
His Hips For Her Pleasure (18+) (Omegaverse)

A lewd story that features a beautiful boy being hopelessly dominated and dicked down by Alpha females, as a tale of jealousy, heroics and sacrifice is unveiled for all to see.

Norobo · Urban
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

His Alpha (5)


"Skye, you're the most beautiful, kind Omega boy I've ever met. I think you're the one out of HER league," Breona teased which furthered Skylar's blush. "Not to mention the balls of Alpha you possessed down there, standing up against Goliath like that."

Skylar blushed at that, chomping down on her arm but found that her muscles appeared tougher than his teeth. He let her arm go and just grumbled instead, muttering about Breona being a meathead and whatnot. Breona just hugged him closer with a smile, petting his head the way mothers do to their children when they pouted. She already knew that he had made his decision and despite a part of her still wanting to selfishly keep him in a locked up tower, she knew that his decision was her decision.

But until the date, he was still hers to protect. With that, she started a hum to one of their favorite songs, singing the little Pantsie in her arms to sleep.


The city had stilled as the sun glowed a dusky evening.

A quiet fog enveloped the bustling city, silencing everything but the continuous honking of cars and buses which seemed to be enhanced, echoing into the approaching night. The only things that ever made it through the settling fog were the blinking neon lights and billboards on tall metal skyscrapers and streets, advertising products and whatever autumn hit a singer-artist had produced.

It was a surreal experience. Despite the many other demerits of the apartment complex, this view was one of the reasons he still stayed here. With a tender heart, he released his hands from the window pane and turned his gaze back to his room.

It had been a week since the incident. There were many things he learned after his near-death experience but one of the most important had to be how he needed to change. Nothing drastic like a complete make-over, just a few more touches here and there complimented by the skills he thought he would never use from his arts degree.

For one, he had torn down the ugly wallpaper, and repainted them to be a simple white with some black highlights that contrasted beautifully in his opinion. Breona however told him it looked too simple but what does Miss Meathead know about color themes. Next, he had framed the inspirational quotes and hung them on the walls, right above his new and improved workspace with a custom chair, PC and many other things he splurged on.

His bed was still the same except for its color palette. His floor, on the other hand, had been layered with a soft, white mattress with a towering wardrobe right beside his bed. It's contents had been filled with new clothes Sam bought him on the shopping spree they went despite his old clothes being perfectly fine. And, just beside the wardrobe, stood a clear mirror that honestly creeped him out at night sometimes.

All in all, the entire change cost him quite a bit but he was convinced that the change was needed. After all, he had already replied to THE Paragon herself, arranging a date with her on Sunday. . . .which was tomorrow.

The amount of stress and anxiety building up for this date made students stressing over their SATs look like they were on a vacation. He checked his phone, seeing that a collective image of a beautiful, expensive-looking restaurant had been opened.

"Central Restaurant," Skylar whispered, feeling his heart skip a beat at the name. Who hadn't heard of the most luxurious restaurant in the country? He had felt bad for agreeing to let Paragon pay but Breona had told him that since she was the one who invited him, she should pay.

Breona also brought up the fact that since Paragon was the top Hero, her wallet was probably filled to the brim.

Skylar sighed, taking a look at himself from the mirror. Despite being dressed in a simple bath towel, he could still see how it hugged every curve of his body. After a week of intense spa and Zen stores, his skin had never been milkier and his hair never healthier. With a clear, spotless face, long locks of raven hair, pouty red lips and two baby blue eyes, Sam had reassured him that now, he looked 'hot as hell'.

He didn't know about that but he had to admit, the current him was practically shining like he came straight out of a shoujo manga. And then, a blush exploded on his face when he realized he was staring at himself like a pervert.

Grabbing the blow dryer, he set it on medium before letting it do it's work as he hoped that the white noise could cancel out his turbulent thoughts.

It should be fine. Sam told him he looked good and to have some confidence in himself but that was hard knowing that he never was the confident type. . .and that his date was the greatest Hero alive. She probably dated Omegas cuter than him.

His interactions with Paragon could be counted on the palm of one's hands. . .or one's thumb. And the one time he did meet with her, she saw him all beat up, bloody and ugly - one of the most shameful things an Omega can experience in front of an Alpha they liked. Another blush worked up his neck when he remembered how he could only gurgle like an idiot when Paragon smiled at him. Sure, he had basically been hit with the force of a truck but still.

"I'll be fine," Skylar told himself but even he couldn't believe it. "It should be fine. It's not like I'm going on a date with the literal top of the Hero Society."

He bonked himself on the head for that tone. "I need to stop talking." He had barely finished drying his hair before he heard his doorbell ring.

"Great, just great," Skylar grumbled, quickly throwing an oversized shirt on as he glanced at the time - 11:45 pm. He wondered who on earth could it be at this hour.

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