smiling to Izzy.

"Oh look at you so tiny but cute and wow do you look adorable. Oh you big stupid son when were you going to show her to us."

"Well one, mama she just got here and she's had a rough time and she's special mama....However it seems dad doesn't like her."

She scowls at my dad as I show them both my memories as they snap their heads to me as my mother looks at me serious as well as my dad.

-Are you sure....she goes into headspace.-

I nod to them both as my mom smiles softly at Izzy holding her close as my dad finally smiles softly nodding at me backing off looking at Maddison.

"Sorry Maddison but this won't work now that he has found her I advise you to leave back to your pack."

She screams causing Izzy to whimper covering her eyes looking down shaking. My mom try's to calm Izzy as me and my dad growl at the slut while Kal starts to drag her out of the house with a few pissed off pack members. My mom hands me Izzy as I start to take her upstairs while my mom cleaned up. I sit down on my bed with Izzy on my lap patting her butt as she whimpers.

"Is our little wolf ok I am sorry about that nasty women she is gone now I promise. Axel and I will keep you safe."

"You no w....want me yous want hers."

"No baby as soon as I found you I didn't even remember her till now I never wanted her baby I promise little wolf."

"P...promises me?"

"I promise little wolf we are all yours."

She smiles slightly giggling as I kiss her all over her face smiling at her as I look around leaning over pulling open the drawer as I grab a paci, placing it into her mouth patting her ass softly rocking her back and forth. She smiles at me then looks confused.

"What's a matter little wolf?"

She spits the paci out talking softly.

"W....why have paci?"

"Because I am a daddy Dom little one the pack is use to things like this little wolf we welcome it no stranger then us turning into wolves or us in a mafia little wolf."

She looks at me smiling.

"Princess me."

"No honey not princess.....Queen."

Her eyes widen as I smile at her pulling her back to me kissing her softly pausing to see if she will kiss back. She wrapped her hands around my neck as she starts kissing me back giggling. She slowly backs away as I lay her on the bed as I notice her coming back into big space as she smiles softly.

"You accept me."

"Always little wolf always."

I lean down to her kissing her then trailing kisses to her neck then back up lovingly as I huff noticing my phone going off picking it up letting Izzy read it with me.

From Kal: Dude unfortunately the bitch has to stay but your mom and dad told us to make sure we keep her away from little one as much as possible.

To Kal: Fucking hell why? And she better stay the fuck away unless she wishes to die.

From Kal: Her dad can't get her for a few days man.

I sigh looking at my mate as I see worry in her eyes I sigh kissing her head.

"She won't get to you I promise little wolf she will stay on the other side of the house."

Izzy nods but doesn't say anything else as she looks down.

'Mate upset help mate'

I sigh, pulling her to me kissing her head as I cuddle her. Pulling the blankets over us turning the T.V on flipping through shows as she stops me on kitchen nightmare's. I shake my head chuckling laying the remote down as she focuses on the T.V as I drift into a conversation with Axel.

'Mate is getting better slowly, she trusts us slightly enough to slip.'

'Yeah I am happy she is starting to trust us but.... Maddison I feel like she's going to cause some shit with our mate.'

'If she does she will die I will cause her so much pain she will regret everything.'

'I agree but we also got to be careful you know Izzy will have as much say in the pack and the mafia, she's our queen now.'

'She will be strong as soon as we get her up a little more. Mate is strong.'

'Fucking yea she is Axel now all we got to think about is slowly getting her closer to slipping fully with us and comfortable.'

'Mate her first then let her slip. With the mark she will feel more safe. You know this Malik'

I thought for a second then nodded as I smile softly.

'We just have to talk to her later about this to make sure she wants to mate like we do then yes we will'

'I will please her so well'

I roll my eyes at his antics.

'Yeah yeah Axel calm your dick you realize your knot will stretch her more you got to be careful'

He huffs laying down in my head.

'I hate you human, hate that your right I will be gentle the first time.'

I nod smiling more as I kiss our mates head letting him take half control so he can kiss her head to as we lay there in content with her in our arms with no worries right now. She calmed me....I was a violent person hated a lot of people now all I want is to please her and be fucking sweet to her. Which now I can't think of anything or any other ways besides that. She was the cutest thing so tiny fitting into are arms just right as she snuggled closer to us then sighing in her content state as she continued to watch Gordan Ramsey yell at people. What got me and Axel the most is her laughing at it, I shook my head as I heard her speak.

"He should hit those idiots."

My eyes widen chuckling as I look to her then back at the T.V oh yes she will be a perfect queen for both the pack and the mafia family...

No one's Pov

However what he didn't know was in the future this shy fiery girl was going to get more spicy and stronger like a true mafia queen and Luna to the pack. Causing destruction just like he has and will continue to do, such a sweet destruction she will cause. Because now the devil....the king has found his queen. God help the one that fucks with either because the other is just as crazy as each other. They now would do anything for each other, taking a silent oath to do whatever it took to keep the other. They will cause so much pain that no one will see coming. Never mess with his queen he will skin you alive with a smile on his face and feed your flesh to his dog. Never mess with her king or you will have melted gold over your head as she giggles over the screams. And god help the ones who wish to flirt with the other the punishment for that would make the devil blush on his thrown. Hell is now ruled by them while they sit on their thrones drinking their enemies blood in a wine glass with a smile on their face. Holding hands and fucking each other in those thrones of theirs making sure the other knew they love the other just as much. His Queen Her king, Ride or die to the end. But not one of them knew the other's thoughts, the sick thoughts they had if someone wished to fuck with the other.