

"For our saviour has determined us to be above them, we will be what he wished for!" The loud voice could be heard echoing through the heavy, wooden entrance door. Following a brief moment of silence, a lone voice started chanting, using words I could not understand. The echo of multiple other voices joined soon after. Only a few collective words were comprehensible and I was happy to find that, wherever I was, people spoke the same language as me.

"We are the chosen... The time will come... Their men will thrive... As they devote themselves for our joint task,... may they be favored by God..." while listening I made my way around the church. On the backside of the building, a very small door lead me inside.

The light of the candles bounced against the only pieces of furniture. Next to a bed standing in the corner a wooden bookshelf filled with leather bound books took most of the rooms space. A small table stood below a tall window on the other side of the room, stacks of paper filled the tabletop. No light came through the window, making the books content difficult to read. Books like "The Voice of God" and "Collection of the Church Service Chants" suggested that the person living there was religious and likely a pastor.

Other, more questionable books with titles such as "Owning Men" and "Religious Studies of Mens Superiority" were about things that made me question the author's and either the priests or the Church's morals. If such things were common there, I would have been disappointed with the head of the state. As I was thinking of that, while turning around, I jumped. Through the window I saw a man looking straight at me. He had pale skin, light blond hair and shadows were bouncing below his cheekbones. I was scared. I did not know who he was, but he seemed to be just as scared; he had a scary facial expression, but his eyes were wide open. As he did not move, I started to run to the back door. Only as I started moving, I realized, that that man was not somebody else. 'He' had copied my movements perfectly and was standing in front of a large bookshelf. But it was not me, either.

My skin had gotten lighter, my facial structure had changed, and I grew 40 centimeters. I could not recognize myself. I scared myself. Who was I? I had forgotten. I had no memories of the time before I got into bed last night.

A door opened in the room next to the one I was in. "Father Joné, tell me how I can live free." The demanding tone of voice came from a women, and made it sounded like she asked for something she had been promised. "You were born to work for our greater cause, you do not have the ability to equal ours." Whatever she wanted, the woman did not seem to get it, she sounded upset. "Then why would I even bother working?!" I heard her trample to the door. The pastor did not seem to want her to leave. "Wait! I have an Idea. You do not need to work, just live with me from now on and you will be better off. Then, you could do whatever you want."

"No!" She sounded upset and embarrased. "Aren't people from the church not supposed to have partners?!" The sound of steps got closer to the door the two came from.

"That does not matter!" After a short pause he continued "Come here! You do not know whats good for you!" A loud squeal ran through my ears.

A door slammed against the wall as it was kicked open. A hinge broke off, the door was leveraged on the remaining one, hanging sideways.