
A different approach

She was trying to keep a calm face but I could tell that she was gradually losing her patience. I was still studying her when I heard Grandpa speak again.

"We have all heard what you have to say Mr Blake and I as his grandfather..."

Grandpa said but then, kept quiet for a while before he continued.


He said, not looking at anyone in particular.

"I do not agree to my grandson getting married to your daughter. I already like my granddaughter-in-law. And what was it you said"?

He asked as though he was trying to remember something.

"Aha, power, status, connection"?

He waved his hand away as though all that meant nothing to him.


He said hitting his hand on his chest gently".

"... will give all that to her. As long as she is the one he wants, I... His grandfather... will give her everything".

He said in finality.


We finally heard Melissa speak. Grandpa looked at her, waiting for her to continue.