
Chapter 13 of chapter 7 Dead wind

Marcus Pov.....

I walked into the part of the garden as my eyes wander around searching for her. 

"Lily!" I called still looking around if I would catch a glimpse of her but no! Sight of her around. I know she run toward to this way. Which direction will she had taken. 

With the sight of fear, I heard a dripping sound of the water. There must be a swamp on the other part. So, I count my steps there. 

"Lily!" I called. While walking. I don't know why she want to leave me. I know I had been rude to her and I promise to make things right theses time. 

With the gentle steps I take, I called her name again "Lily?" But no answer. I shut my eyes and prayer she should be here.

When I got to the spot. Just when I opened my eyes. 

My eyes widened in shock. It's my lady Lily, she fell into the little swamp in the garden and she's unconscious and drowning!


I screamed out of my sleep. Looking frighten, l looked besides me and seen she was still sleeping, the doctor said she needed  some rest before she finally recovery. 

But since there, she hadn't opened her eyes. I was still a bit worries mad scared. I can't lose her, she had become a part of me.  I touch her beautiful face,

"Lilah, please be well for me okay?" 

My fingers moved to her lips and slid slowly on her hearted shaped lips, it was so beautiful and tempting to kiss. 

Just that moment, someone knocked on the door. "Milord!" I heard Rough voice. What did that idiot want for me? Can he see I need some space with my woman? 

I stormed out of the bed angrily and approach the door. When I barge the door opened instead of yelling at him, 

"You must..." I couldn't complete my words when I saw someone behind him. It was the Duke.  His eyes were already in his state of his vampire form. That's means one thing, someone might have touch the lion tail. And Rough was shivering like he was close to a big bad wolf.


"I need you out now" he said calmly and walked away while I followed him behind. 

When we entered his study room, he stumped on the chair tirelessly like a part of him was gone.  What must have happened that breaks down the Duke.  He had never seen these weak and same time angry. Is it about the coming up election. But the day haven't been announced yet and all preparation are already done for him to win the race. Then, what must have be eating him up.? 

"I want to you, to gather your men and tell the m to check the whole mansion for my Isabella" 

Wait! Is Isabella missing. With curiosity and shocked, I asked. " What happens to her? Is she missing?" 

" Let said the stupid mistress of mine order men to take her to the dungeon. And I don't know should one them had take her to. I want you to find Isabella as soon as possible. And bring that idiot Elsie to me right in the court room. I think it time to set things straight with her" He yells. 

I could feel the fire burning inside of him but never wants to question him about anything. Isabella also means a lot to me, she was my friend back in Lord Mayors, andi can't lose two women on the day. 

I didn't obliged and carry his instructions, heading out firmly. I could also feel myself burning in rage. If anything happens to Isabella,  I would be the one that would chop off lady Elsie head. She had taken this too far this time. Firstly, she intended to stab her after the locked in the dungeon hoping that would sit things straight in her head. 

She still have the guts to asked the guards to dragged her to the dungeon. 

"Marcus!" He called my name. I turned and my eyes meet his burning gaze. 

"I want the men who are involved in this be put in the dead wind" he said coldly. 

I nods and went out. Immediately I was out, I slapped my fingers. Rough appears for behind.

"Milord" he bowed 

"Get all the men in charge of the all the dungeons and send them to me. Some idiots have forgotten the orders they should be taking" 

" Okay, milord" 

" But first, take the men to all the different dungeons in the mansion and find the black maid with blue eyes. Make sure it isn't more than 15 minutes" I instructed coldly. Rough bowed and run out. 

What I hate most when some idiots tried to prove they are in control while they are not. Just some pet borrow to occupy some space for the meantime. That doesn't means then would be changed after the right owner comes back. 

The one thing Lady Elsie have forgotten. She did have a place on the heart of the Duke except Isabella. I don't know why she never wants to accept that. 

Now, she had done something she shouldn't have done. Laying a hand on the Duke precious gem.

Lady Elsie, you didn't know what coming your way. I have never like her before or even appreciate. Let's just say I don't like any of the Duke mistresses. They are always full of one certain thing, obsession of power and wealth... That what them value and hold to their heart. There's no true love as all seen to secure their position in the mansion but the exciting part, them always fall in the deepest hole. Wants to have more than rhey already had. Too much obsession lead to death Lady Elsie I don't know why they don't learn their mistakes for each other.

What a asshole women they are? Irritating and fucking annoying. I wonder whenre the Duke and his father seen them from!..?

Just then I took the men I want to escort to the dungeon where Lady Elsie was kept. 

I bet she would foolishly thought the Duke wants her back in his life. Stupid..

At least that would lighten my mood because I am bored all these while. She should just prayed nothing happened to Isabella...