
Highest Bidder

Ever since my parents died, I have been lonely, people kept leaving me and I felt like a curse. My spirit kills everyone near me, and I felt disgusted with myself. First my mother destroyed our perfect home with her evil deeds breaking my father’s heart. He could not take it and ended his life with her. He did not think about me at all, his love for her was so deep he went with her to the afterlife. Uncle Nicholas was the only one who cared like Grandma Lily, but they fought because of me. Grandma Lily wanted to raise me, and my curse made her sick, so sick she had to be let go to ease her pain and suffering. I was told her soul went to heaven, but I know there is no such thing as paradise or God just endless darkness, the living world and the lifeless world, the only different is the monsters here in the land of the living smile with you and cut you deep into your heart.

Uncle Nick took me in with Aunty Mica and it was fun, they took me out of school, we travelled out a lot and enjoy different places, I meant to say they went out and enjoyed those places but at least I got left overs when they return from such expensive places then it stopped coming, I heard we were going broke but that cannot be, Dad’s money cannot be finish right. Aunty Mica told me my Daddy did not love me enough to leave me more money and that I will live on the street alone, but I cannot be alone, am scared to be alone, am scared to be abandon and to be rejected.

The day came when Big muscled people came and took our house, they sacked us out onto the street, Aunty Mica was so furious she slapped Uncle Nicholas for being the reason and how he was stupid. I was dragged along, and we went to a hotel to sleep, the next morning we were asked to pay for another night or to leave and we packed our bags and left. We wandered around for hours and my stomach started to growl no matter how careful I was, I started to become dizzy, Uncle Nicholas stopped and went to buy a sandwich which we shared. We arrived at a shelter in the dead of the night, and they helped us with food, it was not the best, but it was better than nothing and allowed us to sleep there for a week.

They later showed us to this house well not a house more like a squatter’s settlement, it was rugs and woods patched together and it was so crowded, it has this weird smell, but beggars cannot be choosers. Aunty Mica was repulsed by it all, she did not want to stay there, she was disgusted and was hailing insults on Uncle Nicholas for being a fool. In time we settled in, food, clothes and the basic necessities become very hard, but we make do, house flies, rats and cockroaches became our family.

I became the punching bag for Aunty Mica, I took it all and kept it hidden from Uncle Nicholas fearing I will anger her, and she will kick me out, she will slap me and make me sleep naked in the cold or lock the door and make me sleep outside all night. I soon made friends and they helped me survive, they taught me how to pick pockets and I became very good at it, I started bring food home and Aunty Mica stopped beating me up until that day, she always beat me when Uncle Nicholas is not around but he came and saw what was happening, he took me out and brought me food, that was a great night, we took a long walk and he asked me about my dreams and if I wanted to go back to school which I do.

That night my curse woke up, it senses my happiness and came to destroy it, Aunty Mica woke me up and we run out, but Uncle Nicholas was not there, we searched and searched but we could not find him, and he screamed, his screams filled the night shocking the whole neighborhood. He was dying, burning alive and there was nothing we could do about it.

Aunty Mica helped me, and we came to a motel, she took me shopping and we went to the salon to get cleaned up, I have never been this cared for in a long time, I felt grateful and thankful to Aunty Mica for staying with me and for helping me, I felt so lucky to be with her and was willing to work harder to repay her kindness. She even got me a job and I was excited to start, she went shopping and came back with lots of clothes and food, she said we should have a party to celebrate new life and new beginnings. I tasted alcohol for the first time. That night was fun and we enjoyed a lot, I felt free and relax, I trusted and began to open my heart up again, I felt she was my mother, a true mother who cared about me and wanted the best for me and maybe just maybe there was a God who finally felt pity for me.

But here I am, half naked and roped on a board trapped within a glass case surrounded by men in suit with lust in their eyes betting on me, on my life and there she stood the woman I trusted, the woman I have started to love, asking the bidders to start placing their bet on me, my tears would not stop flowing as I watch my life flashed before my eyes. She betrayed me for money, she is selling me to greedy men, and she does not care whether they will harm me or kill me she just wants money but what did I expect when my own family, my own mother betrayed and rejected me..... My heart's breaking and the light in my eyes dimmed I will never ever trust another human being in my life, this is a lesson well learned.