
His Hips For Her Pleasure (18+) (Omegaverse)

A lewd story that features a beautiful boy being hopelessly dominated and dicked down by Alpha females, as a tale of jealousy, heroics and sacrifice is unveiled for all to see.

Norobo · Urban
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

My Saviour, My Hero (2)


Minutes slowly tickled by as he periodically glanced up to check out if he missed a certain red cape and the longer he waited, the more he was sure that this was all a big mistake. What was he thinking? Paragon was probably already on another date with a prettier, better natured Omega, not some uninteresting bump on a log like him. Had he gotten the message wrong? Did she just want to keep him as some sort of side dish?

His stomach rolled around. The blood in his veins froze. Worst case scenario she was looking for a little 'fun', thinking she could have some time together in a love hotel or something. Maybe this was for the best. He actually didn't want to see the look of crushing regret on her face, which was probably why she had stood him up. It was something he'd heard of, how Omegas were stuck in bedrest in love-sickness after making their Alphas disappointed or being called ugly. Now, he was sure Paragon wouldn't be that mean but then again, she's now. . .2 hours late for their date.

Yeah...this was definitely a mistake.


He checked his watch yet again. 10:40 AM.

He double checked his phone, too, but saw nothing. Not that that was anything new for him. No messages to say she was running late, or she needed a rain check and had to cancel. His mind began to wander to the worst possible scenarios.

Had she actually regretted asking him out for a date? Had she seen how beautiful other Omegas were in comparison to him? Where was she? Why did she leave him?

A hundred and one questions played out in his head, ringing around, echoing, bouncing from one white wall to another, each one hurting his heart more than the last. What should he do now?

Luckily for him, she hadn't called him out on public space since that would actually be pretty painful and embarrassing, just imagining the looks of pity on the onlooker's faces. He didn't know what to do now. Should he play some games, perhaps study up a new language or just sleep on it since at least in his dreams, she had swooped in and they had a wonderful fantastic date.

Then, his Omega side started making excuses for their once, soon to be Alpha. Perhaps, she was just running really late because she was saving a couple people on the way? Or, maybe she was in a secret lair, strapped to a chair in a room with dim lighting by an evil doctor who wants to destroy the world? Maybe an ancient curse had been released to the world and she was fighting it along with space ninjas.

"Poof! You won't succeed, Doctor Octoplappysauraus," Skylar formed a mouth with his hand and imagined it was Paragon, all beaten but never succumbing to the pain and evil.

He formed another mouth with his free hand. "Not this time, Paragon! With this Tectagon, I shall rule the world and not even you can stop me this time!"

"I won't let you!" The Paragon hand swooped in to attack the Doctor Sauras hand, entangling in a fight, wrestling with each other as he imagined the nearby buildings collapsing from the epic might of their battle. Then finally, the Paragon hand beat the evil doctor once again, with an imaginary epic look on her face as the sun set behind her.

"I told you. As long as I, Paragon stands, evil shall never prevail," Skylar intoned. Then suddenly, a sob broke through his lips.

He swallowed a lump in his throat, unshed tears standing in his eyes, as he made his mind up. This was what he got for getting his hopes up. This is what he got for thinking someone like her would ever be interested in someone like him, either as a friend or something more. That anyone would, really. He swallowed his melancholy, just like all the other times he'd been reminded of his worthlessness, and stood up on bed as he checked his phone one last time. This time, just to check on the time.

11 AM. Yup, it was official. Paragon had officially stood him up and it really hurt. With a deep sigh, he turned around from the window and stood up to change out of his crappy outfit in the bathroom.

Until, a shadow was cast in front of him. This one, with a cape undulating like a stingray behind her. He looked backwards quickly, startled at the shadowy figure, craning his neck up to look into a pair of beautiful, large golden eyes before turning his head back down coquettishly.

"Paragon?" Skylar broke into tears right there and then.


She passed through the windows and even from the tears clouding his eyes, he could see the number of holes in her cape, burnt flesh rapidly healing, and most importantly, a torn Cape suit with an even more wounded wearer. Despite all her injuries, she still had a coquettish look on her face as she simply replied, "Skylar?"

He tried to meet her gaze as he replied, but was so afraid. What would he see there? Disappointment? Regret? Revulsion? He couldn't help himself, he knew what was going to happen, but he wanted to be seen by her, at least once...even if it was for the last time.

It was already afternoon. With the sun at its highest, it shone down on Paragon's figure, heralding the greatest Cape to ever live. She looked as beautiful as ever, nearly 7 feet tall and a shredded figure as she floated there, her cape flowing like waves behind her. With hair the color of golden, it was further enhanced by the sun's glow, making it appear as if the sun had crowned her King.

An Alpha. A warrior goddess. That was exactly how Skylar would describe her.Even with all her injuries, she still managed to look good, like a victorious fighting goddess straight out of a gruesome war.

"Skylar," She floated closer to him, passing by his windows again. Her eyebrows creased when she saw the tears drying on the beautiful boy's cheeks.

Wind whipped past Skylar's face before he felt two warm hands on his face. He looked up to see Paragon's face, etched in worry.

"Are you okay?" She asked softly. "Who hurt you?"

"W-What?" He sniffled.

"Your tears, Skylar," Paragon said in worry and suddenly he remembered why he was crying, why he was so distraught.

And yet, one look at Paragon's face and battered costume immediately calmed the fire that stoked inside him. Hope bloomed inside his stomach. Thank god. She hadn't ditch him after all. This was still happening.

He tried to put up a smile and said, "H-Hi, Paragon. . ." He didn't know whether he should say his next words but to completely clear any doubts he had, he just had to ask her. His fingers lightly caressed the burnt holes in her cape. "Di-Did something happen?"

His question seemed to have snapped Paragon out of her trance. "Oh yeah, just a little brawl down 5th Avenue. Anyway, I'm so sorry I kept you waiting like that." Her apologetic tone matched her face as she brought a hand up and rubbed the back of her head in relief. "I know I can't exactly apologize for showing up 3 hours later than our arranged meeting but I really hope I can-"

"It's okay," Skylar smiled sadly. "I'm already happy enough that you still decided to come meet me."

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