
Chapter 5 of chapter 5 You're mine

You're mine.....

Isabella pov....

My heart skipped the more at every steps I takes on the stairs. The master of the house wants me in his chamber? That's not a good idea at all. What do him wants these time? I was happy that I had the chance to be away from him all these days but it looks like these free chance are about to stops and turns into wrong chance... 

Marcus could read from my nervous state,as I stayed slient all through the way. He tried making me talked but no words comes out. The only sound I could makes, was nodding on my head to every thing he said whether agreed or disagree. 

At least that works reducing my nervousness a bit little. But the moment we gets to the chamber entrance, the tension of my nervousness increase the more, At same time, cupped with fear and immediate cold hugs on my skin. Makes me shrivers, only the thought of his name I was drowning. I couldn't dare to open the door. It was trying to make a decision whether go to heaven or hell. It's a choice to make as I stands in the gate of hell thinking to going back that I have made the wrong decision.

Marcus gets more frustrating, it's have been minutes standing at the door to open yet I had make no moves not even an intention of opening the door before me. It was hard for me to pushed just a doorknob. He gets more impatient and did it himself and grumbled in.  The door is open, I my heart skipped the more. I inhale in air and also exhale out. Shakes myself up to stand and face the only man I was terrified of. The Duke, to me the Master of the house. 

I steps in shakily and my eyes immediately spot the master chief of all. He was sitting majestically on a white delicate couch, hands spread at both side of the handles. He look so hot on that white shirt he wore. And the pairs of dark pant and shoe. He was just prefect. Prefect for any woman to have expected for me. To me, he might be hot and desirable to all types but a wicked master, he always has his way when he wants it. I really didn't know much about him or what he's capable of doing. But the few I have study about him, he was a man of power and authority as in his possession. 

He question me up , with me not showing up at the right time. I tried to speak but my words was stuck. Yeah, stuck in my throat, they refused to come out and defend me this times I want they most. But Marcus quickly speak up  for me, the master of the house didn't care about his explaination either. His voice sounds more cold than usual. Like it's was be mixed up with ice and fire. Yes, just like the Winter and summer that's how the Master of the house voice is.  He was hard to understand and hard to read also study. I can't really predicted this man attitude. He just changed the way he wants, with no one interfere in it. 

Even when he ordered Marcus to leave, I know he's up to thing and wants me to paid dearly for it. Like I say you can't predicted him,so I don't really know what he wants to do with me. But if anything, it's not going to be good. 

"Let me know when he hurts you, okay" Marcus whispered to me before he left place a softy kiss on my forehead. The deadly gaze by the man sitting on the couch couldn't allowed me to say anything to him. But inside of me I don't want he to leave, I want him to stays. Stay until I'm done with whatsoever he wants me to do but he left. 

Immediately, Marcus left, his gaze become more terrifying than ever. As it Pierce through my flesh to my inner soul. His looks were more deadly and dangerous. It hard to looks into his eyes at the state. As he gone on with what he's going to do with me. Besides, I'm his handmaid after, and he's my master. The master that's I never needed to serve under, now I'm serving under him. There nothing more terrifying than this...... 

"Why haven't you restart work?" He finally asked, after been a while of his deadly stares on me. He finally break the slience in the room.

"I...I start now, if you want" I stermmer,

"That doesn't answer my question, why... Haven't....you... restart....work.? He break down the words slightly to me to answer him the correct question he asked for.

"I... I'm sorry my lord, I have been lately busy with the other duties. Sorry I neglect your orders" 

"That's doesn't explain anything" 

I gulped up and slowly stared at the man before me. He was so fucking serious as his face was wear by coldness and fire. His eyes were speaking of a burning flames and yet his face was automatically cold that snowflake fall down the sky in winter. He was like a icy king sitting on the icy chair. 

"You're going to be punished for that, that's one of the reasons you're my handmaid!" 

Punishment? He said? All of a sudden? That's was the least I was expecting but not too early. It was already getting late but this man seem to enjoyed my stumbling before him. Like it his favorite tone on earth. 

Quickly I placed my head down again, it was too scary to looks at that face. Did anyone offend him that makes his mood this cold? I wondered as I prayed slient for my life not to been taken by him. 

"Stands up" his cold voice command, l stood up slowly head staring at the floor. 

"I want your face on me"  l looked up at him with an immediate command.  And I bet that dangerous smirks slid on the sides of his lips. He sure does love to see me humiliated right in front of him.. that's one of his best wishes in life...for people to feel low self defence around him.

"Tell me, what kind of punishment would you like to have. At least I'm giving you a choice to make" he grabs

"Was that necessary my lord?" 

"No one give you the order to speaks. I just asked you a simple question and deserve a simple answer" 

"Since my punishment was I didn't came to clean up your chamber that I should to. Then let's my punishment be cleaning the chamber today and now"

He chuckled, that was intimating chuckled. 

"You think you have the right to make decisions." He stops and took his glass cup and sip off it, eyes strolling up and down on me like a wild fire burning through the entire bushes. "That was quite a choice you know. But you're wrong" 

"Wrong about what?" I asked innocently,

He stood from his seat, close the distance between us. "That's I'm the only one who had the right to make a decision here. What happened and when it happens. Do you understand my little black lamb" 

I nods, absolutely to his command, I'm the slave and he's the master. " Good" I can feel his hot enchanting breath on my face. He was so fucking close to me. Planning to eat me up or something. He didn't move not an inch. I felt so uncomfortable, my face were down, I couldn't looked up because I'm afraid to. What must have be so amazing that he's glancing on me. I move a bit backwards and he followed. What?  I moved again and he followed, this was frustrating! I was trying to stay away from him and he keeps move closer to me. The more I tried, the more steps he takes. Untill I felt my back hits a wall. 

"Are you done moving?" His seductive voice asked. He even lean in more closer there was no space between us. No space for me to runs away!. 

"Oh my goodness, you're fucking sexy" he groaned, his fingers slid slowly on my hand skin, tracing it way down to my breast. I bit on my lips not to let out a moans. 

"Look at me!" he command, I had no choice but to looks into his burning eyes. It was beautiful and full of desire. Could look away as I fixed my eyes on his. 

"That's my girl" 

His fingers didn't stops there as they cupped on my virgin breasts. Slowly sliding on the circle rounded shape of the breast. This time I could hold on my moans as I let it out. 

He chuckled, loving the sound my mouth makes. "That's more like"  his eyes never moves from mine. I felt so powerless, that I couldn't believe I'm the one slowly falling under his submission.