
His Generation

Salim finding himself in new school and facing a new environment with new people. at that moment a mystery adventure begins with rules.

AbuAbdu · Realistic
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2 Chs

Foot In Grandfisher Chapter 1

I grasped the edge of my dress shirt, pulling and tugging it so it wouldn't hug my figure so much. This it it, today is the day.

I looked up at the school in front of me. The words, "Grandfisher All Boys Highschool."

The most prestigious high school in my nation.

I casually poked my chest, earning a couple of strange looks from students passing by.

I didn't normally chest bind and it felt so weird, but at least the school uniform covered most of it.

I looked up once again and sighed. Why did I have to do this?


What the hell?

"NO HOMO!" (I'm not against gays so don't fight me)

My back crashed onto the hard, concrete ground. I couldn't help, but gasp and touch my male wig, hoping it wouldn't have fallen.

He almost snatched my wig holy shit.

His body lunged forward, landing on top of me. These guys in this school don't even deserve to be here.

"Hey, watch where your going!" I yelled, pushing the guy off of me.

That's when I got a good look at him. This guy was by far cuter than the guys in my old school. He had sparkling blue eyes that matched with his hair. He even had the same uniform as me, but instead with the jacket on his shoulders lazily, like he didn't even bother to put it on.

"Geez, no need to be rude. I yelled no homo anyway."

I rolled my eyes at him, looking back at the school in front of me.

Prestigious my ass.

Suddenly, he snapped his fingers in front of me.

"Apologize, or did your mom never teach you manners?" He asked, smirking a bit.

I took one last glare at him and walked off. The sounds of laughter was echoing behind me. I turned around just to see what the commotion was about. A group of guys surrounded him and started laughing and pointing at me.

Damn brats.

I only have to survive for this one year and I'll be okay. I can finally leave.

I walked through the school's doors and saw the bathroom. I smiled, remembering what my orders was and walked into the bathroom. It was heavily sprayed with fabreeze, but had such extravagant decorations. The bathroom was big, having a chandelier hung up from the ceiling and beautiful flowers around. The school was mostly filled with the color blue and had blue walls with gold accents. I'm not going to lie, everything was beautiful about this school.

"Hey, Salim!

I turned to the side and saw my brother, Mathew. Mathew was the most popular guy in this school and was a huge athlete. He took the basketball team to nationals before. That's how good he was. Mathew knew about my situation and told me he wanted to meet me before anyone comes into the bathroom.

I smiled at him and waved at him slowly.

He instantly put his hand in front of my face and started waving it in front of me.

"Don't do that. Guys don't do that. Play it cool," Mathew uttered, putting his hand down and looking at me with an annoyed look.

Mathew had green eyes and green hair. He didn't look related to me at all because my dad had other flings and he didn't get my mother's traits like I did. His jawline was sharp along with his nose. That's what made him popular. That's what made my dad such an attention getter.

I was the opposite of him. My mom was another fling and is a waitress. I can't afford this school. I just have a job to do. At least it's helping me with my education. A school like this must have some higher class things to teach us and has a bunch of rich and powerful people. Good to make connections with just in case.

"Rule number one, don't fall in love."

I glanced at Mathew, raising my eyebrow slightly. He smacked my head.

"What the-"

"You are a guy, remember? If you blow your cover, everyone will shame my family and they will kick your ass out of here and you won't be able to seek any education except for peasant ones."

Peasant ones? Is this what this guy thinks of me? I slowly nodded, curling my fingers into a fist slightly.

"Rule number two, don't fuck with my group. What I mean by that is avoid popular people or popularity in general. Next thing you know, you will take your shirt off and show everyone your binds. Then, your cover is blown."

"Rule number three, be invisible. The more people you know, the more clubs you join, the more attention you will get. If I hear anybody gossip about you once I will yell at you. We don't want people to uncover your secret."

"Rule number four, don't reveal your secret. It's easy and I don't even need to explain it."

"Rule number five, no dating, no kissing, no nothing. Your only here to get education, you hear me?"

I nodded, slowly putting my head down. Echoes of teenagers talking started to erupt from the hallways. People were piling in slowly, but surely.

I turned to walk out, only to be stopped by my brother once again.

"Don't fall in love."

Does he really think I will fall in love easily?

I walk out into the abyss of students, analyzing all the guys at once.

Maybe it will be harder than I thought.

Chapter two coming... soon hang here🤗