
Chapter 7: Pet Life Part III

"Shall I call another carriage to transport her to the castle?" Demetri had paid the shop keeper then walked towards the entrance.

"Yes that is alright. I will accompany her." He stated as he looked at the Vampire help of the shop to remove her from the glass box. Demetri was surprised by his response but nodded.

"I will meet up with you after while. Enjoy." He exited the shop and continued his way around the village.

The young girl was removed from the box but her weak body began to fall to the ground. Ezra smoothly grasped her arm before she hit the floor and then quickly let go. "Walk." He commanded.

She didn't look at him when he caught her fall but she was so weak and exhausted. She could feel her stomach grow hungry which made her feel weaker. She was dirty, humiliated and confused about everything that has happened. Her wounds ached so much that she hadn't paid attention to what the Vampire said.

"Are you deaf?" Ezra placed his palm on the curvature of her spine and forcefully

pushed her forward. She immediately reached her arms out to catch herself as she breathed heavily.

Ezra rolled his eyes, becoming annoyed with her already but she began to step forward. The sun peered itself over her as she left the dark shop to stand in front of a carriage. Her eyes squinted until she was adjusted to the brightness. Four large blackened horses stood hooked up to the carriage. It was fairly large and hand carved as everything usually was. For a moment she felt freedom, standing out in the sun. It was warm and crisp against her fair skin.

Snapping back into reality, she was startled by someone placing ropes around her wrists in front of her body. She quickly looked up to see the vampire whom just purchased her get into the carriage. The person handed the rest of the rope to Ezra which he then only jerked it so to pull her into the enclosed carriage.

She was hesitant and fearful for her life, but she stepped in and sat on the wooden bench across from the man. Cowering in a corner, he noticed her heart picking up in pace. He smiled and leaned over to close the opened windows of the carriage.

"Do you speak?" She didn't answer which tested his patience.

"Shall I take you back?" He eyed her. Tilting his head as he took each feature in from her feet up to the top of her head. Surprised by her sudden movement to stare at him, "No." She blurted, almost as if she was fearless for a moment because her heart quickly calmed down.

"It does speak." He gave her a smirked look before asking another question, "What is your name?"

Her lips quivered. "K-Katerina." She murmured.

"Do you know who I am?" She didn't respond.

"I take that as a no." He looked away from her. "As my pet I expect you to answer my questions at all times. Do you understand?" Her eyes averted him with no response again.

With annoyance still fuming inside him, he moved to the other side of the carriage to sit next to her. She had placed herself so close to the corner that now he was there and definitely wasn't letting her move away from him. His eyes brightened in color intensity as he snarled at her, "Is that clear?" His voice deepened, demonic-like as he refrained from touching her. In reality, he wanted to sink his teeth into her skin and drain her until she was completely dry.

Katerina gulped her fear, trying to calm down her shaking breath that only excited Ezra to the next level. She couldn't find the words to speak but before she could he had whisked the ginger knotted locks away from her neck. Her body froze underneath his touch. She continued to stare away from him as he leaned in to smell the nape of her neck.

"Maybe I was not clear enough." Ezra wound the excess rope connected to her wrist around his hand and began to pull with his unnatural strength. "I believe I said.." his lips hovered over her neck, breathing against it. "Do you understand me?" By this time, his tongue had begun to slither up her neck, over her bruisings and to her ear.

The ropes were starting to etch into her skin, causing her to wince from the pain. With no response still, he pulled once more to cause an excruciatingly amount of pain that immediately made her yelp. His eyes widened at the noise that came from his pet and he retracted his tongue from her skin and curled his lips into a smile. "Such a sweet cry..I'm sure you can now answer me, pet."

His touch brought a shattering feeling to her as she never has been touched by another man before. The ropes were now causing her wrists to bleed. She didn't understand this. Why, she thought. Her body still stiff, her lips murmured to him, "Y-yes.."

He released the ropes which caused a feeling of relief to her. "Such innocence.." he felt disgusted by her purity but drawn to it at the same time. He reached over and pulled her chin to lock eyes for a moment.

"It seems that I will have to train you.." his voice trailed off.