
First meeting

During one of the networking sessions, Ava found herself standing alone in a sea of well-dressed strangers. She felt a twinge of unease as she observed the lively conversations happening around her, wishing she could find someone to connect with. It was then that she noticed him - a man standing in the periphery, watching the crowd with a curious smile on his face.

Something about him sparked Ava's interest. He had an air of mystery about him, his eyes holding a strange mix of warmth and intensity. Without even realizing it, Ava found herself making her way towards him, her curiosity piqued.

As she got closer, Ava noticed his impeccable style and the way he carried himself with a quiet confidence. It was as if he had a magnetic pull, drawing her in without even uttering a word. When their eyes finally met, Ava felt a jolt of electricity running through her veins, an inexplicable connection forming between them.

"Hello," he said, his voice smooth and charming. "I'm Sebastian."

"Ava," she replied, her voice slightly breathless. "Nice to meet you, Sebastian."