
Who Am I?

"You're useless.", "You're stupid." "There's nothing good that can come out of you." Those words rang loudly in Jemila's head as she cried. Walking home with her shoulders down after another hectic day at work, tears rolled down her face as she finally came to a conclusion. She had to accept all that was said about her. "I just lost another job, how will I look at anyone in the face. I give up. I'm tired," She shouted as she walked down the lonley lane at the birth of the night.

Beep beep...

A black maybach pulled up to where she was and called out her name "Jemila Bezoz," she turned around to look at the person calling out to her but the pitch darkness wouldn't give her an opportunity.

"Who are you?" she asked as she squinted to look into the darkness.

"I am your benefactor, or rather your soon to be benefactor," the voice replied "so who are you?" the voice asked her back.

"Who am I?" she said and the words rang in her head and she began laughing. "If you're here to mock me then I must tell you, that was a very good line there."

"Get in the car." the voice replied.

"I may be jobless and broke but I'm not stupid enough to enter the car of someone I don't know." Jemila replied ad she walked away.

Few hours later...

"Sign the contract." the firm voice of the man said.

She picked up the pen, turned it around on the finger tips and looked at the man once again.

She knew the very moment she signed the papers her life would be changed forever.

"Well what do you say?" the man looked intently at her " if you choose to sign this papers, you won't be the same Jemila of few hours ago." he said smiling "Want to make them pay for All they did to you?" he asked as he moved the files closer to her.

"Yes they must regret it" she said as she signed the papers.

The next day...

"Miss Jemila Bezoz, this is your house. You'll be living here for now and you can bring in any of your family or loved one." the man said to her.

She just looked at the house, collected the keys and nodded. As she was about to walk away the man quickly said.

" I'm sorry ma'am I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Stephen your assistant. I'll be here for as long as you'll need me." he said as he bowed and excused himself.

"Mom and dad this is the life you wanted for me right?. I'm living it now." she murmured as she walked directly to the room Stephen had shown her to sleep.

" Weird woman, she didn't even take a tour around the house," one of the newly employed maid said.

"you better shut up and get to work," Stephen scolded