
Chapter 7 of chapter 6 interesting


Isabella Pov...

I told Marcus how everything he need to know what that bastard did to lady Angela and I'm glad he was interested. He pay more attention to what I was saying. Listening to every details which even  encourage me to catch on talking. 

"That's all. Now, what are you going to do about it?" I asked hoping for his positive response. Please Lord make he agreed to help. 

"I'll make sure that bastard would get off. Don't worry I'll report him to the Duke but you have to do something?" He said. Clapping his fingers on his chin like he was thinking about something. 

"What do you want? Inorder for lady Angela to get Justice I would do it" 

"Okay but you have to promise not to tell your friend about this okay. It better for us to keep it a secret so that bastard would tried that rubbish again. " 

"Okay. My lips are zipped no words will link out. Trust me on this Marcus" I said with full authority ensuring him that I would disappointed him. "Yeah thatmy Isabella but didn't you know the lord who died?" 

Why is he asking me about the dead of the unknown lord. Is he suspecting me on that? What I'm to gained if I killed a lord. I'm not even up to stand to anyone instead of thinking about killing one! 

"B-B-but why Marcus. Did you think I can do that?" I stemmer. " Of course not" he laughed. "You can't even killed a fly not talking about killing a man. I just want to know if you might have known the lord who died not saying you killed him. You should have seen your face"  he laughed again! Making me angry. 

"Now that I see I have told you all I need to tell you I should be on my way. While you laughed all you can" 

"Come on Isabella. I didn't mean that way" 

Beg I could let him finished his words I stromed towards the direction of the door. 

"Good night then. Make you have a beautiful sleep" I snapped the door hardly before he could say a word. Wow, I'm impressed of myself. I can't believe I snapped the door on his face! I should have seen his reaction before I left. That' could have brighten up my mood the more. I giggled remembering the incident. Of course it was humorous. Just the way I was giggling and enjoying the dark shade of the night along the corridor. A hand suddenly cupped on my mouth before I would recite. 

"You should not having been walking alone at this time of the night. My little black lamb"

Oh no! Is he the master of the house! What did he want from me? I struggled fleeing my hands against his hands on my mouth but he was way too strong for me to win over.

"You have the guts to visit another man at late at this hour. Whlie you tell others I break your heart. Oh little lamb you crossed the lone this time" his husty voice echoed lusciously on my ears. Before I knew it I blank out. 

I felt the morning sun on my face. Shining brighten than ever. I don't know where I'm or what happens last night. I heard the morning birds piercing lovely sounds into my ears from outside the window. I smiled and cuddle more on the bed. The bed was soft and it felt so different and I still wonder while Lady Gogo hadn't come to ring her bells?  I stretched my hands hoping to get off my bed. Then I realized the bed size was huge! This is not my bed! Hastily my eyes opened up. I looked at the roof of the room and isn't same with my! I looked around and recognize the room. Is the Duke room! What I'm doing in the Duke room and laying on his bed. Just maybe I'm dreaming and I need to wake up. I entirely shut my eyes hoping that I need to wake up from this dream! And opened it again. I'm still in this room! I laughed it must be nutty. How did I found my way here in the first place? All I remember that I'm heading to my quarter after I reported all I need to tell Marcus not in the Duke room. Then the memories of last night flash through my mind. The way he held my me. The words he whispers into my ears before I passed out. The Duke kidnapped me!  I drags on my hair thinking while he bought me to his room. Did he do that with me?  Hastily I lift my my giwn to check in any thing are loosen on me but then nothing. I  heaved a moan of relief. Thank goodness nothing happens between us. That was relieved.

"You're wake little lamb"  his voice drive me out of my relaxation thought. My gaze turned to him. He was standing magically on the door entrance display his manly features. I could control my gaez as I started passionate at him like a precious piece of jewelry I found. Pictured him from head to toe. He was too hot to irresistible of any woman gaze. I completely forget what I was going to ask him when I see him. But that macular features had blind my eyes. 

"You love what you see little lamb?" I was still lust in his looks. "You need to cover up your mouth before some insect find their way in as a home" he said approaching. I didn't know my mouth was opened all this while. I quickly close my mouth, feeling embarrassed of what just happened. I can't believe myself I was lost in his features! That's a mess! 

"My precious little lamb. You now have guts to see a man at night. Huh?" His hard fingers lifted up my jawline to gaze directly into his eyes. I bit nervously on my lips as my eyes staring consecutive into his dark eyes. I swallowed. "So cute. With the  you're acting will makes me to eat you up" 

"W-W-why am I here?" I shy asked. Trying to get my gaze away from his face but I can't. 

"Because I need you" he said slow as his words drives shiver down my thighs. I can believe the way I'm feeling toward him. Why am I turning this horny when he haven't touched me? 

"Please, my lord I'll like to go and attend to my duties" 

"I bought you here and I decided when you leave. Okay" his fingers were still on my chin. 

What really didn't he wants from me. His face didn't see he was happy. Just like the insensitive as his face were all the time. 

"Get off the bed" his cruel voice commands. Showing no emotions or whatsoever. What did he want to do with me? I slowly get off the bed bewilder. 

"Now strip" his cold eyes were on me. Why did he want me to strip? "I said you should strips! What are you waiting for?" 

I was stunned by his words. I didn't co anything wrong but why the treatment. I know he was described as a heartless man but never in my wild dream will I believe he would soon treats me just the way he was describe.  I have served him all this while but never have he asked me to strip in front of him while he watched satisfied.

"M-My lord please. If I have done anything that upset you I would accept any other punishment but not this one" I pleaded with watery tears start climbing their way down my cheeks.

But he didn't say a word as his dark eyes stared at me with lust. 


My heart skipped as he ignored my tears and continue staring like I mean nothing to him. They were right he's a beast! All that he had been doing for me was for I to end up in his bed. That's what the lords did to their maids. I have forgotten my place that I'm nothing but a slave to him. 

He clapped his fingers and a Butler man appeared in the room with a tray. He simply placed it down close to the stool beside the bed. He bowed a little and left with putting a gaze on me. My heart were still racing for it life. afraid of what he wants to do to me.  Did he wants to punished me for ignoring him all this while? Is that the reasone for the punishment. 

"I'm waiting" he drags on the wine bottle which was earlier bought in by the Butler and gulped on it without pouring it on the glass

I know the Duke have seen my naked before. So why hurting myself more instead to just do what he asked me to.  I swallowed. And loosen the ropes on the gown while his eyes portraits on me with no sign of blinking.