
Chapter 8 of chapter 2 found her 2

In the middle of the children playing and laughing to get the best picture of the stars. Mrs Brett eyes fell on her missing daughter. Sitting in the dark corner with unknown child. 

"My Elsie!" Her mother voice echoed in the distance where's she was sitting. 

"Mother" she called surprisedly butbwas happy that she came back for her. The girl and embraced her mother tightly like she's going to runs away. 

"Thank God, we found her" 

"Who are you sitting with in the dark" comes immediate question from the woman who staresa at the spot her daughter get up from. 

"A friend mother" 

"A friend?" 

The black boy stands up from the dark spot and step into the lights for the lady to see him more clearly. 

"Good evening milady" the boy bowed. 

"It a pathetic black boy!" The police man yells, he hates black. He immediately grabbed roughly on the innocent boy. 

"You're the one who kidnapped the girl we're looking for?" 

"N-No Sir, it's not what you think" the boy tried to explained but before words could come out fully from his mouth, the police man slapped him to hard that he couldn't withstand the hit and fell down. 

"No!" Little Elsie scream. And ran up to him. 

"You bastard! He was the one who helped me fool!" 

Her mother was startled, is not that she didn't believe the boy but because her daughter had never yell at anyone before. Even though, she was bullied by her mates, she never yells at them or scream at them. She just allowed they to do whatsoever that please them.  This girl had changed just few minutes of meeting a black child! That surprised her. 

"How dare you hit my friend! Do you want to lose your job?!" 

The man was shocked at her words, she's so little but have a mouth full of authority! He turned and looked at the surprise mother, who was staring at her daughter confusedly. 

"Madam, I think your daughter had been found I can be on my way now" the man said and left them. The mother couldn't answer, her eyes were still on her daughter, pampering the boy to stand up.. while the man was walking away, he turned and stared at their direction. What have come over that girl that makes her stands up from a black dirty kid? He wondered and keeps on going. 

Mrs. Brett sighed, a happy smile cupped up on her lips as she continue to stared at the kids. They were so cute. She didn't hates black just she hadn't come closer to anyone of them before. She always stay far away from them because of the rumors she heard back them about the black people. 

"What's your name my boy?" She asked, 

"Matthew mother, his name is Matthew" Little Elsie quickly answered. Her mother eyed her and said. "I didn't ask you Elsie, the mouth had his mouth to speak. Allowed he to speak" 

"My name is Matthew madam" 

"Just Matthew?" The mother titled. 

"Yes just Matthew" 

"You don't have a father?" 

"No I don't madam"

"Please don't harm him! he's just a boy!" They heard a woman voice and turned back, saw a woman running up to them..she looked worried and anxious. When she reach, she went down on her kneels. 

"Please milady don't punished him, anything he had done please put it on me. I'm his mother, I'll take the blames" she said, pleading at the Mrs. Brett with hands locked together. Mrs. Brett's was surprised, the boy haven't done anything either had he committed a crime. Why is the woman heart trouble when there's no issues. 

"He's your son?" She asked looked down at the woman who was close to her. 

"Y-yes he is" 

"Mmm, he's a good boy" her word shocked the woman, and had her  eyes widened in shock. She wasn't expecting that, she thinking the woman before her was going to scolded her and punished her. What have Matthew done that had a white delicate lady shower him with praises.. she thought. 

Mrs Brett looked closer at the woman and noticed she didn't have blue eyes but her son did.

"You can stand up, your son did a great job for keeping my daughter with him."

The woman stands up and thank the lady before her..she looked at her son and saw a white girl standing too close to him..

"Matthew, give the young lady a distance before you rude her dress!" She scolded her son.. it's the best thing to do since some of the white hates their clothes to be stain.

"You don't have to, my daughter do not mind if her gown was clean or dirty"  Mrs. Brett said smiling to the woman word to her son..

"Maybe I asked you a question?" Mrs. Brett's turned her gaze away from the kidsand back to the woman..

"Who's is the father of your son? His eyes are beautiful and lovely but didn't speak of black" 

The woman remains mute for some minutes before she found the courage to answer the question. She couldn't open up to her, she's a strange to her even though she had show kindness to her son. She can't still trust her.. she's a while delicate woman, and from the way she dress speaks she was from a wealthy home. 

"Is father had died years ago" the woman said sadly. 

That means one thing for sure, she might be abruptly raped by any man. With the way she explained to Mrs. Brett's, she was clearly aware the woman was trying to hide the true identity of the man who impregnate her. It possibly be a white man and abandoned her to suffer with her child alone. 

"Oh I'm sorry for that. What's your name?" 

"Mercy, milady" the woman bowed..

"Mercy?" The name sounds familiar to her ears but she chose to ignored it, she was no way resemblance to the woman she once know who was called Mercy. She's  black and beautiful. Her skin shines like a pearl in the day and night time. She once works for her husband before she was married to the house but this woman standing beside her with head down didn't looks that beautiful or had a shiny skin as her skin looks work out through stress of work..

"May I take permission to head home with my son milady?" The woman asked,

"Of course, I want to see where you live with your son. I can't fully just leave when I found my daughter through the help if your boy" Mrs. Brett replied. Mercy tried to stop the lady for coming along but she couldn't since she had insisted that she's coming along. She had no choice but to accept her fate even though she never wanted anything. 

They'll walked down to the street. Stopping at the front of a little hut sitting in a middle bif bush around it. 

" It here you live?" Mrs Brett asked, the place was out of living. It's dirty and bushy. Any wild animal that be in the bush at any time waiting to devour on them.

"Yes milady, it where I lived"  Mercy said smiled to the woman, hoping in the back of her mind she should go.  But the lady had another plan. 

"You and your son are going home with me" she stated boldly titles her head like someone in authority. 

"N-No Madam you don't have to worried. I and my son are fine here. There's no dangerous here" 

"No way! I can't allow the boy who helped me to watch over my daughter stayed in this kind of place. Come with me and you'll have all the things you want. Good food and nice roof over heads much better than this place you called a house" 

The woman tried to retort but she couldn't. As the lady keeps on insisting, she wished her son wouldn't have come across her daughter in the first place. She can't go back to the place she was once chase out from..

"You had no choice but to come with me. Now, let's go!" 

Why is this happening to her, after all these years. She chose to run away from her after the deadly warning she had given to her in the past. She was the one insisting for her to come back? Why couldn't her remember her face. Is that how life had changed her looks that bad?. Since Mrs. Brett's keeps on insisting her to go with her, she agreed.

Mercy knows very well this is not good what if she never recognized her face, would her husband do the same? Her heart race to every thought that keeps on pumping on her head. 

After a long walk, they stop at a station place. She wonder why Mrs. Brett is tracking with her daughter when her husband is a well know wealthy man.

"Don't worry the carriage would soon be here anytime soon "  Mrs. Brett's said, bought out her handkerchief and wipe her face. Ever since the two kids hold on to each hands and never let go. Mercy smiled seeing this, she wished they can live as true brother and sister in the future.



Here marked the end of lady Elsie story but some of the scene of her remembrance might pumped up in some chapter or maybe one chapter to continue what happened to her that makes her too obsessed with wealthy...